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XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)
For the time being my shows-I-used-to-download-reappearing problems have gone away, so that's good. The empty folders went away Smile

Now I have a new problem in some shows not downloading and other shows not being added to XBMC.

Shows that aren't downloading include 30 Rock, MI-5, Freaks & Geeks, Top Gear (UK), And for some reason 24 has downloaded into a folder called 'Instant.Queue.TV".

Shows that don't automatically load to XBMC are Masterpiece.Downton.Abbey, Masterpiece.Mystery!.Wallander, The.I.T..Crowd and The.Blue.Planet.A.Natural.History.of.the.Oceans. Just looking at those names I can see why the scraper didn't identify them, but I'm not sure how to sort it out.

As always, any help appreciated.
Oh, found another curly problem while we're at it. Movie title's don't seem to read past an apostrophe - for example She's All That becomes 'She' and The King's Speech becomes 'The King'. Anyone seen that before?
(2013-04-05, 22:56)crimsonfury Wrote: Does this work currently with PleXBMC?

Anyone? Does this work with all Video Addons?
(2013-04-13, 00:42)crimsonfury Wrote:
(2013-04-05, 22:56)crimsonfury Wrote: Does this work currently with PleXBMC?

Anyone? Does this work with all Video Addons?

In theory this should work with any addon that reports correct episode names. Never know til you try.
Should I escape spaces in path in filter?

I am running Frodo XBMC 13.0 ALPHA2 Git:194c408 (compiled Apr 1 2013). I downloaded the plugin from google code XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3.zip and when trying to install from zip file I get the message: the AddOn does not have the correct structure!
What do I miss? Any idea on how to fix that?

rebuilding ....
(2013-04-13, 04:33)locoguano Wrote:
(2013-04-13, 00:42)crimsonfury Wrote:
(2013-04-05, 22:56)crimsonfury Wrote: Does this work currently with PleXBMC?

Anyone? Does this work with all Video Addons?

In theory this should work with any addon that reports correct episode names. Never know til you try.

Yeah.... I don't know.... Seems like a really complicated xml to edit and to set this all up.... Could you PM me a setup just for Plexbmc? I don't care about Netflix or Hulu because I use the Win8 Apps for both....
(2013-04-15, 23:03)krijeck Wrote: Hello!

I am running Frodo XBMC 13.0 ALPHA2 Git:194c408 (compiled Apr 1 2013). I downloaded the plugin from google code XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3.zip and when trying to install from zip file I get the message: the AddOn does not have the correct structure!
What do I miss? Any idea on how to fix that?


I am getting the same thing also.

(2013-04-16, 20:22)DFergATL Wrote:
(2013-04-15, 23:03)krijeck Wrote: Hello!

I am running Frodo XBMC 13.0 ALPHA2 Git:194c408 (compiled Apr 1 2013). I downloaded the plugin from google code XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3.zip and when trying to install from zip file I get the message: the AddOn does not have the correct structure!
What do I miss? Any idea on how to fix that?


I am getting the same thing also.


Read the first post.
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
OK Maybe I am just plain stupid but I went back and read post #1 and I just don't see where it tells me how to fix this problem.

After reading the first post -again- I found what bradvido88 means: It is not idiot-proof. Rofl
no really - the important thing I missed was reading the User Guide - and recognizing that this is the Supplementary Tools for XBMC sub forum and not add-ons sub forum... this program is not an XBMC Add-on. It is an external tool.

I will try now to follow the instructions and try it on OSX first. If it works I will report - if not - too. Nod
thanks anyway ... Wink

rebuilding ....
Holy Bat Fart! I feel really stupid.

I've managed to use PlayOn as a source for Amazon Prime content (a workaround for the recent FLASH_ACCESS DRM issue with BlueCop's Amazon Addon).

However when navigating my watchilist, shows with season do not get nested within the title of the show, i.e. "The Amazing Race" shows up as "The Amazing Race, Season 17", "The Amazing Race, Season 18", etc.

Subsequently when drilling even further down, all episodes are then numbered S01E01, regardless of what season they are nested in.

Currently, I am manually archiving the shows as force_tvdb doesn't get the right matching. Do you have some advice on how to rewrite (regex?) what My.Library finds so that the "Season XX" portion of the title becomes part of the episode number?
(2013-04-17, 22:33)hellohello Wrote: @bradivdo88:

I've managed to use PlayOn as a source for Amazon Prime content (a workaround for the recent FLASH_ACCESS DRM issue with BlueCop's Amazon Addon).

However when navigating my watchilist, shows with season do not get nested within the title of the show, i.e. "The Amazing Race" shows up as "The Amazing Race, Season 17", "The Amazing Race, Season 18", etc.

Subsequently when drilling even further down, all episodes are then numbered S01E01, regardless of what season they are nested in.

Currently, I am manually archiving the shows as force_tvdb doesn't get the right matching. Do you have some advice on how to rewrite (regex?) what My.Library finds so that the "Season XX" portion of the title becomes part of the episode number?

I'd like to know about this as well... I dumped cable and moved to XBMC (with Amazon, Netflix, and Hulu). Amazon is gone (for now) and Netflix is going. If PlayOn is the solution I will gladly pay the lifetime price and stop worrying about addon development.
(2013-04-18, 16:05)locoguano Wrote: I'd like to know about this as well... I dumped cable and moved to XBMC (with Amazon, Netflix, and Hulu). Amazon is gone (for now) and Netflix is going. If PlayOn is the solution I will gladly pay the lifetime price and stop worrying about addon development.

one workaround I found in dealing with the season issue is using force_series and force_tvdb with archiving set to true. what results is a 'zero' season but the episodes being presented in the correct order. so for example, in my case of The Amazing Race, I used the following:

<Playon custom_parser="PlayOn" recursive="true" >

<!-- NETFLIX-->
<subfolder name="Netflix/Browse Genres/Comedies/Stand-up Comedy/" type="movies" recursive="true"  />

<!-- AMAZON -->    
<subfolder name="Amazon VOD/Prime Watchlist/TV/The Amazing Race, Season 17" force_series="The Amazing Race" force_tvdb="true" type="episodes" />
<subfolder name="Amazon VOD/Prime Watchlist/TV/The Amazing Race, Season 18" force_series="The Amazing Race" force_tvdb="true" type="episodes" />
<subfolder name="Amazon VOD/Prime Watchlist/TV/The Amazing Race, Season 19" force_series="The Amazing Race" force_tvdb="true" type="episodes" />
<subfolder name="Amazon VOD/Prime Watchlist/TV/The Amazing Race, Season 20" force_series="The Amazing Race" force_tvdb="true" type="episodes" />


In my configuration, it was better to define/name the PlayOn source simply "Playon" with all the other channels (Amazon VOD, Netflix, Hulu) being treated as subfolders. This is different than what others have suggested in this thread but my method allows for content besides Netflix to be scraped. The drawback of course is that this is sloppy and you don't get the correct plot information.

However, if you're using Hulu+, here's the necessary regex to grab what you want without putting it in your subscriptions (known as favorites on Hulu)

<Hulu path="plugin://plugin.video.hulu" recursive="true">            
<subfolder name="Subscriptions/The Amazing Race (HD)" type="episodes" recursive="true" >
    <regexp>/Episode[s]? \([0-9]+\)/</regexp>                
<subfolder regex_name="true" name="TV/Channels \([0-9]+\)/- Science and Technology/Popular Titles \([0-9]+\)" type="episodes" recursive="true">
    <regexp>/Episode[s]? \([0-9]+\)/</regexp>                
    <regexp>/season[s]? \([0-9]+\)</regexp>                
     <contains>previous page</contains>                    
     <contains>next page</contains>            

NOTE: Although certain shows are HuluPlus, you can still use the examples above to scrape whatever is freely available

1. In the example provided with the latest version of My.Library, regex_name="true" is in the start of the plugin searchfilter (i.e. Hulu path="plugin://plugin.video.hulu"). Do not do this as it will break scraping HD episodes. This is also why it's missing from The Amazing Race entry.

2. However, if you want to capture all items within a particular "channel" (i.e. Genre) then you can use the second example ( "- Science and Technology").

Hope this helps.
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