Wiki returning akismet blacklist error when attempting to edit page
I'm attempting to add my own repository to the list of 3rd party repositories page ( and I'm getting the following error:

Spam protection filter

The text you wanted to save was blocked by the spam filter. This is probably caused by a link to a blacklisted external site.

The following text is what triggered our spam filter: blacklist error

Return to Unofficial add-on repositories.

I'm assuming it's through no fault of my own, considering the error message.


After some testing (and an attempt to talk with Ned Scott on his user page), I can't add or edit pages at all, regardless of if they contain links.
I was afraid that akismet extension was going to give me issues. Not only did it fail to block a few spambots, but now it's false-triggering on you. Very sorry about that. You should now be able to edit. Feel free to PM me if it gives you any issues.
Thanks for the fast reply! I just added my repository (not the add-on yet, though) and it seems the wiki no longer hates me. I'll let you know if I have any more issues, though!

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Wiki returning akismet blacklist error when attempting to edit page0