Hi black!
love the skins you make! specially this one...
one problem i have with it, is that the now playing info is not updating. posted screens below.
running Eden B3 PVR branch on a windows machine. i was thinking of checking the XML files to see if i can find the problem myself, but i just cant find the right one.
also i have been adjusting my MKV's so they are perfect

they now contain chapter info and i had an idea of adding a specific new window: Chapter list.
the ability to select a specific chapter title from movie selection and/or videoOSD.
would be awesome!
i managed to get xbmc to display the current chapter titles in your skin next to the time and during seek. unfortunately the updates changed the files

i used the code from PM3's DialogFullScreenInfo.xml and added it to yours.
it was something like : $INFO[Player.Chapter,$LOCALIZE[21396]: ]$INFO[Player.ChapterCount, / ]$INFO[Player.ChapterName,
anyway, keep up the good work!