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Hi Ned!
I need to request a wiki account.
(2013-06-05, 23:19)Moshak Wrote: Hi Ned!
I need to request a wiki account.

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hi can I please request a wiki account thank you.
(2013-06-06, 23:37)bulko Wrote: hi can I please request a wiki account thank you.

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Hi Ned, I need a wiki account.
(2013-06-07, 20:16)atrapanotto Wrote: Hi Ned, I need a wiki account.

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hi ned ...need account please
It seems to be a nice plugin. May I have a login ?
(2013-06-09, 11:16)AhdioHore Wrote: hi ned ...need account please

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(2013-06-09, 11:27)isagarran Wrote: Hello,
It seems to be a nice plugin. May I have a login ?

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I'd like to share some info on how to (painlessly) create a bootable XBMCBuntu boot flash drive using UNetbootin on CentOS (and most likely Fedora and other Red Hat derived Linux distros.

So if you are interested, I'd be happy to get an account on the wiki.
(2013-06-10, 21:34)m4dmAX Wrote: I'd like to share some info on how to (painlessly) create a bootable XBMCBuntu boot flash drive using UNetbootin on CentOS (and most likely Fedora and other Red Hat derived Linux distros.

So if you are interested, I'd be happy to get an account on the wiki.

Need a way to send you your temp password. You can turn on forum private messages or e-mail contact.
How can I get a wiki account thanks
My connection failed sometimes ok and then off again help
(2013-06-13, 17:46)Alegan Wrote: How can I get a wiki account thanks

You ask for one in this thread, but I'm not sure you're ready for one yet..

Was there something you wanted to change, add, etc? I'm not sure if you're actually asking for a wiki account or you're just confused about this thread and need help for an issue?
I need 1 please

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