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XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)
(2013-01-28, 01:33)Revengeance Wrote: Any idea why a few of the indexed shows are being entered into my library as the wrong title?

Merlin (or The Adventures of Merlin) is coming up as Mr Merlin from 1982
Life is coming up as Life at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (a documentary about childhood)
Once Upon A Time is not getting any info
Parenthood is not getting any info

The files appear to be correct and play fine, just the info is wrong or missing. I can't really tell where the problem is with this. XBMC? An Addon? My Skin? Or MyLibrary?
K. Fished around on the interwebs for a couple of hours and I think the problem is these shows have the same name on TVDB as a whole bunch of other shows. I read that if I renamed my folders to include the year it might help the scraper to choose the right show. Is there are any way to change the naming convention for MyLibrary?

You can manually scrap by going to tv show information and refresh. Should bring up a list of shows that match your title and you can select the right one.

Thanks very much for the tip!! I'm sure that will come in handy in the future as well...

One niggle though: In the case of 'Merlin' and 'Life' it has changed the info to be correct as well as the background wallpaper and banner for my menu. But if I hover over All Seasons the thumbnail for it is still wrong. In the case of Life the thumbnail for season 1 is also incorrect although season 2 is fine... weird.

EDIT: Nevermind - figured it out. You go to the context menu well on the Season and go to Set Season thumbnail or something...
Hey guys, sorry one more question. How do I get XBMC to stop loading empty folders into my library?

I have tried using the clean library option in settings, which works temporarily. But the next time I run MyLibrary every show I ever downloaded comes back again. The menu folders are empty (although they still show the correct info) and I have checked in my dropbox folder and the folders definitely have nothing in them.

Is there a setting for this somewhere?
I had this working great with Eden. Updated to Frodo today and to version 1.4.3. I am running XBMC on Apple TV 2 with a static IP of on port 8080 (these were working previously). It would appear I cannot connect to JSON. Webserver is enabled as are all settings in Remote Control. Below is an excerpt from my error log. I only use this for the Free Cable add on so I do not have PlayOn installed.

PHP Code:
01/29/2013 09:23:06 PM ERROR   Init...          Failed to POST to
java.net.ConnectExceptionConnection refusedconnect
.net.DualStackPlainSocketImpl.connect0(Native Method)
java.net.DualStackPlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Unknown Source)
java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.doConnect(Unknown Source)
java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(Unknown Source)
java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source)
java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source)
java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source)
java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source)
java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source)
sun.net.NetworkClient.doConnect(Unknown Source)
sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(Unknown Source)
sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(Unknown Source)
sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.<init>(Unknown Source)
sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.New(Unknown Source)
sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.New(Unknown Source)
sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getNewHttpClient(Unknown Source)
sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect(Unknown Source)
sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.connect(Unknown Source)
sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getOutputStream(Unknown Source)

It doesn't appear that your http post was to port 8080, double check the config and ensure the port is setup correctly.
(2013-01-30, 06:40)skippy Wrote: It doesn't appear that your http post was to port 8080, double check the config and ensure the port is setup correctly.

Here are the lines from my config file:

PHP Code:

As an aside, works for me to access my web interface and XBMC Constellation (my ipad remote app) is able to connect to JSON as well.
(2013-01-30, 15:01)VMCosco Wrote:
(2013-01-30, 06:40)skippy Wrote: It doesn't appear that your http post was to port 8080, double check the config and ensure the port is setup correctly.

Here are the lines from my config file:

PHP Code:

As an aside, works for me to access my web interface and XBMC Constellation (my ipad remote app) is able to connect to JSON as well.

I do stand corrected. I realize now that my JSONRPC port and web interface port are different. My JSON port is 9090. I changed my config file appropriately but am still not able to connect.

It is frustrating because I DO have a JSON connection via XBMC Constellation (iPad remote control app) which lists Port 9090 with a host of Apple-TV.local. I tried Apple-TV.local as well as with port 9090 and cannot get a connection either way.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

(2013-01-30, 15:01)VMCosco Wrote: Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

Here is an example of my config settings.


I substituted my AppleTV IP address for "localhost" and BINGO!!! It worked. Thanks a bunch Skippy
(2013-01-29, 10:49)Revengeance Wrote: Hey guys, sorry one more question. How do I get XBMC to stop loading empty folders into my library?

I have tried using the clean library option in settings, which works temporarily. But the next time I run MyLibrary every show I ever downloaded comes back again. The menu folders are empty (although they still show the correct info) and I have checked in my dropbox folder and the folders definitely have nothing in them.

Is there a setting for this somewhere?
Anyone have any ideas on this? I am very keen to avoid manually cleaning my library every time MyLibrary runs..

Why are there folders, if there is nothing in them? Are you using a config to pull all show or something?

I am running into an issue with amazon where i'm pulling sesame street, but amazon has two listings in the television path. So it works ok with the first and then adds some weird stuff after that, that I am manually removing. Then it scraps another show I have already, but lists it as some weird asian show. Huh? Same config as Frodo RC3 but now im on Frodo Final.

Havent had time to dig into it yet.

(2013-01-31, 15:22)ryvanzandt Wrote: Revengeance

Why are there folders, if there is nothing in them? Are you using a config to pull all show or something?

I get this too, from doing a general scrape of Free Cable/Amazon. It creates a folder with no strm files in it, it then scans the folder into the library.

Revengeance- What os are you using? I found this, I haven't used it, but if it could be set up to run on a schedule after MyLibrary is finished it could possibly work.

ryvanzandt, spyder,

It's not creating empty folders per se. The best example is if you set up a filter to get the top 10 comedies and then one of those comedies later drops out of the top 10. It will naturally no longer be downloaded, but the folder stays. If I manually clean within XBMC the shows are removed from the library. But later if I run MyLibrary it will trigger XBMC to rescan and the empty folder will be added again.

Hopefully I have explained that well enough.

Another similar issue I just noticed is that MyLibrary doesn't deal very well with the same show being available in multiple sources. I initially set up a bunch of TV shows to index from Netflix, but later when I realized they were available from Hulu I took them off my Netflix filter and added them to my Hulu filter. For some shows this worked fine - the shows play in Hulu and have an [H] in front of them; for other shows there is a mix where some episodes are from Hulu and other episodes are from Netflix; and then there are some really weird instances where episodes have [H] [N] in front of them and don't seem to play at all!

I am running Windows 7. HoursThreshold and ConsecutiveThreshold are both set to 0, so videos no longer found should be deleted.
Hey folks,

In the config.xml file there is a note

"Note: Use the same exact path in XBMC as you have here. Don't use a local path here and a UNC (smb://) path in XBMC"

I'm using an NFS path in XBMC (due to some performance issues with streaming over samba), however I can't use the same path (nfs://ipaddress...) within the config script. As a result I get all of these errors saying that it can't update the meta data because the file is not in XBMC's library. Is there any method to specify a full replacement path up to the point where the "Videos", "TV Shows", and "Music Videos" folders live?

As a second point I've noticed some strange behaviour when I play back stream files on my XBMC box connected to an amp in the living room..

I'm using XBMC (Eden RC3 currently) for OSX (10.8.2) on a mac mini (mid 2012), and what I've found is that when playing a stream through PlayOn, if the amp has been turned off then it will play the audio through the mac mini's internal speaker. All PlayOn streams will keep playing through the internal speaker until I play any local media file (any file, only needs to play for a second) - the local media always plays correctly through the amp, and from that point until the next time the amp is switched off any future streams will play back through the amp correctly.

Any help on these would be greatly appreciated.

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XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)10
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