2012-05-12, 15:36
You tried latest from downloads?
(2012-05-12, 15:48)kamil365 Wrote: Thanks This one is working I wasn't aware of this version. I had latest from official repo. Out of curiosity. This was known bug? Or what causing this problem?
You saved me a lot of nerv
(2012-05-12, 16:22)kamil365 Wrote: I add more TVseries and AD is not working anymore. Strange
(2012-05-12, 17:41)velk Wrote: I ran into a problem when setting this addon up - it appears to have not downloaded anything for tv shows that were scraped by the anidb.net scraper.
Anything I can do to sort that out ? I really like the clearart ;p
<path pathversion="1">smb://admin:pass@SHAREPOINT/Qmultimedia/Serien/</path>
15:12:19 T:2955980800 DEBUG: Artwork Downloader: [5ive Days to Midnight] Downloaded: 874017.jpg
15:12:19 T:2955980800 WARNING: FileSmb::OpenForWrite() called with overwriting enabled! - smb://SHAREPOINT/Qmultimedia/Serien/5ive%20Days%20to%20Midnight/extrafanart/874017%2ejpg
15:12:19 T:2955980800 ERROR: FileSmb->Open: Unable to open file : 'smb://SHAREPOINT/Qmultimedia/Serien/5ive%20Days%20to%20Midnight/extrafanart/874017%2ejpg'
unix_err:'d' error : 'Resource temporarily unavailable'
15:12:19 T:2955980800 WARNING: Artwork Downloader: Could not copy file (Destination may be read only), skipping: u'smb://SHAREPOINT/Qmultimedia/Serien/5ive Days to Midnight/extrafanart/874017.jpg'
15:12:20 T:2955980800 DEBUG: Artwork Downloader: [5ive Days to Midnight] Downloaded: landscape.jpg
15:12:20 T:2955980800 WARNING: FileSmb::OpenForWrite() called with overwriting enabled! - smb://SHAREPOINT/Qmultimedia/Serien/5ive%20Days%20to%20Midnight/landscape%2ejpg
15:12:20 T:2955980800 ERROR: FileSmb->Open: Unable to open file : 'smb://SHAREPOINT/Qmultimedia/Serien/5ive%20Days%20to%20Midnight/landscape%2ejpg'
unix_err:'d' error : 'Permission denied'
15:12:20 T:2955980800 WARNING: Artwork Downloader: Could not copy file (Destination may be read only), skipping: u'smb://SHAREPOINT/Qmultimedia/Serien/5ive Days to Midnight/landscape.jpg'
15:12:22 T:2955980800 DEBUG: Artwork Downloader: [24] Downloaded: 876525.jpg
15:12:22 T:2955980800 WARNING: FileSmb::OpenForWrite() called with overwriting enabled! - smb://SHAREPOINT/Qmultimedia/Serien/24/extrafanart/876525%2ejpg
15:12:22 T:2955980800 ERROR: FileSmb->Open: Unable to open file : 'smb://SHAREPOINT/Qmultimedia/Serien/24/extrafanart/876525%2ejpg'
unix_err:'d' error : 'Permission denied'
15:12:22 T:2955980800 WARNING: Artwork Downloader: Could not copy file (Destination may be read only), skipping: u'smb://SHAREPOINT/Qmultimedia/Serien/24/extrafanart/876525.jpg'
15:12:24 T:2955980800 DEBUG: Artwork Downloader: [24] Downloaded: 335831.jpg
15:12:24 T:2955980800 WARNING: FileSmb::OpenForWrite() called with overwriting enabled! - smb://SHAREPOINT/Qmultimedia/Serien/24/extrafanart/335831%2ejpg
15:12:24 T:2955980800 ERROR: FileSmb->Open: Unable to open file : 'smb://SHAREPOINT/Qmultimedia/Serien/24/extrafanart/335831%2ejpg'
unix_err:'d' error : 'Permission denied'
(2012-05-15, 17:22)Hellnino18 Wrote: Hi,1. Turn of your GUI sounds.
Little question, is it possible to disable the sound alert when the artwork downloader is started and the popup?
Thanks for the response and sorry if the question had already been answered.
(2012-05-16, 15:46)efty.edge Wrote: Hi.Problem is still on your side. You didn't set your sources correct
First i would like to say that i'm new at the artwork downloader. It doesn't work for me - now, but if it would it will be my favorite add-on.
So here is my problem. I use the stable XBMC version for OSX under OSX Lion with the latest updates. My tv-shows rest on a QNAP NAS which are shared over SMB. The SMB source in XBMC is setup with Username and Password.
When i start the artwork downloader it seems to download all i setup (logo, fanart, ...) but at the end it tells me '0 images downloaded'. When i check the show folder everything is like before - nothing is downloaded.
(2012-05-18, 11:19)sialivi Wrote: It seems this add-on downloads Movie Fanart for Music Videos, is this a known issue? I therefor just deleted over a 1000 incorrect images.There is no issue...
Other than that, great add-on.
(2012-05-18, 15:59)jdoggvt Wrote: Sorry if this has been answered but I couldn't find it :/
This is working extremely well but all of my movie logos are downloading in what appear to be German. I assume this is because on fanart.tv the German ones have a higher rating and the higher rated ones are 'preferred'? If I manually download the logo of, say, the 40 year old virgin the German logo has way more ratings than the English one.
Quote: I didn't see an option in the settings, is there a way to prefer one language over the other? Also is there a way to batch download the english language versions and overwrite the existing?
Quote:Other than that this is one of the greatest XBMC add-ons there is, thanks for all the hard work!