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[RELEASE] Advanced Wake On Lan (WOL) Addon - Wake up a remote computer/server
Hi mandark,
thanks a lot! With the update the original error has gone, but a new one occurs on waking up from S3. It seems as if AWOL is faster than the network reinit (LAN). Could you implement a little wait time or an automated check every second if the network is reachable (for 30 seconds in total or so)? It says "error on hostup-check: network is unreachable" if you work with IPs, when you work with hostnames a resolution error occurs.
Thanks for the new version mandark!
It works without any errors. I'm impressed with the speed with which the host is woken up and access is available to any folder you've specified.

Furthermore, I like the additions to the addon to be able to enable/disable various notifications. Great.

Thanks again for the swift help!!

thanks a lot skyler and tenzion for testing and feedback!

(2012-10-13, 20:07)Skyler Wrote: With the update the original error has gone, but a new one occurs on waking up from S3. It seems as if AWOL is faster than the network reinit (LAN). Could you implement a little wait time or an automated check every second if the network is reachable (for 30 seconds in total or so)? It says "error on hostup-check: network is unreachable" if you work with IPs, when you work with hostnames a resolution error occurs.
yes, i think you're right, this could really be the problem here. i've now created a new version (v.1.2.1), which allows the setting of a delay at wake-on-launch and also at wake-after-standby (both seperately).

you can download v.1.2.1 here.

it would be great, if you could provide a quick feedback, if this solves your problem, skyler.
Hi mandark,
thanks again, but unfortunately it does not work. It seems as if AWOL ignores the set delay (tried it with 5 secs at first, then 20) after resume from standy. In contrast to this the delay at launch seems to work fine (but not important to me since it isn't a problem on my system). Have a look at the log file: The first two lines are before the system enters S3, the rest is after resume.

22:36:05 T:140242561173312 NOTICE: OnSleep: Running sleep jobs
22:36:05 T:140242561173312 NOTICE: OnSleep: Stopping lirc
22:36:23 T:140242561173312 WARNING: Skin has invalid include: HomeCustomTop
22:36:24 T:140242561173312 ERROR: Keymapping error: no such action 'skin.reset()' defined
22:36:25 T:140242561173312 NOTICE: OnWake: Running resume jobs
22:36:25 T:140242561173312 ERROR: GLX: Same window as before, refreshing context
22:36:25 T:140242561173312 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times.
22:36:25 T:140242561173312 NOTICE: OnWake: Restarting lirc
22:36:25 T:140242561173312 NOTICE: OnWake: Restarting lcd
22:36:25 T:140242157827840 NOTICE: script.advanced.wol: Start WOL script after return from standby
22:36:25 T:140242157827840 NOTICE: script.advanced.wol: Starting WOL script
22:36:25 T:140242157827840 NOTICE: script.advanced.wol: WakeOnLan signal sent to MAC-Address 1c:6f:65:8b:94:94
22:36:25 T:140242561173312 ERROR: WakeOnLan - Unable to send magic packet (Network is unreachable)
22:36:25 T:140242149435136 NOTICE: Thread XBPyThread start, auto delete: false
22:36:25 T:140242149435136 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
22:36:26 T:140242157827840 NOTICE: script.advanced.wol: Error No.: 101 / Error Msg.: Network is unreachable
22:36:26 T:140242157827840 NOTICE: script.advanced.wol: Closing WOL script
it's working for me, but i forgot to mention the following: if you change any of the settings in the "Autostart"-tab, you will have to restart XBMC completely for them to take effect. thats because AWOL is run as a service in this case, with all settings loaded on XBMC-launch. if you change any of these settings, they will not take effect immediately, but only after a restart of XBMC.could you please check, if this is the case?

maybe i'll change the script to re-read the settings periodically or at least state an info in the settings, that XBMC has to be restarted for any changes of the Autostart-settings to take effect.
I'm sorry, it works indeed.
The problem is that I'm struggling with another problem - my openELEC system sometimes becomes read-only after waking up from S3 (I don't have any clue why this happens). So obviously it did not store the setting before the reboot correctly. Now I booted up, set the config, rebooted, set to S3 and resumed - and voila it works. THANKS!
(2012-10-14, 23:29)Skyler Wrote: I'm sorry, it works indeed.
thanks for letting me know, skyler!

i've already added an information-text in the autostart-settings, stating the need to restart XBMC.

if no further problems arise with v.1.2.1, i'll submit it to the addon-repository in a few days.
For those using this add-on, I'd like to get your opinions on XBMC and built in WOA (Wake on access). T4 ravenbird has created a patch to include this in XBMC and I have been helping him with testing. As users of this great add-on I thought you could provide some good user based testing. I have created custom builds enabling this feature. The latest build is on page 10 of the above linked thread. Anyone willing to test this please respond back in the above linked thread. There may be some good options in this add-on that may need to be integrated.

Now back to your regularly scheduled thread.
It would be neat to have a Shutdown on Lan as well.
(2012-10-22, 02:08)mensareject Wrote: It would be neat to have a Shutdown on Lan as well.
i wouldn't really know a good way to implement this. afaik there is no standardized way of shutting down a remote host. it varies strongly between operating systems and would depend a lot on the OS's configuration and security settings.
the new version (v1.2.2) is now available in the official XBMC addon-repository. i've also updated the first post with current infos, screenshots and a download-link to the current-version as a ZIP-archive.
Thanks for creating this.

I have just got a HP microserver for all of my media and backups and it seems to be fine.
Installing this and once configured it works a treat and seems to wake the server up, except for the following strange problem...

I seem to need to run XBMC with admin rights (as noted in the instructions) but when I do I then find with my fully working MCE remote the Green Button will then make XBMC either full or a small Window screen, it will change from one to the other each time it is pressed. But this application for the WOL will send the required magic packet and work fine.
But if I then start XBMC without the admin rights the Green Button will behave as it should and thus navigate back to the Home Screen when pressed. However, as expected, this application can no longer send the required magic packet as it does not have the required privileges.

I understand that the direct issue is with the MCE remote and whatever differences are being applied when XBMC is ran with admin rights, but that is only needed for this application to work.

Any ideas...?
Hi..I've had Advanced WOL installed for a while now but it never seems to wake up my remote (Windows) machine. I am running XBMC as Administrator, and I can wake up the remote machine through the web interface of my router.

Today I loaded the GUI tool WOL Magic packet sender and confirmed that this woke up the other machine from the same host that Advanced WOL is running on. I confirmed that I have the same exact IP and MAC address in both WOL Magic packet Sender and Advanced WOL Plugin config.

The one thing that I did notice is that with WoL Magic Packet Sender I need to make sure that I've got subnet mask set to (Since all my machines are on the same LAN I can also set it to, but if I have it set to something like it fails.

Advanced WOL Plugin configuration doesn't seem to have a place to set the subnet mask. Is this configurable? If not can you tell me what it uses so I can test it with WOL Magic packet Sender?

the magic packet is not really sent by my addon, but via a functionality built into XBMC itself. i just call "xbmc.executebuiltin('MACADDRESS')", which allows no setting of the subnet.

what happens exactly, when you execute the addon? are there any error-entries in the xbmc-log?

Thanks for the quick reply. I'm embarrassed I didn't think to look in the log first. I did and saw this:

20:12:02 T:1064 NOTICE: script.advanced.wol: WakeOnLan signal sent to MAC-Address 00:XX:XX:XX:XX:8A
20:12:02 T:4004 ERROR: CNetwork::WakeOnLan - Invalid hardware address specified (00:XX:XX:XX:XX:8A)

Once I saw this I tried replacing the colons with dashes and voila:

20:15:25 T:3252 NOTICE: script.advanced.wol: WakeOnLan signal sent to MAC-Address 00-XX-XX-XX-XX-8A
20:15:25 T:408 NOTICE: CApplication::UpdateLibraries - Starting video library startup scan

I've never understood why some apps insist on colons and some insist on dashes, but I was foolish not to try this.

Update: I just went back and looked at the screenshots and docs on the first page of this thread. All the MAC address examples use colons. Replacing the colons with hyphens did solve my problem, but I wonder if it is unique to Windows (or possibly even Windows XP which I'm using). Are there any windows users out there that have this working with the MAC address in Advanced WOL config using colons?

Not sure if it makes sense to update the doc to recommend against this....

Anyhow...this now seems to be working...thanks so much!

Incidentally, I got re-interested in Advanced WOL because I was looking into the idea of having my two XBMC laptops share a common MySQL DB. I don't like the idea of either machine being on all the time, so I thought perhaps I could use Advanced WOL to wake up the machine with the MySQL on it. I think I saw a post in this thread that indicated that this wouldn't work. Is that because XBMC needs access to MySQL in order to know to run the plugin at startup?


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[RELEASE] Advanced Wake On Lan (WOL) Addon - Wake up a remote computer/server1
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