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[RELEASE] Xperience1080 v0.9b (nightlies only)
Maybe something happened in the way I exported the font. Of note I would like to say that the original Cyberbit font file I fused this with was also 13,4 MB so the big increase in size in somewhat explainable. I'll look later and see if I can shrink it's size.
(2012-05-09, 23:33)wolfodeiwolfy Wrote: Ok, so I don't how my 9 month old son did it because up arrow make the movie go 10 minutes ahead and down 10 minutes back...

I solved this with a reinstallation of xperience1080.

Thanks for this tip


Press 'm', then you can change the position of the seekbar/controls with up/down.

(2012-05-09, 23:33)wolfodeiwolfy Wrote:
(2012-05-08, 23:42)Japaja Wrote:
(2012-05-08, 20:49)wolfodeiwolfy Wrote: I noticed today something very weird.

When I clic my button to have dialogseekbar, weather and time are place at the bottom of the screen instead of duration and time remaining. And duration and time remaining are place at the top of the screen instead of weather and time.

I don't know why it happens

Can you help?


It's a users choice/option. By pressing arrow up the seek-bar moves top and weather down and pressing arrow down does the opposite.

Ok, so I don't how my 9 month old son did it because up arrow make the movie go 10 minutes ahead and down 10 minutes back...

I solved this with a reinstallation of xperience1080.

Thanks for this tip


Yes, but when u turn on the OSD.. then u can move it. See `Black's post above.
When I hit c (context menu) it shows the menu at the bottom right of my TV screen but is so far down that half the menu is missing off the screen. Was working fine until the last sync with the GIT repository.
I have the same issue, must be from the GIT sync
(2012-05-10, 16:40)Japaja Wrote:
(2012-05-09, 23:33)wolfodeiwolfy Wrote:
(2012-05-08, 23:42)Japaja Wrote: It's a users choice/option. By pressing arrow up the seek-bar moves top and weather down and pressing arrow down does the opposite.

Ok, so I don't how my 9 month old son did it because up arrow make the movie go 10 minutes ahead and down 10 minutes back...

I solved this with a reinstallation of xperience1080.

Thanks for this tip


Yes, but when u turn on the OSD.. then u can move it. See `Black's post above.

Ok, OSD, I see this.

Thanks for your answers
`Black, your script playerevents is crashing XBMC on exit. I [ur]=http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=131309]started[/url] a thread about this crashing and a dev pointed this script, after disabled it no more crashes. Can you check it?

Ah, if is not asking too much, give me some feedback about my previous post.

I wish to have Rotten Tomatoes (user+critics) + IMDB both ratings display in skin.
Alright I found the fix for the contextmenu, Open skin.xperience1080\1080i\DialogContextMenu.xml

Find the line that says
<!--<include condition="!Window.IsVisible(favourites) + !Window.IsVisible(filemanager) + !Window.IsVisible(musicplaylisteditor) + !Window.IsVisible(LockSettings) + !Window.IsVisible(addoninformation) + !Window.IsVisible(favourites) + !Window.IsVisible(home)">ContextCoordinates</include>-->
now we want to make it active so remove the <!-- and --> at the end
should look like this when done
<include condition="!Window.IsVisible(favourites) + !Window.IsVisible(filemanager) + !Window.IsVisible(musicplaylisteditor) + !Window.IsVisible(LockSettings) + !Window.IsVisible(addoninformation) + !Window.IsVisible(favourites) + !Window.IsVisible(home)">ContextCoordinates</include>
Fix is on github.
(2012-05-10, 22:18)Slipx Wrote: When I hit c (context menu) it shows the menu at the bottom right of my TV screen but is so far down that half the menu is missing off the screen. Was working fine until the last sync with the GIT repository.

(2012-05-11, 23:29)`Black Wrote: Fix is on github.

Thank you!
When I select the "games" button under the "applications" heading it takes me to a screen to select everything I set up within Advanced Launcher. Is this working as intended or is there a way to set it so when you select the games button only the games related items are show?
(2012-05-11, 21:14)DToX Wrote: Alright I found the fix for the contextmenu, Open skin.xperience1080\1080i\DialogContextMenu.xml

Find the line that says
<!--<include condition="!Window.IsVisible(favourites) + !Window.IsVisible(filemanager) + !Window.IsVisible(musicplaylisteditor) + !Window.IsVisible(LockSettings) + !Window.IsVisible(addoninformation) + !Window.IsVisible(favourites) + !Window.IsVisible(home)">ContextCoordinates</include>-->
now we want to make it active so remove the <!-- and --> at the end
should look like this when done
<include condition="!Window.IsVisible(favourites) + !Window.IsVisible(filemanager) + !Window.IsVisible(musicplaylisteditor) + !Window.IsVisible(LockSettings) + !Window.IsVisible(addoninformation) + !Window.IsVisible(favourites) + !Window.IsVisible(home)">ContextCoordinates</include>

Thanks working now
(2012-05-12, 02:11)shanndogg Wrote: When I select the "games" button under the "applications" heading it takes me to a screen to select everything I set up within Advanced Launcher. Is this working as intended or is there a way to set it so when you select the games button only the games related items are show?

It takes you to advanced launcher... everyone might setup it differently so it's impossible to know to which launcher it should point. You have to make a custom item then.
(2012-04-17, 21:37)`Black Wrote: If you look only 1 page back, you'll find the answer... I explained a dozen times now when this skin gets pvr support.

Latest git version does this. If you have enabled Hide power button, weather & clock in music osd in settings -> skin -> osd slideshow will be pure without any elements.

Press 'Esc' on the loading screen will take you to the home screen right away.


I tried the latest GIT version and the fade is still there on the screensaver. I have however got rid of the weather removing line 41.

Any idea on the bottom fade effect?
Proud to have software induced insomnia.

Forgot to commit that, sorry. Update to the latest version.
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