Posts: 7
Joined: Jan 2013
Well i have run into a bit of a problem. Just upgraded from the DSPlayer Frodo RC3 build to the latest 12.1 build on the front page. I did a full backup (XBMC folder in %appdata%, exported the Video Library), and after the update just imported it all back. Now the issue is that the clearart logo which shows up in the bottom-right corner of the OSD during playback seems to be missing. Also many episodes and videos are unable to get a thumbnail generated. Have i done anything wrong here ? What would be a good way to update to 12.1 without losing any part of the older library database and have it all like before, with clearart and all ? I don't mind rebuilding libraries and downloading the thumbnails all over again, but i would like to retain my Skin settings and player configurations.
Posts: 75
Joined: Jun 2011
Hi together,
Margro created a build. Unfortunately the build brings strange backround noises while playing any video, the channel swichting times for TV are a dream!.
Posts: 115
Joined: Mar 2013
Senior Member
Posts: 115
Hi roman
I see in your build a new facility for the Imon display its works great, this is a addon ? I could also add in PVR Margro New Build?
Posts: 75
Joined: Jun 2011
I localized the problem, as I decribed I had some swichting noises in the backround when I start playing a movie. When I disable natigation sounds under system /appearance/skin I don't have these noises. Unfortunately I don't habe any navigation noises then :-(
When I enable navigation sounds I more less always have these noises, In some case I don't I always have them when I came from a dvd and Then I wanted to play an XVID Format then, I can also switch of the noises during movie playback selecting the audio menu changing setting "output stereo to all speaekers" or "Audio output" Very strange?!
Again, swichting time are a dream and I hope your improvements became standard XMBC soon.
Many thanks for this to Margro.
BR Juro
Posts: 75
Joined: Jun 2011
did additional tests, has nothing to do with navigation sound, had something to do with any present sound source, if a movie is playing, and you start a new movie without pressing stop before, I can reproduce same behaviour