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[RELEASE] Xperience1080 v0.9b (nightlies only)
is there a way to add one or two clean add-on panels in main menue, that can activated in skin options ?? one panel have then up to 8 or 10 "+" buttons how can configured also the other "+" buttons in music panel or so? i have 6 video addons and 8 audio addons and my wish where they all on one or two add-on panels Huh
-- please forgive me for my bad english -- :blush:
If Its ok to make à request, i really miss to be able to se current time on the osd when i press the info button
Thanks yet again for a absolutely wonderful skin. I have two questions;
- Is it possible to replicate the grey background from the frontpage, on all other pages? E.g. grey/silver background when browsing tv shows? I have disabled fanart, and tried looking in the extra folder but I was unable to find this background. I even tried googling for the default placement of stage .jpeg, and the only thing i found was a gradient .png.

- With regards to the picture section, how easy/difficult is it to add another view or more information to the picture? I suspect more information would need to be supported by XBMC itself right?

Thanks yet again!! =)
Carb0 Wrote:If you're using Mediaportal as the PVR backend, you can add a video source with the following path:
pvr://channels/tv/All Channels/

Choose "Sort by: File" in the folder options, add it to your favorites, then to your homescreen and you can watch LiveTV in Xperience1080. Unfortunately without EPG. It may work with other backends too, but I didn't try it.

I didn't know this. I will try : ) . Thanks.
samzstein Wrote:i've been bugging him about tv show logo support for long time, maybe if enough of us request it 'Black will change his mind. I can't give the guy too much shit, he does such great work for the community and I hope he knows how much we all appreciate it.

Bkam Wrote:If Its ok to make à request, i really miss to be able to se current time on the osd when i press the info button

This is done, check github or wait for the next repo release.

Sure but I won't add it.

There is an overlay on the home screen, check line 125 in Includes_WindowContents.xml... you might want to change every black_content.png to white_content.png but I would only recommend it for the views with stage, posterlist and tripanel. For that you would have to add a variable, set the visible condition of the white_content to Control.IsVisible(52) | Control.IsVisible(54) and set the black_content as default value.
Hi any chance to get a option in movies, to see movie collections?
like in this screen (5-9th post:http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=84990)
@Black. Hey again, quick question, is there any way to add options to dashboard selections sub-menu's? Eg. I'd like playlist "DVD's and HD Movies" to show up in sub-menu of the "Movies" option without having to access that videos option. There are also a few options there that I'd like to remove. Thanks again.
How can I disabled the kind of fog on the background ?

I searched for many hours and still nothing.
Hi black!

love the skins you make! specially this one...

one problem i have with it, is that the now playing info is not updating. posted screens below.
running Eden B3 PVR branch on a windows machine. i was thinking of checking the XML files to see if i can find the problem myself, but i just cant find the right one.

also i have been adjusting my MKV's so they are perfect Wink they now contain chapter info and i had an idea of adding a specific new window: Chapter list.
the ability to select a specific chapter title from movie selection and/or videoOSD.
would be awesome!

i managed to get xbmc to display the current chapter titles in your skin next to the time and during seek. unfortunately the updates changed the files Tongue
i used the code from PM3's DialogFullScreenInfo.xml and added it to yours.
it was something like : $INFO[Player.Chapter,$LOCALIZE[21396]: ]$INFO[Player.ChapterCount, / ]$INFO[Player.ChapterName, (,)]

anyway, keep up the good work!

Unlikely a skin problem... anyone else has it?
other skins don't have the same problem :S any suggestions what it might be?
Bug with the pvr build maybe? Please try the official Beta 3.
you where right Smile

what do you think about the chapters option?
WOW! Just installed this and am blown away by the look and feel of it! Huge props

How can I add more categories? I am currently using aeon mq3 and I love the custom menu options. I have a menu set for my wife with all the addons/folders she uses in there.

Can I achieve this with this skin? It looks like I just need to be able to add a category and add her addons to it but cant find how to add a new category

any ideas?
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