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XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)
(2013-01-10, 17:37)nickdanger3d Wrote: I have MyLibrary working great for the examples in the config file.

I'm trying to get it to work with PlexBMC but I get errors.


I posted the entire debug log but the error is "Could not get valid XML data from URL" with an invalid argument exception.

Looks like tvdb lookup is failing to create a temporary xml file... This is probably a bug with XBMC.MyLibrary. You could issue a bug report on the google code page or better yet a patch.
(2013-01-08, 22:12)jmuck78 Wrote: bradvido88: still love this tool, thanks for continuing to maintain and develop it. Obviously, the point of every complement is to grease the skids of a request, so here it goes.

1) I know the config file has the ability to allow xml based exclusions. Some streaming services (like HBO and Crackle) update their available movies every week, and I would like to be able to remove the movies that are duplicates of locally stored movies (at least, until XBMC implements a movie duplicated stacking mechanism like plex). Would it be possible to either dynamically generate the exclusion list based on current library content and/or to read the current XBMC library database to exclude items that I have stored locally? I have considered adding the movie items manually, but I have ~1500 movies stored locally, and the count changes fairly often as I add new items so this would be quite an arduous and manual process. Alternatively, it might be easier to "teach" xbmc.mylibrary to parse an xml export of the xbmc database that could still be done manually...

2) Is there a way to prevent the xbmc.mylibrary code from deleting the fanart folders in my movie/tv show drop boxes? These fanart folders aren't empty, but don't contain .strm files, so they get removed. I understand the purpose and like the feature of cleaning up empty folders, but I use the artwork downloader to populate extra fanart folders in each movie/tv show folder and these tend to get deleted because there are no stream files in them.

Thanks again for developing xbmc.mylibrary - it's really a slick idea.
1) Not currently. It's possible with additional coding. If you want to seperate your streaming movies, you could add them to a seperate movie set or tag them.

2) This would be an easier fix. May be able to add it to the next release, though not sure when that will be (busy right now ...)
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
(2013-01-09, 16:20)Mystex Wrote: Loving the addon but having a problem with getting it to working. I'm using XBMCUBUNTU with Eden and I've got it where its accessing the DBs but only if I use raw. Doing that I'm not getting anything and I'd like to use http as it seems to work so much better for everyone but I'm not sure why its generating json errors when I run the script. I figure I'm probably missing something but when I installed firefox thinking it might be due to a lack of a browser this didn't resolve it. Anyone have any ideas? Huh

Ok I'm dumb, got it to work after double checking things, found I'd had one item not set correctly. Looking through the rest of this thread to see if I can find out why it's not finding shows.
(2013-01-10, 17:28)bradvido88 Wrote: I've changed the user's guide so anyone can edit it. Please update as you see fit. It is a bit dated.
Hopefully there won't be much vandalism =D


Awesome I'm thinking I'll add some screen shots which might help people just starting with it and expound on it more from the Linux side of things.
Got a question: For XBMCFlicks, why would we use "Instant Movies and Shows/Instant Queue: All" with type "movies" instead of just "Instant Movies and Shows/Instant Queue: Movies" with type "movies"? Seems like there would be less chance of errors in getting TV shows mixed in for example.

Also, does anyone know if XBMCFlicks' Instant Queue is even working?
I have a few questions I can't seem to find the answers to:

1. How stable is this add-on for ordinary what-it-was-intended-for use?

2. What is the best way of feeding Netflix and Hulu+ to this addon? BlueCop, Playon etc. or does it just work on its own?

3. Do any of the answers from (2) stream in HD? PlayOn looked like a winner to me until I read it streams Netflix in SD...
(2013-01-11, 10:45)Revengeance Wrote: I have a few questions I can't seem to find the answers to:

1. How stable is this add-on for ordinary what-it-was-intended-for use?

2. What is the best way of feeding Netflix and Hulu+ to this addon? BlueCop, Playon etc. or does it just work on its own?

3. Do any of the answers from (2) stream in HD? PlayOn looked like a winner to me until I read it streams Netflix in SD...

1. I'm new to this addon, but it seems pretty stable so far. This addon does what it can with the means it has to work with. It's pretty configurable too which helps.

2. I hate to say it, but probably PlayOn since so many addons are broken or not fully functional right now. PlayOn however is a pay service. The addons are free.

3. I don't pay for PlayOn, but my understanding is that it is in SD. I would think that a passthru through an addon would stream in whatever quality the source was.
has anyone tested this on ubuntu and got it working?
Nvidia Shield with Kodi 18
(2013-01-11, 10:45)Revengeance Wrote: I have a few questions I can't seem to find the answers to:

1. How stable is this add-on for ordinary what-it-was-intended-for use?

2. What is the best way of feeding Netflix and Hulu+ to this addon? BlueCop, Playon etc. or does it just work on its own?

3. Do any of the answers from (2) stream in HD? PlayOn looked like a winner to me until I read it streams Netflix in SD...

1. Works very well, with the occasional non-matching title names(in this case you need to select the correct title), and sometimes content no longer available doesn't get removed.

2.I've read scraping xbmcflicks isn't too stable(never tried it), I use this to scrape my Hulu+ queue and Amazon prime which works perfectly.

3.I tried using PlayOn with Netflix and yes it was sd and look terrible(I am also unable to play Netflix in HD anyways thanks to Silverlight)
Hulu+ and Amazon stream in HD no problem

asking this for the 3rd time hopefully it wont get buried.
any chance that this version will support non english characters?

i am trying to get this to work with a hebrew plugin but once i put the hebrew channel name in the config.xml i get this error
01/11/2013 06:32:51 PM ERROR Init... Could not find valid xml document at: D:\Downloads\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3\Config.xml. Cannot continue... Please check config.xml with an XML validator.
01/11/2013 06:32:51 PM ERROR Init... Failed while loading Configuration and testing connections... cannot continue. Please check your settings in Config.xml

any chance this can support hebrew?
i upgraded to frodo and using the last version.
(2013-01-11, 17:22)rflores2323 Wrote: has anyone tested this on ubuntu and got it working?

I'm using XBMCUBUNTU which is XBMC's version of Ubuntu, it definetly works there. What kinds of problems are you having? I've just recently gotten it working well. The XBMCUBUNTU version is Eden.
Can happily say I've got this working with Revision3's plugin on my Linux system pulling HAK5. Hey bradvido88 how would you feel about us using the wiki on the googlecode page to start posting configs for different plugins. Huh
(2013-01-11, 20:48)Mystex Wrote: Can happily say I've got this working with Revision3's plugin on my Linux system pulling HAK5. Hey bradvido88 how would you feel about us using the wiki on the googlecode page to start posting configs for different plugins. Huh


I'd love that. I'm thinking of trying to use this for various plug-ins, but not sure how to config them correctly. I watch Revision3 all the time. You have HAK5 in your library? How does it sort episode numbers? I'd be interested in seeing your config.
Need help, can somebody post their config.xml
The example one doesn't match the config.xml for the latest release at all

I've got the Hulu plugin working with scraping my shows. I'm having trouble getting the show name to show up instead of the season folder name in my Dropbox.

For example, I get:

C:\Users\me\Desktop\dropbox\TV Shows\Seasons.(3)\Season.1\

instead of:

C:\Users\me\Desktop\dropbox\TV Shows\Fringe\Season.1\

How do I get the addon to create the show name in the path?
Anyone have any ideas?
(2013-01-12, 19:57)kadeschs Wrote: Anyone have any ideas?
I've seen this happen, but it was always a duplicate folder of correctly scraped items. I'm not sure how to fix it, because if you excluded 'seasons' it probably won't dig inside those folders.
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XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)10
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