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XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)
1. You're welcomeCool
2. Some of the missing shows are because they don't have the naming structure that the tvdb recognizes, so it can't name and index it.
3. I guess you could scrape all of HuluShocked you couldn't use the 'All Shows' subfolder though. As far as duplicates, if it has the same name it shouldn't create another folder/file.
4. The next time it shouldn't take as long.
5. You can set up multiple versions, but the file has to named config.xml, so you either have to have separate MyLibrary folders or drag the different files in to swap out the working one.
6. Can't help you thereRofl
(2013-02-26, 13:22)locoguano Wrote:
(2013-02-25, 19:09)sooth Wrote: I cannot believe nobody has asked this, but are we able to scan YouTube into our library?

For example, there are several channels I would like to "subscribe" to and have automatically scanned into my library, but it seems nobody has tried this!

Is this even possible?

Should be able to do it as "Generic", but I haven't tried. You will have to make your own XML files with the video info. Only videos that follow standard naming protocol and are found on thetvdb.com will work with "TV Shows".

I've been trying with Generic but it's not working. I tried to create the XML filter subfolder stuff by searching but it's not cutting it.
I am a decent coder so I guess the route I am going to take is to write my own program to download YouTube/Twitch streams I want, cut them up, and then just import them..
(2013-02-28, 00:00)sooth Wrote:
(2013-02-26, 13:22)locoguano Wrote:
(2013-02-25, 19:09)sooth Wrote: I cannot believe nobody has asked this, but are we able to scan YouTube into our library?

For example, there are several channels I would like to "subscribe" to and have automatically scanned into my library, but it seems nobody has tried this!

Is this even possible?

Should be able to do it as "Generic", but I haven't tried. You will have to make your own XML files with the video info. Only videos that follow standard naming protocol and are found on thetvdb.com will work with "TV Shows".

I've been trying with Generic but it's not working. I tried to create the XML filter subfolder stuff by searching but it's not cutting it.
I am a decent coder so I guess the route I am going to take is to write my own program to download YouTube/Twitch streams I want, cut them up, and then just import them..

You have to setup a parser for youtube. "generic" type does not have a default one... I currently have no problems with youtube...
Heres a example:
<regexp>()([\w\s*'-:]*)</regexp> <!-- ex: Include the entire name "Show Name: Title of the Episode" -->
Also use force_series to name "show name"
Image Lunatixz - Kodi / Beta repository
Image PseudoTV - Forum | Website | Youtube | Help?
(2013-02-27, 20:38)spyder Wrote: @bc320
1. You're welcomeCool
2. Some of the missing shows are because they don't have the naming structure that the tvdb recognizes, so it can't name and index it.
3. I guess you could scrape all of HuluShocked you couldn't use the 'All Shows' subfolder though. As far as duplicates, if it has the same name it shouldn't create another folder/file.
4. The next time it shouldn't take as long.
5. You can set up multiple versions, but the file has to named config.xml, so you either have to have separate MyLibrary folders or drag the different files in to swap out the working one.
6. Can't help you thereRofl

2. Anyway to change the naming structure or does that come from the site it is on?
3. "All Shows" folder? do you mean the one I created to say "TV Shows" or the one in xbmc for the hulu plugin?
6. I found one way to do netflix, but not real stoked on it. The ONE thing I think ms may have gotten right in Windows 8 and it is not even MS software. (Netflix windows app)

anyone ever installed a Andriod shell over windows? Thought about doing that but then I don't know if XBMC will run. Thought I could do that and set ala to launch a netflix app.
(2013-01-25, 05:04)locoguano Wrote: Starting to get strange results with Amazon...
Getting folders that look like this "Season.1.[COLOR.FFE47911][HD][COLOR]". It is putting 8 or so different series in one folder.

Did you ever figure out how to fix this?

(2013-03-03, 03:14)rossdret Wrote:
(2013-01-25, 05:04)locoguano Wrote: Starting to get strange results with Amazon...
Getting folders that look like this "Season.1.[COLOR.FFE47911][HD][COLOR]". It is putting 8 or so different series in one folder.

Did you ever figure out how to fix this?

I believe this was already answered a while back... search the topic...
Image Lunatixz - Kodi / Beta repository
Image PseudoTV - Forum | Website | Youtube | Help?
The program does a great job of parsing the files from netflix on PlayOn, but it simply won't play the saved .strm files. It is very frustrating, the netflix part of playon works fine, but for some reason after saving my instant queue, it won't play any of the saved files. Any thoughts?
(2013-03-03, 04:57)Lunatixz Wrote:
(2013-03-03, 03:14)rossdret Wrote:
(2013-01-25, 05:04)locoguano Wrote: Starting to get strange results with Amazon...
Getting folders that look like this "Season.1.[COLOR.FFE47911][HD][COLOR]". It is putting 8 or so different series in one folder.

Did you ever figure out how to fix this?

I believe this was already answered a while back... search the topic...

I have searched the topic and only found people posting that they have the problem also, and a possible solution was modifying advancedsettings.xml but that doesn't seem to have fixed (at least for me I still get the HD stuff in the folders).
well i understand now that generic filtering.
so if i want to scrape a custom plugin i will need to change the regex which i have no idea how to do this.

any chance to have the software analyze and build its own regex?

You helped out by updating your plugin to support a naming convention that I had requested here on the post below, anyways it works great however any TV Show with a number in the front seems to get cut off.

For example:
30 Rock = Rock
2 Broke Girls = Broke Girls

Is there anything that I can do to fix the numbers that are in front of tv shows from getting removed/stipped?

(2013-03-04, 23:51)carl1jenn Wrote:
(2013-03-03, 04:57)Lunatixz Wrote:
(2013-03-03, 03:14)rossdret Wrote: Did you ever figure out how to fix this?

I believe this was already answered a while back... search the topic...

I have searched the topic and only found people posting that they have the problem also, and a possible solution was modifying advancedsettings.xml but that doesn't seem to have fixed (at least for me I still get the HD stuff in the folders).

I read through the whole thing as well.

No solution has been posted. The advancedsetting.xml trick is only for adding the seasons properly, but this script still names the top folder with the season and color stuff rather than the tv show's name. Without the tv show name, xbmc has no idea what show it is scraping. No fix for that has been proposed.



I tested this further. The script works just fine with any non-HD Amazon source.

The final folder structure of the output strm files for non-HD is: dropbox\tvshowname\season.X\episodename.strm
But the structure for HD shows is as follows: dropbox\Season.X.[COLOR.FFE47911][HD][COLOR]\season.X\episodename.strm

So basically for HD episodes, the top folder becomes season.X.[Color, etc instead of the show name.

The only solution is a temporary workaround. I have to manually rename all top folders to the show name and it works. But the next time I run the script, they get deleted. So I have to move them to a different location. It works, but it is no longer automated.


On further testing, I noticed that on Amazon Prime, in xbmc, there is absolutely no difference between HD and non-HD streams. They are all 480p non-HD. This is the same on their website streaming as well. Even if you play an HD stream and your connection is excellent, the flash player still won't switch to a 720p stream. It is always at 480p 1350Mb/s. (I hear it is due to content providers not wanting Amazon to provide HD material on PCs to prevent piracy, pretty ridiculous if you ask me)

Therefore, in this script, I will select non-HD episodes and exclude the HD ones. That way it will work just fine and it will be automated.
(2013-03-09, 08:12)aptalca Wrote:
(2013-03-04, 23:51)carl1jenn Wrote:
(2013-03-03, 04:57)Lunatixz Wrote: I believe this was already answered a while back... search the topic...

I have searched the topic and only found people posting that they have the problem also, and a possible solution was modifying advancedsettings.xml but that doesn't seem to have fixed (at least for me I still get the HD stuff in the folders).

I read through the whole thing as well.

No solution has been posted. The advancedsetting.xml trick is only for adding the seasons properly, but this script still names the top folder with the season and color stuff rather than the tv show's name. Without the tv show name, xbmc has no idea what show it is scraping. No fix for that has been proposed.



I tested this further. The script works just fine with any non-HD Amazon source.

The final folder structure of the output strm files for non-HD is: dropbox\tvshowname\season.X\episodename.strm
But the structure for HD shows is as follows: dropbox\Season.X.[COLOR.FFE47911][HD][COLOR]\season.X\episodename.strm

So basically for HD episodes, the top folder becomes season.X.[Color, etc instead of the show name.

The only solution is a temporary workaround. I have to manually rename all top folders to the show name and it works. But the next time I run the script, they get deleted. So I have to move them to a different location. It works, but it is no longer automated.


On further testing, I noticed that on Amazon Prime, in xbmc, there is absolutely no difference between HD and non-HD streams. They are all 480p non-HD. This is the same on their website streaming as well. Even if you play an HD stream and your connection is excellent, the flash player still won't switch to a 720p stream. It is always at 480p 1350Mb/s. (I hear it is due to content providers not wanting Amazon to provide HD material on PCs to prevent piracy, pretty ridiculous if you ask me)

Therefore, in this script, I will select non-HD episodes and exclude the HD ones. That way it will work just fine and it will be automated.

Are you scraping all of amazon non HD content then? Can you post your XML? I'm trying to write one for Netflix but my add on is not working it won't register for some reason.
I am using the following xml for Amazon. It only pulls the non-HD links and ignores the HD ones (the streams are exactly the same anyway)

<Amazon path="plugin://plugin.video.amazon" recursive="true" prefix="[A] " movie_set=" Amazon" >

        <subfolder name="Television/All Shows/Battlestar Galactica ('04)" type="episodes" />                
        <subfolder name="Television/All Shows/Arrested Development" type="episodes" />                
        <subfolder name="Television/All Shows/The Tudors" type="episodes" />                
        <subfolder name="Television/All Shows/My Name is Earl" type="episodes" />                
        <subfolder name="Television/All Shows/Masterpiece: Downton Abbey" type="episodes" />                
                <contains> [HD]</contains>

add a separate <subfolder> line for each show you want to scrape
works like a charm
Question regarding the meta-data updates

I don't know what it really does, but it doesn't seem to work on my setup with mysql. Following is the error I get for every single video item:

03/10/2013 03:07:17 AM INFO    Meta-Data        SKIPPING meta-data update: SKIP: The video is not yet in XBMC's library: \\TOWER\cache\.tmp\XBMC.My.Library.Dropbox\TV Shows\Revolution\Season.1\S01E10 - Nobody's Fault But Mine.strm

Is it because the script searches for the entire path in the mysql database?? because when I query my database, the entries show up linux style as follows:
smb://TOWER/cache/.tmp/XBMC.My.Library.Dropbox/TV Shows/Revolution/Season.1/S01E10 - Nobody's Fault But Mine.strm

any ideas on how to fix this?

(2013-03-10, 23:39)aptalca Wrote: I am using the following xml for Amazon. It only pulls the non-HD links and ignores the HD ones (the streams are exactly the same anyway)

<Amazon path="plugin://plugin.video.amazon" recursive="true" prefix="[A] " movie_set=" Amazon" >

        <subfolder name="Television/All Shows/Battlestar Galactica ('04)" type="episodes" />                
        <subfolder name="Television/All Shows/Arrested Development" type="episodes" />                
        <subfolder name="Television/All Shows/The Tudors" type="episodes" />                
        <subfolder name="Television/All Shows/My Name is Earl" type="episodes" />                
        <subfolder name="Television/All Shows/Masterpiece: Downton Abbey" type="episodes" />                
                <contains> [HD]</contains>

add a separate <subfolder> line for each show you want to scrape
works like a charm

Is there a code that can be written to scrape only the watchlist folder? Or will that not update correctly? Also same concept for the Hulu supscription folder and Netflix queue. Although..I guess XBMCflix is having API issues and I cannot get netflix in XBMC anymore Sad(((
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XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)10
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