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XBMC Constellation For iPad/iPhone by FSS.cc (unofficial remote)
Ahh Smile , Thanks a million , bye bye MCE remote Big Grin
Awesome app, especially on an iPad, love it, got the paid version straight away.
This question was probably answered before but I can't seem to find it...
How do you add any channel to the "live tv" menu? Is that definitely linked to EPG on another decoder/device?
You have to use a special version of xbmc called XBMC-PVR http://forum.xbmc.org/forumdisplay.php?fid=136
Mainly you have pick up a DVB card for your HTPC and pick a backend most of the DVB cards are supported by Openelec-PVR out of the box just plug and play. The Live TV function will go to XBMC mainline after EDEN will hit final. XBMC-PVR is as stable as the latest XBMC I have been using this for 2 or 3 years now and Back in the old days this was a real PITA... but now it's flawless for me.
If you are a linux user go with the https://www.lonelycoder.com/tvheadend/ backend it's stable and simple if you think you have the time and skills go for VDR 1.7.x Smile

Would you like to join our beta testing team ? PM me :)
XBMC Constellation on Facebook
Thanks, I'll stick to my Mac Mini with on demand add ons and live tv like bbc et al Smile
First off al i want to say thanks for this super app.
I using it from the moment my remote stopped working, and this is a super remote.

I just have one question about the fastforward option, when i press the fastforward button it wil skip a few seconds but is there a way of pressing it, and then the movie goes fastforward, and when i release it the movie starts playing again ?
HTPC 1 : OSMC 4K, Titan Bingie
HTPC 2 : Nvidia Shield 4K, Titan Bingie
Hi dev team,

Do you plan add possibility to search movie by actor ? As this function already exists in xbmc.
(2012-03-21, 13:05)FSS_Dawid Wrote:
(2012-03-21, 03:10)Columbus007 Wrote: I've been using XBMC Constellation (v1.9) on my iPod Touch (iOS 5.1) for a while, and really like it... When I upgraded to ver 2.1, it won't start anymore - it just goes to blank screen for a second, then quits. Is anyone else seeing this?

I'm Really sorry for that one a proper update is in Apples Review

Thanks! I just mentioned it because I couldn't find it mentioned in the forum yet. Great job, btw, and I look forward to using the new version!

Is to get the text of these icons? and option to add and remove that capping the icons?

I'm also with this problem from the youtube videos does not show thumbnails

(2012-03-20, 13:32)NaDs Wrote: Image

i have also noticed when u enqueue files from youtube they dont show any name or thumbnail in video playlists

can this be changed??


(2012-03-22, 16:13)iorifly Wrote: Fss.
Is to get the text of these icons? and option to add and remove that capping the icons?

I'm also with this problem from the youtube videos does not show thumbnails

(2012-03-20, 13:32)NaDs Wrote: i have also noticed when u enqueue files from youtube they dont show any name or thumbnail in video playlists

can this be changed??

Plugin Overlay will be changed in v2.1.3
YouTube playlist v2.2

Thanks for pointing that out.

Would you like to join our beta testing team ? PM me :)
XBMC Constellation on Facebook
(2012-03-20, 11:37)Burbulence Wrote:
(2012-03-20, 00:54)Synes Wrote: Updated to new version and came across this issue in the 'movie list' view.
Alphabetical characters are replaced by numbers...

Anyone got a similar view/issue ?

That's because of the way you have the movies sorted, i'm guess by recently added? The scroll bar changes to match the sorting as A doesn't follow B in this sorting method. If you change to sort by year the scroll bar changes to years...

ok that was it Blush cheers !
Been waiting for an app like this for years, makes my iPad 3,3 worth it. Thanks.
The pro version is a must!

However, I share my MacBook connection with my appletv.

My apple tv ip is

And my Mac is 192.168.100

How can I get this working on the apple tv too?
You can add multiple connections via the menu (cog in the upper left)... You'd fill out the settings similar to how you did it for the Mac, just with the different IP address.
HTPC 1: 64-bit Quad Core 3.4GHz Athlon X4 / 16GB DDR3 / (8) 2TB / 42" Vizio / Windows 8.1 (x64) / IIS 8.5
HTPC 2: 64-bit Quad Core 2.0GHz / 8GB DDR3 / 1TB / Windows 8.1 (x64) / IIS 8.5
My Personal Blog - NewsDemon | Text size doesn't seem to be working anymore for signatures?
(2012-03-23, 06:08)Archigos Wrote: @tdhz,
You can add multiple connections via the menu (cog in the upper left)... You'd fill out the settings similar to how you did it for the Mac, just with the different IP address.

Thank you for your help (first of all) However, I can access the browser from my computer at, but not from my ipad.I can access my Mac XBMC from Constellation too.

Connection Settings: Router MAC Subnet

AppleTV Router/DNS
Same Subnet as PC.

Are your mac router iPad 3 and atv all on the same gateway/DNS?

Just out of curiosity why is your atv on a different ip range?
The specific forum for Constellation can be found Here.

If anyone is looking for a usenet account try here, great unlimited service!
(2012-03-20, 13:32)NaDs Wrote: Image

Any thoughts on having different view types for video playlist and music playlists,
Would be good to see bigger thumbnail pics of video playlists, or even make it take up the full page

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