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XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)
(2012-10-19, 18:59)spyder Wrote: @nitsuj: I thought playon was needed to scrape Netflix videos? Are you still using the playon server for the videos, and just scraping xbmcflicks?

Also, have you tried a generic filter for the 30 Rock episodes?

No, you can scrape and play using xbmcflicks. I don't use playon at all because the low video quality and lack of video control. As for the generic filters, I thought that was only for items that were not television shows or movies. If I put them into the generic folder will xbmc be able to scrape them and populate the metadata?
The generic filter can be used if the source doesn't have a recognizable filename(SxxExx). It will make a strm file for it, but won't be able to be added to the library.
Has anyone able to use this for the Amazon addon? If so could you please point me what needs to change? I am not having a lot of success and it could be because i am using frodo but if anyone has done this for amazon please send me what you have done.

Thanks in advance
Intel® Quad Core i5 Sandybridge @3.40GHz | ASRock Z775 Mobo 8GB DDR3 Ram | Logitech K400 Keyboard |
| Logitec Harmony 550 Remote| 46' Samsung LCD TV | Onkyo TX-S605 w/ Bose 5.1 Surround
(2012-10-21, 19:36)hunkyn Wrote: it could be because i am using frodo
Doesn't work with frodo
I have a quick question in regards to scraping movies/tv from netflix using xmbc flicks. Everything works fine when scanning netflix and saving the .strm files. I use XWMM Web Media Manager to put my movies into Sets/Groups, the only problem I have is that every time I scan netflix, the movies that it saves are automatically put into random movie sets/groups. So I have to manually go into the web manager and delete the groups for the netflix files. Is there a way to adjust the code/settings to keep the movies from being put into groups?
(2012-10-25, 10:13)kerpal2020 Wrote: I have a quick question in regards to scraping movies/tv from netflix using xmbc flicks. Everything works fine when scanning netflix and saving the .strm files. I use XWMM Web Media Manager to put my movies into Sets/Groups, the only problem I have is that every time I scan netflix, the movies that it saves are automatically put into random movie sets/groups. So I have to manually go into the web manager and delete the groups for the netflix files. Is there a way to adjust the code/settings to keep the movies from being put into groups?

What do you mean by random groups? XBMC will automatically put movies in a movie set if the scraper thinks it belongs to a movie set.
If you don't have any movie_set="..." in your Config.xml, then MyLibrary will not create any movie sets.
(2012-10-22, 19:50)spyder Wrote:
(2012-10-21, 19:36)hunkyn Wrote: it could be because i am using frodo
Doesn't work with frodo

But it will... Already got it working in development
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
(2012-10-25, 17:46)bradvido88 Wrote:
(2012-10-25, 10:13)kerpal2020 Wrote: I have a quick question in regards to scraping movies/tv from netflix using xmbc flicks. Everything works fine when scanning netflix and saving the .strm files. I use XWMM Web Media Manager to put my movies into Sets/Groups, the only problem I have is that every time I scan netflix, the movies that it saves are automatically put into random movie sets/groups. So I have to manually go into the web manager and delete the groups for the netflix files. Is there a way to adjust the code/settings to keep the movies from being put into groups?

What do you mean by random groups? XBMC will automatically put movies in a movie set if the scraper thinks it belongs to a movie set.
If you don't have any movie_set="..." in your Config.xml, then MyLibrary will not create any movie sets.
(2012-10-22, 19:50)spyder Wrote:
(2012-10-21, 19:36)hunkyn Wrote: it could be because i am using frodo
Doesn't work with frodo

But it will... Already got it working in development

To be honest, this is the only reason I am still using Eden. MyLibrary is such a great tool. It has allowed me to finally organize things in a way that my wife accepts as a true cabletv replacement.
I will be looking for Frodo testers in the near future. Just watch this thread.
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
(2012-10-25, 18:12)locoguano Wrote:
(2012-10-25, 17:46)bradvido88 Wrote: But it will... Already got it working in development

To be honest, this is the only reason I am still using Eden. MyLibrary is such a great tool. It has allowed me to finally organize things in a way that my wife accepts as a true cabletv replacement.

Same here, I installed Frodo A5, ran MyLibrary, didn't work, reinstalled Eden.Tongue

(2012-10-25, 18:21)bradvido88 Wrote: I will be looking for Frodo testers in the near future. Just watch this thread.

Thx. I dont want to go back to Eden now because Aeon Nox is too good on frodo and dont want to lose it. At the same time i want this also to work so for now i will wait for your update. Let me know how you want me to help you with the testing.
Intel® Quad Core i5 Sandybridge @3.40GHz | ASRock Z775 Mobo 8GB DDR3 Ram | Logitech K400 Keyboard |
| Logitec Harmony 550 Remote| 46' Samsung LCD TV | Onkyo TX-S605 w/ Bose 5.1 Surround
I've just released version 1.4.0 (compatible with Frodo nightlies).

Download here: http://code.google.com/p/xbmc-mylibrary/downloads/list

I added an option to use movie_tags for your movies, improved parsing, and generally overhauled the code.

It definitely needs testing since I don't personally use every feature this program has.

Please update your config.xml (see example config in the download).
The <JSONRPC> section should be the only one that requires attention.

Please test and give feedback. I've been using it for a week on Frodo with no problems.
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
seems like it worked but something is definitely off. I had a folder called "TVShows" and a new one for this setup "tv shows". When it grabbed the files from hulu addon it put them in the new folder "tv shows" but when the process started cleaning it deleted all my old fies from "tvshow" folder. Where is the setting that i can tell it not delete the files from any other folder besides the ones created for this specific reason

How does the season folder and file naming works? I am using a different video addon with built in library integration and it does naming little different and i wanted to see if i can get the same naming convention in this script also.

Intel® Quad Core i5 Sandybridge @3.40GHz | ASRock Z775 Mobo 8GB DDR3 Ram | Logitech K400 Keyboard |
| Logitec Harmony 550 Remote| 46' Samsung LCD TV | Onkyo TX-S605 w/ Bose 5.1 Surround
Running XBMC Eden on Windows 7, getting some errors when running the Run-x64.cmd file. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

My added part for my plugin the config.xml
<!-- SubSonic Streaming Videos -->
        <SubSonic path="plugin://plugin.video.subsonic" recursive="true" prefix="(S) " >
            <!-- All full episodes over 20 minutes long for a subset of the USA network shows -->
            <subfolder name="TV Shows" type="episodes" force_series="true">


The error log
11/07/2012 11:28:27 PM NOTICE  Found!           SubSonic's subfolder "SubSonic/TV Shows" maps to source: plugin://plugin.video.subsonic/?mode=list_indexes&folder_id=1 (SubSonic/TV Shows)
11/07/2012 11:28:27 PM NOTICE  Search:SubSonic  Finding all matching videos under subfolder: SubSonic/TV Shows
11/07/2012 11:28:28 PM WARNING Archiving        Cannot be archived: series=null, title=null, season=1, episode=1
                                                    SubSonic/TV Shows/Alcatraz/Season 1/Alcatraz - S01E01 - Pilot - HD TV
11/07/2012 11:28:28 PM WARNING Archiving        Cannot be archived: series=null, title=null, season=1, episode=2
                                                    SubSonic/TV Shows/Alcatraz/Season 1/Alcatraz - S01E02 - Ernest Cobb - HD TV
11/07/2012 11:28:28 PM WARNING Archiving        Cannot be archived: series=null, title=null, season=1, episode=3
                                                    SubSonic/TV Shows/Alcatraz/Season 1/Alcatraz - S01E03 - Kit Nelson - HD TV
11/07/2012 11:28:28 PM WARNING Archiving        Cannot be archived: series=null, title=null, season=1, episode=4
                                                    SubSonic/TV Shows/Alcatraz/Season 1/Alcatraz - S01E04 - Cal Sweeney - HD TV
11/07/2012 11:28:28 PM WARNING Archiving        Cannot be archived: series=null, title=null, season=1, episode=5
                                                    SubSonic/TV Shows/Alcatraz/Season 1/Alcatraz - S01E05 - Guy Hastings - HD TV
11/07/2012 11:28:28 PM WARNING Archiving        Cannot be archived: series=null, title=null, season=1, episode=6
                                                    SubSonic/TV Shows/Alcatraz/Season 1/Alcatraz - S01E06 - Paxton Petty - HD TV
11/07/2012 11:28:28 PM WARNING Archiving        Cannot be archived: series=null, title=null, season=1, episode=7
                                                    SubSonic/TV Shows/Alcatraz/Season 1/Alcatraz - S01E07 - Johnny McKee - HD TV
11/07/2012 11:28:28 PM WARNING Archiving        Cannot be archived: series=null, title=null, season=1, episode=8
                                                    SubSonic/TV Shows/Alcatraz/Season 1/Alcatraz - S01E08 - The Ames Brothers - 720p WEB-DL
11/07/2012 11:28:28 PM WARNING Archiving        Cannot be archived: series=null, title=null, season=1, episode=9
                                                    SubSonic/TV Shows/Alcatraz/Season 1/Alcatraz - S01E09 - Sonny Burnett - HD TV
11/07/2012 11:28:28 PM WARNING Archiving        Cannot be archived: series=null, title=null, season=1, episode=10
                                                    SubSonic/TV Shows/Alcatraz/Season 1/Alcatraz - S01E10 - Clarence Montgomery - HD TV
11/07/2012 11:28:28 PM WARNING Archiving        Cannot be archived: series=null, title=null, season=1, episode=11
                                                    SubSonic/TV Shows/Alcatraz/Season 1/Alcatraz - S01E11 - Webb Porter - HD TV
11/07/2012 11:28:28 PM WARNING Archiving        Cannot be archived: series=null, title=null, season=1, episode=12
                                                    SubSonic/TV Shows/Alcatraz/Season 1/Alcatraz - S01E12 - Garrett Stillman - HD TV
11/07/2012 11:28:28 PM WARNING Archiving        Cannot be archived: series=null, title=null, season=1, episode=13
                                                    SubSonic/TV Shows/Alcatraz/Season 1/Alcatraz - S01E13 - Tommy Madsen - HD TV
I have a few episodes of Entourage and the Sopranos from HBO GO (via Playon) where the sxxexx nomenclature is sxxAexx that indicates a season was divided into A and B halves. Any suggestions on how to get XBMC.mylibrary to recognise these episodes? In both series this split-season only occurs in one case. Any help would be appreciated. I'm using XBMC.Mylibrary v1.4 and XBMC Frodo A7.

Also, there are some shows (from freecable) that scrape as s00exx, despite the episodes actually belonging to a recoginized season, and thus aren't recognized by XBMC.mylibrary or the XBMC library update. Thanks!
@bradvido88 i am not seeing the prefix for the videos even though i have them setup in the config file. How do i make it to show the prefix so i know the source of the link? I have sent you a PM on other addons please take a look at it and let me know.

Intel® Quad Core i5 Sandybridge @3.40GHz | ASRock Z775 Mobo 8GB DDR3 Ram | Logitech K400 Keyboard |
| Logitec Harmony 550 Remote| 46' Samsung LCD TV | Onkyo TX-S605 w/ Bose 5.1 Surround
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XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)10
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