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[RELEASE] Xperience1080 v0.9b (nightlies only)
(2012-03-16, 19:27)`Black Wrote: An edit control in the keyboard dialog makes no sense because you can already type there... and to open the keyboard every time you focus search on the homescreen isn't an option. There is no good solution currently and as I said, you can't hide the keyboard when using a remote. Also I would need to change how the script works.

d@m so close
Hi Black,

1. Currently there's only 4 categories available. Any chance this might be extendable?
2. When using movie sets: movie count seems to be ignoring those in its count: not sure whether it's skin-related or XBMC-issue.

Hi black,

I made a new version for the french translation


Where can I find these icons, and the other ones for the home screen?


(2012-02-12, 17:55)krish_2k4 Wrote: Image

Made 2 more icons, one for film four and a simple HD icon which was requested.

download all 9 icons here

(2012-03-19, 13:03)CuFk Wrote: Where can I find these icons, and the other ones for the home screen?


(2012-02-12, 17:55)krish_2k4 Wrote: Image

Made 2 more icons, one for film four and a simple HD icon which was requested.

download all 9 icons here

Try here http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=122991

This UI is delicious, thank you. It makes XBMC a whole lot less clunky.
Has a solution for this: ->


How to have this view?


Having trouble with TV banners, posters are fine, read a bunch of related posts after searching this thread.

I have all my banner.jpg's and folder.jpg's in the correct folders, I have tried clearing the database and re-adding the TV library twice, also after changing the TVDB scraper to 'Prefer posters'? Is there still a setting for it in the skin settings somewhere?

Maybe it's a problem with the OpenELEC nightly because they don't seem to show in the files view on Confluence either, very confused.
If you're using the repo version, first post says what you have to do:

Quote:Download banners with Artwork Downloader and enable "prefer posters" in the thetvdb scraper settings. Enable locally stored banners in the skin settings (I will drop this setting in future skin version and enabled will be default).
(2012-03-24, 20:32)`Black Wrote: If you're using the repo version, first post says what you have to do:

Quote:Download banners with Artwork Downloader and enable "prefer posters" in the thetvdb scraper settings. Enable locally stored banners in the skin settings (I will drop this setting in future skin version and enabled will be default).

About my problem can help me? Thank you for everything!

(2012-03-24, 20:32)`Black Wrote: If you're using the repo version, first post says what you have to do:

Quote:Download banners with Artwork Downloader and enable "prefer posters" in the thetvdb scraper settings. Enable locally stored banners in the skin settings (I will drop this setting in future skin version and enabled will be default).
Thanks, but I've tried this, I don't see that option in the skin settings either maybe you have removed it now, no big deal anyways I'll just use posters for the moment.
Here's my contribute to the skin: the italian strings. Please include in next release of skin. I'll keep in touch for any modification required.

(2012-02-14, 23:46)`Black Wrote: CDArt is supported but only in the now playing screen of the guide menu.

Amazing skin, I love it.

Any chance you'll add cdart to the music visualization?
(2012-03-22, 04:13)iorifly Wrote: Has a solution for this: ->


How to have this view?


know someone help me?

This has been discussed many times now... you need posters as thumbnail for your tv shows.
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