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XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)
is there an ability to use multiple Config files on the command line?
by that i mean run a script calling each one at different times so the strm files can go into
different folders.
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(2013-06-04, 00:18)wilson.joe Wrote: is there an ability to use multiple Config files on the command line?
by that i mean run a script calling each one at different times so the strm files can go into
different folders.

nope. but you could duplicate the folder you have your jar and config files in and run different instances of the tool.
Is there a specific line of code or template available to get individual Netflix videos?

<Netflix prefix="[Netflix] " custom_parser="PlayOn" recursive="true">
<!-- Get all TV and Movies from your instant queue. Movies will be put in a movie set.
TV Episodes will have a prefix added to their title -->
<subfolder name="Instant Queue/Alphabetical" movie_set=" Netflix Instant Queue" />

<!-- Get new movies from Netflix and add them to a movie set -->
<subfolder name="New Arrivals/New movies to watch instantly" type="movies" movie_set=" Netflix New Movies" />

<subfolder name="Browse Genres/Comedies" type="movies" max_videos="50" />

<subfolder name="Browse Genres/Critically–acclaimed Movies" type="movies" max_videos="50" />

<subfolder name="Browse Genres/Documentaries" type="movies" max_videos="50" />

<subfolder name="Browse Genres/Drama" type="movies" max_videos="50" />

<!--Get up to 50 episodes from the Sitcoms genre-->
<subfolder name="Browse Genres/Television/TV Comedies/TV Sitcoms" type="episodes" max_videos="50" />


The above isn't working...however my hulu worked in the same config.xml.
I would rather set up Netflix and choose each tv series/movie I want to add.
Sorry I am just at a loss, I've looked through this thread and the rest of the forum but couldn't get enough information to help my cause, any help would be super appreciated. Thanks guys and gals.
You need to add "Netflix" to your searches. i.e.:

<subfolder name="Netflix/Instant Queue/Alphabetical" movie_set=" Netflix Instant Queue" />

The reason being that for Netflix your plugin/addon is PLAYON, not NETFLIX. So essentially you are directing MyLibrary to browse the "Netflix" directory inside Playon

With Hulu however, the plugin/addon is HULU itself. No need to specify it.

Here's how I have mine set up because Netflix changes their folder structure from time to time (like today!), the example being "The Colony":

<subfolder regex_name="true" name="Netflix/Browse Genres/TV Shows/Reality TV(.+)?/The Colony" type="episodes" recursive="true" />
With regards to netflix, how do I make it scrape all of netflix into my library. I mean every single thing. Tried searching around in the thread I may have missed it but I didn't quite see it.

Do you have to use playon? or could I use XBMC flicks?

hmm, I guess you could use this (make sure you have "Playon" as a source pointing to the UPNP ID of Playon, no content set):

<Playon custom_parser="PlayOn" recursive="true" >
<subfolder regex_name="true" name="Netflix/(.+)?" recursive="true" />

but it would take a VERY long time to scrape everything.

As for needing Playon, I don't like the workaround for XBMCFlicks and that only really works for those of us with Windows based XBMC installations. I have openelec on 3 of my installs, with a Windows version on my workstation for testing (on which the Playon media server is running on as well)>

For a $50 lifetime subscription, I think Playon is more than worth it.
This is what I use to get all Netflix videos in your queue from PlayOn

(First I added a source in my Video section that points to the "Netflix" folder in PlayOn and named it "NetflixPlayOn")

<NetflixPlayOn prefix="[N] " custom_parser="PlayOn"  recursive="true">                            
        <!-- Get all TV and Movies from your instant queue. Movies will be put in a movie set and have tags applied. TV Episodes will has a prefix added to their title -->
        <subfolder name="Instant Queue" movie_set=" Netflix Instant Queue" movie_tags="Netflix|Streaming" recursive="true" /><!--gets both episodes and movies-->
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration

I've never been able to get movie_tags to work. I've scanned movies but when I try to create a smartlist to point to those tags, they don't exist. should the tags be created within XBMC first?

also, I don't recommend setting the source to point to the Netflix folder directly as it limits you from scanning from other channels, i.e. Amazon. with my method, you can point to Playon instead, then nest the other folders (or "channels" from Playon) within the SearchFilters.

for example:

<Playon custom_parser="PlayOn" recursive="true" >

<!-- NETFLIX -->
<subfolder name="Netflix/Instant Queue" recursive="true" movie_tags="KidTV"  suffix=" [Netflix]" />

<!-- ABC -->
<subfolder name="ABC/All/666 Park Avenue/Full Episodes/" recursive="true" />

<subfolder name="Discovery Channel/Full Episodes/Alaska The Last Frontier/" recursive="true" />

The movie tags are automatically created when the program finds the video in your library. If Prefixes and Suffixes work, then the tags will/should work too. If none of them work, the path for your actual library folder and the folder configured for MyLibrary are probably different.
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
(2013-06-05, 13:23)hellohello Wrote: @pisoj1

hmm, I guess you could use this (make sure you have "Playon" as a source pointing to the UPNP ID of Playon, no content set):

<Playon custom_parser="PlayOn" recursive="true" >
<subfolder regex_name="true" name="Netflix/(.+)?" recursive="true" />

but it would take a VERY long time to scrape everything.

As for needing Playon, I don't like the workaround for XBMCFlicks and that only really works for those of us with Windows based XBMC installations. I have openelec on 3 of my installs, with a Windows version on my workstation for testing (on which the Playon media server is running on as well)>

For a $50 lifetime subscription, I think Playon is more than worth it.

Am I correct in saying that with PlayOn you cannot rewind, resume, or skip ahead? (Since I am not actually controlling the video, just the transcode of it.)

(2013-06-06, 07:07)locoguano Wrote: Am I correct in saying that with PlayOn you cannot rewind, resume, or skip ahead? (Since I am not actually controlling the video, just the transcode of it.)

yup, another drawback. the truth is, I only use Playon for Netflix and Amazon (whose Prime membership I've cancelled). I knew I couldn't stop/exit/resume, but didn't realize I couldn't ff/rw either. you can pause only to an extent, but I have found issues with Playon not killing the stream on the server side afterwards and encountering difficulties watching another show on Netflix thereafter.
tried editing the searchfilter in config.xml to stream baywatch from the icefilms plugin...Image
(2013-06-06, 12:02)hellohello Wrote: @locoguano

(2013-06-06, 07:07)locoguano Wrote: Am I correct in saying that with PlayOn you cannot rewind, resume, or skip ahead? (Since I am not actually controlling the video, just the transcode of it.)

yup, another drawback. the truth is, I only use Playon for Netflix and Amazon (whose Prime membership I've cancelled). I knew I couldn't stop/exit/resume, but didn't realize I couldn't ff/rw either. you can pause only to an extent, but I have found issues with Playon not killing the stream on the server side afterwards and encountering difficulties watching another show on Netflix thereafter.
I was giving it a shot with my sister's HBO Go login, but when I try to watch a show that she has already watched, I end up starting in the closing credits and can't restart.
Does the parser tag not work for music videos?

<subfolder name="Favorite Artists" >
        <regexp>()(^.*?(?= \())</regexp>

The idea is to grab videos from VEVO with parentheses in the title and then remove said parentheses and everything within for better scraping.
I'm having trouble with my MTV parsing using Playon. I'm using:
<MTV custom_parser="PlayOn"  recursive="true">
        <subfolder name="Popular Shows/Awkward./Full Episodes" force_series="Awkward." type="episodes" />

It looks like the files are named "(Season #) | Ep. ## | Episode Title" so I'm getting:

Cannot be archived: series=Awkward., title=(Season 2) | Ep. 10 | Pick Me, Choose Me, Love Me, season=-1, episode=-1 MTV/Popular Shows/Awkward./Full Episodes/(Season 2) | Ep. 10 | Pick Me, Choose Me, Love Me

Can I force a season? If I can, can I cut everything until the second | so that MyLibrary takes the correct name? Any other suggestions?
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