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XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)
(2013-01-20, 22:47)spyder Wrote:
(2013-01-20, 03:03)XeroKool Wrote: Hopefully someone here can help me. I have my library populated with content from the Hulu and Amazon plugins. However when I watch any files directly from my library the watch status is not being updated automatically. I also cannot resume playback from where I left off. Both these features work fine if I view the files directly through the Hulu and Amazon plugins. If it makes any difference I am using a shared MySQL database for my library.
If you play the video from the plugin(Amazon) and check the video info, the filename will match the name of the movie/TV show. However, if you play the same video from your library and check the info it shows up as 'UnboxScreeningRoomClient', which must be what's causing this.

Yeah I noticed this as well. I'm guessing from the replies that this is the result I should come to expect. Wanted to make sure I wasn't doing something wrong on my end. If anyone has already come up with a solution to this problem please don't hesitate to share.
Can someone here who is scraping XBMCFlicks share the exact folder structure you are using?

I've tried...
<subfolder name="Instant Movies and Shows" type="episodes" >
                    <contains> Scrubs </contains>
<subfolder name="Instant Movies and Shows/Browse by Genre/TV Comedies" type="episodes" >
                    <contains> Scrubs </contains>

No luck with either. I get
01/21/2013 12:45:49 PM ERROR   Find:Subfolder   Failed to get list of files from JSON-RPC for: Netflix (plugin://spudsdude-XBMC-Flicks-a644263/)
I don't have the exact code in front of me, but you can try:
<subfolder name="Instant Movies and Shows/Instant Queue: TV/Scrubs" type="episodes"></subfolder>
Guys I've started to post comments on the wiki but was wondering if we can't get admin access to the wiki. Can someone post their Amazon setup? I've got mine partially working but would like to compare against someone who is pulling movies and hd/sd shows.
(2013-01-21, 21:03)kadeschs Wrote: I don't have the exact code in front of me, but you can try:
<subfolder name="Instant Movies and Shows/Instant Queue: TV/Scrubs" type="episodes"></subfolder>

My instant queue is not working. That is what I use with Amazon (watchlist).
Hey guys, I am out to set this up with the BlueCop Hulu plugin and XBMCFlicks. Seeing as these are probably pretty common plugins does anyone have a config xml file they want to share that uses them?

I'm sure I could probably edit my own one eventually, but I spent entirely too much time getting XBMCFlicks working and am looking for any shortcut I can get.

Otherwise, are there any good tutorials or templates out there that might cover MyLibrary with NetFlix or Hulu?
Here is my amazon pull. I just used the examples and tracked the paths in the plugin. I only pull TV shows. You could add movies in easy. It will put theme all in a movie set for amazon, only thing is artwork gets all messed up cause there not in sep. dir. I was just adding movies to my watchlist and adding that, but when it started messing up artwork, I droped them. Not sure if there is a way to create dir. for each movie.

<Amazon path="plugin://plugin.video.amazon" recursive="true" prefix="[A] " movie_set=" Amazon Prime" >

            <subfolder name="Television/HDTV Shows/Pushing Daisies" type="episodes" />
            <subfolder name="Television/HDTV Shows/The West Wing" type="episodes" />
            <subfolder name="Television/HDTV Shows/Phineas and Ferb" type="episodes" />
            <subfolder name="Television/HDTV Shows/Lost" type="episodes" />
            <subfolder name="Television/HDTV Shows/Fringe" type="episodes" />
            <subfolder name="Television/HDTV Shows/Falling Skies" type="episodes" />
            <subfolder name="Television/All Shows/Gilligan's Island" type="episodes" />
                <subfolder name="Television/All Shows/Super Why!" type="episodes" >
                        <filter><!--First, get the HD episodes -->
                        <contains> [HD]</contains>
                <subfolder name="Television/All Shows/Super Why!" type="episodes">            
                        <exclude><!--Then add any SD episodes that aren't available in HD-->
                        <contains> [HD]</contains>
            <subfolder name="Television/All Shows/Buffy the Vampire Slayer" type="episodes" />
            <subfolder name="Television/All Shows/The Backyardigans" type="episodes" />
            <subfolder name="Television/All Shows/The X-Files" type="episodes" />
                <subfolder name="Television/All Shows/Sesame Street" type="episodes" >
                        <filter><!--First, get the HD episodes -->
                        <contains> [HD]</contains>
                <subfolder name="Television/All Shows/Sesame Street" type="episodes">            
                        <exclude><!--Then add any SD episodes that aren't available in HD-->
                        <contains> [HD]</contains>
            <subfolder name="Television/All Shows/Coupling" type="episodes" />
            <subfolder name="Television/All Shows/Parks and Recreation" type="episodes" >
                        <filter><!--First, get the HD episodes -->
                        <contains> [HD]</contains>
                <subfolder name="Television/All Shows/Parks and Recreation" type="episodes">            
                        <exclude><!--Then add any SD episodes that aren't available in HD-->
                        <contains> [HD]</contains>
So is there no way to 'discover' content with this add-on?

Ideally I would quite like to just index EVERYTHING. Then I can navigate around and find out what's there. But from the examples I have seen it looks more like I have to first find out what is available, then manually add it to the config and then I can access it using MyLibrary. What solutions are there for me to add a lot of content without having to specify each movie or show?
(2013-01-24, 07:33)Revengeance Wrote: So is there no way to 'discover' content with this add-on?

Ideally I would quite like to just index EVERYTHING. Then I can navigate around and find out what's there. But from the examples I have seen it looks more like I have to first find out what is available, then manually add it to the config and then I can access it using MyLibrary. What solutions are there for me to add a lot of content without having to specify each movie or show?

You could index EVERYTHING is you wanted, you just back down the subfolder call to the root and it will index everything after. You are going to get thousands of returns. This should work if you really want everything. Let me know how long it takes Smile.

        <Amazon path="plugin://plugin.video.amazon" recursive="true" prefix="[A] " movie_set=" Amazon" >

                    <subfolder name="Television/All Shows" type="episodes" >
                            <filter><!--First, get the HD episodes -->
                                <contains> [HD]</contains>
                    <subfolder name="Television/All Shows" type="episodes">            
                            <exclude><!--Then add any SD episodes that aren't available in HD-->
                            <contains> [HD]</contains>
            <subfolder name="Movies/All Movies" type="movies" />

Starting to get strange results with Amazon...
Getting folders that look like this "Season.1.[COLOR.FFE47911][HD][COLOR]". It is putting 8 or so different series in one folder.
(2013-01-18, 03:52)kadeschs Wrote: Well, I managed to somewhat get XBMC Flicks back up and working. MyLibrary imports all of the episodes of selected show in strm format perfectly in dropbox. They also all get imported and setup perfectly into XBMC after updating my TV Show library. However, when I try to play any of the files, none of them play. Is this a common issue?

I'm having a similar issue. When I try to play one of the videos scraped from xbmcflix I get IE opening to my homepage.
The strm contains
Ok.. Here is the issue with XBMCFlicks. It is looking for a specific HTML file in the plugin folder. That file exists on my server computer that does my scraping. My media center computer does not contain that file so when XBMC tries to run the strm it comes up with no file. It appears that to use My.Library with xbmcflicks it simply must be run on the same computer where you will be playing the videos.
When I edited the strm file and changed the link above to this one, it worked... This link is from the computer that runs My.Library.


So is there any way to get My.Library to create strm files that contain a network address instead of a local address?

I may have figured out my issue. I added this to the advancedsettings.xml
    <to>\\SERVER\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\userdata\addon_data\plugin.video.xbmcflicks</to> <!-- Note the difference between the usage of forward and backslashes -->
This substitutes the local path in the strm for a network path where the actual netflix files are stored. (On the server that My.Library is run on)
Is there any way to get these new entries to play on a upnp client (e.g. Xbox 360, etc)? Or any way to get any of the plugins (Free Cable, particularly) to show up and play over upnp?
(2013-01-25, 11:00)zondebok Wrote: Is there any way to get these new entries to play on a upnp client (e.g. Xbox 360, etc)? Or any way to get any of the plugins (Free Cable, particularly) to show up and play over upnp?
Not until a xbmc server with transcoding is implemented(which from what I've seen is in the works). You could try PlayOn or Plex, but I'm not sure if they have plugins for all the content you are looking for.
Any idea why a few of the indexed shows are being entered into my library as the wrong title?

Merlin (or The Adventures of Merlin) is coming up as Mr Merlin from 1982
Life is coming up as Life at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (a documentary about childhood)
Once Upon A Time is not getting any info
Parenthood is not getting any info

The files appear to be correct and play fine, just the info is wrong or missing. I can't really tell where the problem is with this. XBMC? An Addon? My Skin? Or MyLibrary?
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XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)10
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