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So... i am working on a Quick Navigation Menu accessible from PlayerControls (press letter "M") hence will be accessible for everywhere except the VideoFullScreen and Music Visualization screens.

If you press "M" letter when no media is playing you will get the new Quick Navigation Menu right away...

If you press "M" letter when a media is playing you will get this (same as before)...

but if you press UP or DOWN arrow you can access the new Quick Navigation Menu...

At the moment the entry's that i have added are :
- Movies
- TV Shows
- Music
- Pictures
- Add-ons
- New Movies
- New TV Shows
- New Music
- Settings

All of them will may be disabled from skin settings.

So... i need some feedback from you guys. How can we make this more functional and useful for the most of the users ?, e.g... which entries we should put on the menu by default ?, custom entry's are needed ?, if so how many of them ? and so on...

I am waiting for your suggestions Wink

(2013-07-05, 15:31)nessus Wrote: I am waiting for your suggestions Wink


Very nice idea.
don't tried yet but tell me: have we only three customizable buttons or more?
Did you think we could add api commands? (don't know.....libraries update, shut down system or other like this).
For my taste, (if we have only three buttons) new tv series, new movies and new musics should be default choice.
All the above options are available if you scroll left or right but always are visible three and the focus is always in the middle one. We can add whatever we want. I just want to know what is more commonly useful among the majority of the users.

How do I add add-ons to favourites so I can add iplayer, YouTube etc to custom buttons to home menu?

When watching a film/TV episode. If you press info. You get a little info, right?

Can you implement it so that when you press pause, this comes up?
Modded MK1 NUC - CLICK ----- NUC Wiki - CLICK

Bay Trail NUC FTW!

I've donated, have you?

I Nessus,
here is my wishlist:
- recent movies - already present
- recent tv show - already present
- recent music - already present
- settings - already present
- update library (video & music)
- clean library (video & music)
- music party mode
- shutdown system


I forgot one:
- files manager.

(2013-07-07, 15:45)jammyb Wrote: How do I add add-ons to favourites so I can add iplayer, YouTube etc to custom buttons to home menu?

When watching a film/TV episode. If you press info. You get a little info, right?

Can you implement it so that when you press pause, this comes up?
- Press "C" to bring the context menu and select "Add to favorites".
- I already answered that. I wont add more info on that screen. That's a screen with seek signs not a full info screen.

(2013-07-08, 12:59)peppe_sr Wrote: I Nessus,
here is my wishlist:
- recent movies - already present
- recent tv show - already present
- recent music - already present
- settings - already present
- update library (video & music)
- clean library (video & music)
- music party mode
- shutdown system


I forgot one:
- files manager.

- Recent and Settings are already added ("Recent" are called "New").
- Update Library button should be separated to "Update VideoLibrary" and "Update MusicLibrary" or one button just visible & enabled depending on what section you are (Video or Music Library section) ?.
- Music party mode will be added.
- Shutdown System (do you mean the Shutdown the Computer right ?) will be added.
- File Manager will be added.

(2013-07-08, 16:18)nessus Wrote: - Update Library button should be separated to "Update VideoLibrary" and "Update MusicLibrary" or one button just visible & enabled depending on what section you are (Video or Music Library section) ?.

- Shutdown System (do you mean the Shutdown the Computer right ?) will be added.


- i prefer 2 separated buttons one for video library and one for music. same thing for clean library.

- yes, shutdown computer

How do you bring up the recently added and in progress using a keyboard? I know you can with the mouse by just moving the mouse down. Also is there a way to just check off which shows and movies you have watched or do you have to fast forward through each video?
Use the arrow down key and go to "my movies"

Can you fix the title in the moves ? It should be all seen rather then half. It can be up or down.

Also can we choose what CD art goes. also please show the full dvd not half.



hi, both questions were been already discussed.
1. that is the best way to fit the title and you can always read the movie title in the cover.
2. only default disc art are supported. it is not possible change them.

(2013-07-14, 11:14)peppe_sr Wrote: hi, both questions were been already discussed.
1. that is the best way to fit the title and you can always read the movie title in the cover.
2. only default disc art are supported. it is not possible change them.

True story Wink
Could you change the shortcut key for renaming custom home screen items? It's currently backspace, which on my remote is the back button. Normally I would hit the button a load of times and it would take me back to the home screen, but with this skin I have to be careful about how many times I press it.

By the way I know how to change the keyboard.xml to prevent this behavior for me, but if it's bothering me I doubt I'm the only one.

Great skin by the way!

Edit - perhaps a context menu entry?
Backspace button renaming function is active only when you are focused in one of the home menu custom entry's and in the Trailers home entry. If you hit it anywhere else in the skin it behaves as it should and no one complained about this before. Context menu is not available in Home menu. This is the simplest way to rename the custom home menu entry's. If someone knows a better one I'll be glad to hear it.

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