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XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)
(2012-10-09, 21:59)spyder Wrote: I tried setting this up on my parent's pc to write the strm files to a local drive(no nas drive available), and it failed to create any files. The plugin is being scraped, and there are no errors, so I was wondering if I don't have the dropbox location in the correct format. I used : C:\Users\Public\etc.. just as it appears in windows. Is this the correct format? I know it is recommended to write to a network drive, but doesn't say it can't be done locally. If it can't be done locally I guess I could set up a google drive account and do it that way.

Local drives should work fine using whatever convention the OS uses for the path.
If you add you XBMC.MyLibrary log, i can help more.
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
(2012-10-09, 22:05)bradvido88 Wrote: Local drives should work fine using whatever convention the OS uses for the path.
If you add you XBMC.MyLibrary log, i can help more.
I decided to look at the log, what was working on my setup is now getting errors. I was only trying one channel in free cable, it looked like it was getting results but no strm files. I decided to use an "All Shows" subfolder scraper and that works. I tried "Favorite Shows", but unfortunately that doesn't work.
Is there any way this can be used to scrape filelocker type plugins? Maybe by using the first link it finds and naming the episode the containing folder(since the actual file name is nonsense).

I'm having trouble getting the script to run successfully. Most of the time, it's unable to complete the run and just fails at some point in the middle with "Killed." Any ideas what could be causing this?
Is there any way to pull from my Amazon Watchlist only?

Edit: NM... Figured it out. This is my first day with this script... its awesome.
is it possible to change the naming output format for files pulled from Amazon? The TV info scraper I am using isn't recognizing the tv series that output such as "Arrested.Development.Season.1".

Please let me know if this has been covered... I may have missed it in the verbiage of this thread....
(2012-10-16, 21:29)locoguano Wrote: is it possible to change the naming output format for files pulled from Amazon? The TV info scraper I am using isn't recognizing the tv series that output such as "Arrested.Development.Season.1".

Please let me know if this has been covered... I may have missed it in the verbiage of this thread....
If it's being properly parsed, the output naming should be
Arrested.Development/Season.1/S01Exx - TitleOfEpisode.strm
XBMC can scrape this just fine...
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
(2012-10-16, 21:30)bradvido88 Wrote:
(2012-10-16, 21:29)locoguano Wrote: is it possible to change the naming output format for files pulled from Amazon? The TV info scraper I am using isn't recognizing the tv series that output such as "Arrested.Development.Season.1".

Please let me know if this has been covered... I may have missed it in the verbiage of this thread....
If it's being properly parsed, the output naming should be
Arrested.Development/Season.1/S01Exx - TitleOfEpisode.strm
XBMC can scrape this just fine...

Hmm.. The out put I am getting is Arrested.Development.Season.1/Season.1/S01Exx - Title.strm
Its is being pulled as such...
        <Amazon path="plugin://plugin.video.amazon" recursive="true" prefix="[A] " movie_set=" Amazon" >
                <subfolder name="Watchlist/Television" type="episodes" />                    
Any ideas what I am doing wrong? I'm new to this stuff Nod
I haven't pulled in any Amazon stuff for a while, but i'd guess they changed they way they list their content to include the season number with the title of the show...

You could try to ping angrycamel and see about writing a custom parser. I know he added that functionality to this, but i haven't had a chance to play with it much.
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
On this thread... http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=142951

Scudlee advised me on how to fix this by editing the advancedsettings.xml

Try creating an advancedsettings.xml file with the following:
<cleanstrings action="prepend">
<regexp>season[. _]\d+$</regexp>
That should clean off any "Season.#" from the end (and only the end) of the folder name before any scraper sees it.

(If you've already made an advancedsettings.xml file, you just need to add the <video>...</video> part inside your existing <advancedsettings> tags... And if you've already got <video> tags, then just add the <cleanstrings> part inside them... And if you've already got <cleanstrings> tags, etc.)

Worked perfectly.
Does the "cleanstrings" action work within the mylibrary structure?
Does anyone know how to import the top 50 popular movies from bluecop's Amazon plugin.
Here is my current code non-functioning code. Any ideas?

<Amazon path="plugin://plugin.video.amazon" recursive="true" prefix="[A] " movie_set=" Amazon" >
            <!-- Top 50 Most Popular Amazon Movies -->
            <subfolder name="Movies/Featured Movies \([0-9]+\)/Popular Movies \([0-9]+\)/" type="movies" max_videos="50" >
                        <contains>Next Page</contains>
Other working Amazon scrapes

The Amazon scraper works. I just can't seem to figure out the path to the popular movies.
Is that a category available within the plugin? I don't see it. Unless I am mistaken, it has to be a category within the plugin in order for MyLibrary to pull it.
Quote: has to be a category within the plugin in order for MyLibrary to pull it.

From a programmatic standpoint, that makes perfect sense. You can't search and parse from a plugin:// filepath that doesn't exist.
However, could we edit the MyLibrary User Guide, and state this limitation?

I'm new to this, so I incorrectly assumed that I could recreate the breadcrumb path inside of XBMC into the config.xml.
Hey guys, I have got everything up and running again and I am so happy about that. I have noticed however, that I can not get any episodes of "30 Rock" from the XBMCFlicks plugin. After a little research, I realized that for some reason XBMCFlicks is returning episodes 30 rock without the season and episode identifier and therefore my search filter excludes it. Is there anything that i can include/exclude in my search filters to allow those episodes to be found.

<XBMCFlix path="plugin://plugin.video.xbmcflicks" recursive="true" prefix="[NF] " movie_set="XBMCFlix">
<subfolder name="Instant Movies and Shows/Instant Queue: All" type="episodes">

So the "<regexp>s[0-9]+e[0-9]+</regexp>" filter catches everything with a s##e## format. How can i just include everything in the 30 Rock folder? Thanks in advance.
@nitsuj: I thought playon was needed to scrape Netflix videos? Are you still using the playon server for the videos, and just scraping xbmcflicks?

Also, have you tried a generic filter for the 30 Rock episodes?
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