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XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)
How often is it recommended to run MyLibrary? I currently have it scheduled to run every 4 hours. Too much, too little?
(2013-04-15, 23:21)crimsonfury Wrote:
(2013-04-13, 04:33)locoguano Wrote:
(2013-04-13, 00:42)crimsonfury Wrote: Anyone? Does this work with all Video Addons?

In theory this should work with any addon that reports correct episode names. Never know til you try.

Yeah.... I don't know.... Seems like a really complicated xml to edit and to set this all up.... Could you PM me a setup just for Plexbmc? I don't care about Netflix or Hulu because I use the Win8 Apps for both....

Can someone send me a finished or just a mock up of the xml for Plexbmc?
(2013-04-25, 02:04)hellohello Wrote: How often is it recommended to run MyLibrary? I currently have it scheduled to run every 4 hours. Too much, too little?

I have mine set to run every night at 4 am.
First off, thanks for the script. Improves the XBMC experience 100%.

However I've encountered an interesting condition, and I'm hoping someone might be able to point me towards some ideas for a fix. First off, I am running:

XBMC 12.1, Compiled March 17, 2013
MyLibrary 1.4.3
Aeon Nox 4.0

When the MyLibrary script is running everything works fine, but if i go into any menu while it is running it will change the viewtype to some default setting. For example, if I enter the Movies menu while the script is running the viewtype will change to Shift from my preferred viewtype. After the script has finished running I can change the viewtype back to the preferred setting and all is fine. Also if I stay on the main menu for the entire time the script is running I do not have any problems.

Anyone have any suggestions on how to prevent this from occurring?
I've defined filter as
        <marx path="plugin://plugin.video.polishtv.live" recursive="true" regex_name="true" prefix="(M) ">
            <subfolder name="Filmy, Seriale/TVN Player/Bajki dla najmłodszych/Małe zoo Lucy" max_videos="30" type="episodes" force_series="64 Zoo Lane">
                    <regexp>(Małe zoo Lucy, odcinek )([0-9]+)</regexp>
Episodes are named as:
Małe zoo Lucy, odcinek 1
Małe zoo Lucy, odcinek 2
Małe zoo Lucy, odcinek 3

I've already cut episode number with regexp above, so the name is 1,2 etc but I don't know how to append series number to the episode name (something like S1E)

force_series allowes to find serie on TVDB.
Here is short log snippet:
05/01/2013 05:31:28 PM WARN    Archiving        No video found in the database using SQL: SELECT original_path, dropbox_location, video_type, title, series, artist, episode_number, season_number, year, is_tvdb_lookup FROM ArchivedFiles WHERE original_path = ?
05/01/2013 05:31:28 PM INFO    Archiving        This video has not been succesfully looked up on the TVDB before, will attempt lookup now.
05/01/2013 05:31:29 PM INFO    Archiving        Attempting to find matching episode with title = "26" from thetvdb, url = http://www.thetvdb.com/api/XXXXXXXXXX7A1FFE/series/75496/all/en.xml

Edit: what is custom_parser and why there is no documentation about it?
I am looking to get youtube playlist working but seems like I got stuck. Here is my xml setup for youtube. Let me know if I am missing something. I went through the guide but seems like it is outdated as the documentation still talks about the SQLlite or MYSQL setup which seems to be not available any more.

        <Youtube path="plugin:/plugin.video.youtube" recursive="true" regex_name="true" prefix="(Y) " >            

            <subfolder name="My Subscriptions/adityacinema\Full Length Movies"
                max_videos="10" type="movies" movie_set="Youtube" />                                                    
                <contains>previous page</contains>                    
                <contains>next page</contains>            
Intel® Quad Core i5 Sandybridge @3.40GHz | ASRock Z775 Mobo 8GB DDR3 Ram | Logitech K400 Keyboard |
| Logitec Harmony 550 Remote| 46' Samsung LCD TV | Onkyo TX-S605 w/ Bose 5.1 Surround
This may be a stupid question with an obvious answer, but...when I run the .cmd file it goes and does it's thing correctly, but never exits out. I don't mean because of the "pause" in the file, I've removed that. The console window just sits there idling as if it's just listening to XBMC. I'm reluctant to task schedule this as I don't want a process just hanging in limbo.

edit: disregard, tasked scheduled it and it seems to have run fine overnight.
I've tried to compile myself this app, but there are some missing dependencies. Seems like not all sources were committed.
Is it possible for XBMC.MyLibrary to tell XBMC to do an update scan after it's finished?
(2013-05-06, 22:53)redhalo Wrote: Is it possible for XBMC.MyLibrary to tell XBMC to do an update scan after it's finished?

Yes. this is an option in the config.xml
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
(2013-05-05, 16:50)hunkyn Wrote: I am looking to get youtube playlist working but seems like I got stuck. Here is my xml setup for youtube. Let me know if I am missing something. I went through the guide but seems like it is outdated as the documentation still talks about the SQLlite or MYSQL setup which seems to be not available any more.

        <Youtube path="plugin:/plugin.video.youtube" recursive="true" regex_name="true" prefix="(Y) " >            

            <subfolder name="My Subscriptions/adityacinema\Full Length Movies"
                max_videos="10" type="movies" movie_set="Youtube" />                                                    
                <contains>previous page</contains>                    
                <contains>next page</contains>            

I have been trying this for the last two days still no luck. Has anyone able to make the youtube add on work with this program?

Thanks in advance
Intel® Quad Core i5 Sandybridge @3.40GHz | ASRock Z775 Mobo 8GB DDR3 Ram | Logitech K400 Keyboard |
| Logitec Harmony 550 Remote| 46' Samsung LCD TV | Onkyo TX-S605 w/ Bose 5.1 Surround
(2013-05-08, 01:07)hunkyn Wrote:
(2013-05-05, 16:50)hunkyn Wrote: I am looking to get youtube playlist working but seems like I got stuck. Here is my xml setup for youtube. Let me know if I am missing something. I went through the guide but seems like it is outdated as the documentation still talks about the SQLlite or MYSQL setup which seems to be not available any more.

        <Youtube path="plugin:/plugin.video.youtube" recursive="true" regex_name="true" prefix="(Y) " >            

            <subfolder name="My Subscriptions/adityacinema\Full Length Movies"
                max_videos="10" type="movies" movie_set="Youtube" />                                                    
                <contains>previous page</contains>                    
                <contains>next page</contains>            

I have been trying this for the last two days still no luck. Has anyone able to make the youtube add on work with this program?

Thanks in advance
I decided to give this a try to see if I could help. First off, are you getting errors when trying to run this, you have some typos in your xml code. Path should be:

<YouTube path="plugin://plugin.video.youtube" recursive="true" > (notice the double //) also your subfolder should only have (/) to separate folders.

Also I tried scraping a folder in My Subscriptions and got a 'couldn't find folder' error(everything was correct), I then tried scraping the "New Subscription Videos" folder and that worked.
Youtube limits it's api hits from your IP... so this will work for a few days then... you will have to enter captcha checks every time your IP tries to access youtube...
Image Lunatixz - Kodi / Beta repository
Image PseudoTV - Forum | Website | Youtube | Help?
Does anyone have ESPN working? Here's what I'm using, but it never finds anything, doesn't kick back any errors either.
<ESPN path="plugin://plugin.video.espn3" recursive="true" type="generic" >
    <subfolder name="Replay 60 Days/Auto Racing" force_series="American Le Mans Series">
            <contains>American Le Mans Series</contains>        
(2013-05-09, 12:32)redhalo Wrote: Does anyone have ESPN working? Here's what I'm using, but it never finds anything, doesn't kick back any errors either.
I always use the parser filter when doing 'generic' scrapes:
<!-- Put the entire video name into the second pattern group to use as the episode name -->
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