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XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)
After a few days I still cannot get the plugin to scan TV shows, Any ideas?

Does it have to do something with the directory structure and the default parse not liking how its set?

Thanks in advanced!


(2012-11-10, 21:20)nutt318 Wrote: After a few days I still cannot get the plugin to scan TV shows, Any ideas?

Does it have to do something with the directory structure and the default parse not liking how its set?

Thanks in advanced!



I do not see any setting for JSON and the also the dropbox location. Also make sure the dropbox location has write acess to the id you are using.
Intel® Quad Core i5 Sandybridge @3.40GHz | ASRock Z775 Mobo 8GB DDR3 Ram | Logitech K400 Keyboard |
| Logitec Harmony 550 Remote| 46' Samsung LCD TV | Onkyo TX-S605 w/ Bose 5.1 Surround
Um, line 39-48 for the JSON settings and line 70-73 for the dropbox location and yes it has access to write to that directory.

Any other ideas?
I tried downloading the subsonic plugin to see the directory structure but the addon does not work for me. May be because i am on nightlies.

I noticed that you have the prefix option in subfolder but in the examples the OP gave it had in the main section. (see below with the udpated code) Please try that and see if that works. I have it setup similary for hulu and freecable and they work without any problems. Also the subfolder "TV Shows" should be the same when you browse the plugin.

<SubSonic path="plugin://plugin.video.subsonic" recursive="true" prefix="(S)">

<!-- All full episodes over 20 minutes long for a subset of the USA network shows -->
<subfolder name="TV Shows" type="episodes" >

Intel® Quad Core i5 Sandybridge @3.40GHz | ASRock Z775 Mobo 8GB DDR3 Ram | Logitech K400 Keyboard |
| Logitec Harmony 550 Remote| 46' Samsung LCD TV | Onkyo TX-S605 w/ Bose 5.1 Surround
I'll give that a try tonight, however if you want to retest the plugin download and install mine. I rewrote a few things and updated some settings, the original author seems to have disappeared. If you want check it out here.

EDIT: Fixed link below
For your file its telling me addon does not have correct file structure. Should I just unzip the file and add it manually into the addon folder?
(2012-11-12, 12:55)willburstyle06 Wrote: For your file its telling me addon does not have correct file structure. Should I just unzip the file and add it manually into the addon folder?

Well it looks like I haven't quite figured out how the xbmc plugin directory layout works but it should be fixed now, here is the new download.

(2012-11-11, 22:59)hunkyn Wrote: I tried downloading the subsonic plugin to see the directory structure but the addon does not work for me. May be because i am on nightlies.

I noticed that you have the prefix option in subfolder but in the examples the OP gave it had in the main section. (see below with the udpated code) Please try that and see if that works. I have it setup similary for hulu and freecable and they work without any problems. Also the subfolder "TV Shows" should be the same when you browse the plugin.

<SubSonic path="plugin://plugin.video.subsonic" recursive="true" prefix="(S)">

<!-- All full episodes over 20 minutes long for a subset of the USA network shows -->
<subfolder name="TV Shows" type="episodes" >


So I added your code above to my config.xml file and ran Run-x64.cmd. For some reason its still giving errors and I cant tell if it likes my directory structure for my tv shows. Whats weird is it did find 21 files, however those 21 files dont actually exists. Its like they are cached somewhere before they where renamed. For example my directory structure for tv shows in subsonic look like this 'TV Shows\Burn Notice\Season 1\Burn Notice - S01E01 - Burn Notice - HD TV.mkv' but 1 of the 21 files the scan picked up was 'dropbox\TV Shows\Burn.Notice\Season.1\S01E05 - 720p HDTV x264-PiX.1.strm' which when searching for it on my subsonic server the file doesnt exist in the directory. When I do an actual file search for that name it finds it, but if i play it says the file doesnt exist.

Anyway something very strange is going on and I still do not get why it skips a lot of the folders. Here is the log, minus a lot of other tv shows.

Any reason it skips season 1? Does it not like my file structure?

Error Log - http://pastebin.com/wdQ2DWHv
There is a problem is on this line:
11/12/2012 09:31:48 AM ERROR Search:SubSonic Failed to get list of files from JSON-RPC, skipping this directory (and all sub-directories): SubSonic/TV Shows/Burn Notice/Season 3 (plugin://plugin.video.subsonic/?mode=get_music_directory&id=5120)

For some reason, your plugin is not listing the directory when XBMC asks for it (through the JSON-RPC) interface. I don't know why, but i know that the other plugins don't have any problem at this step, so i'd have to assume it's something wrong with the plugin.

As for parsing your naming, i'll have to look at that when i have some free time.
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
Thanks for helping, I'm very new to the entire plugin developing. Anyways if anyone has an idea or want to try and figure it out I would greatly appreciate it.

Link to SubSonic API:

Link to plugin:

Has anyone been able to successfully get this working with OS X?

I've done everything in this thread but [/code]get an error stating the config.xml file is not there.

The Config.xml file is there.

Here's the error:

11/12/2012 03:59:09 PM ERROR   Init...          Config file does not exits at: "Users/robert/XBMC.MyLibrary
/Config.xml". Cannot continue.

Note that line break just before "/Config.xml"

@g00fy1 what version are you using? A debug log would be helpful.

I just uploaded XBMC.MyLibrary v 1.4.1
This version fixes some bugs but mainly it eliminated the need to have a direct database connection to XBMC. Everything is now done via the JSON-RPC interface!

This is compatible with the latest Frodo release.

XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
(2012-11-12, 20:19)bradvido88 Wrote: There is a problem is on this line:
11/12/2012 09:31:48 AM ERROR Search:SubSonic Failed to get list of files from JSON-RPC, skipping this directory (and all sub-directories): SubSonic/TV Shows/Burn Notice/Season 3 (plugin://plugin.video.subsonic/?mode=get_music_directory&id=5120)

For some reason, your plugin is not listing the directory when XBMC asks for it (through the JSON-RPC) interface. I don't know why, but i know that the other plugins don't have any problem at this step, so i'd have to assume it's something wrong with the plugin.

As for parsing your naming, i'll have to look at that when i have some free time.

Looking more into the API of SubSonic and comparing some logs I've found something that I believe might be causing the problem. 99% of the errors are similar to the following:
11/12/2012 03:29:56 PM WARNING Arvhiving        Cannot be archived: series=null, title=null, season=1, episode=8
                                                    SubSonic/TV Shows/Brand X with Russell Brand/Season 1/Brand X with Russell Brand - S01E08 - Episode 8 - HD TV

However for some reason this go around it archived 19 shows, It looks like I have 2 of the same episodes but 1 named different than the other. Does your script not like the longer file names as the above format? If you look below you will find that it did archive based on this naming format.
11/12/2012 03:29:56 PM INFO    Archive:New      Archived video at: C:\Users\nutt\Desktop\dropbox\TV Shows\Brand.X.With.Russell.Brand\Season.1\S01E08 - 720p HDTV x264-2HD.strm (SubSonic/TV Shows/Brand X with Russell Brand/Season 1/Brand X With Russell Brand - S01E08 - 720p HDTV x264-2HD)

Now both of these files are in the exact same folder location except for the naming is different. I like my naming convention of 'Show Name - SXXEXX - Show Title - Show Quality'

Like you said in your last post it may be something with parsing of the naming. Just wanted to give you some example that I believe your are correct.

(2012-11-12, 23:49)bradvido88 Wrote: @g00fy1 what version are you using? A debug log would be helpful.

I just uploaded XBMC.MyLibrary v 1.4.1
This version fixes some bugs but mainly it eliminated the need to have a direct database connection to XBMC. Everything is now done via the JSON-RPC interface!

This is compatible with the latest Frodo release.

1.4.0, I'll grab 1.4.1 and give that a try.

Debug log: http://pastebin.com/x3rUzq66

1.4.1 Debug log: http://pastebin.com/8hcyMCrB

Same error.

My cmd is: java -jar "/Users/robert/XBMC.MyLibrary/XBMC.MyLibrary.jar" "/Users/robert/XBMC.MyLibrary"
Found the problem, my .cmd file had a line break after the command line.

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