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XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)
entire library

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Does PlayOn report the runtime for Netflix videos? I want to scan my instant queue, but PlayOn mixes the movies and episodes into the same folders... Thought maybe I would use
<subfolder name="Netflix/Instant Queue/" type="movies" recursive="true"  >
<subfolder name="Netflix/Instant Queue/" type="episodes" recursive="true" force_tvdb="true" >
First subfolder puts videos longer than 1 hour into movies, the second one puts the videos shorter than 1 hour into episodes. Scanning though does not seem to be seeing run time.

Edit: Nevermind... left out my <filter>.

Edit2: Worked ok.. then I found this one..
<XBMCFlix path="plugin://plugin.video.xbmcflicks" recursive="true" movie_tags="Streaming|Netflix">
    <subfolder name="Instant Queue: All"  type="movies" recursive="false">
    <subfolder name="Instant Queue: All"  type="episodes">
I'm loving the idea of this program but cannot, for the life of me get it to work. I keep getting this error in the log:
08/14/2013 02:15:51 PM ERROR Init... Failed to connect to JSON-RPC on TCP Port: 9090
java.net.MalformedURLException: unknown protocol: xbmc
java.net.URL.<init>(Unknown Source)
java.net.URL.<init>(Unknown Source)
java.net.URL.<init>(Unknown Source)

I started fresh to test all this before implementing it into my system and have a laptop with XBMC, PlayOn, and XBMC.MyLibrary all installed. I have no antivirus installed, the firewall disabled, and I have both remote control services in XBMC check marked. I have tried XBMC 12.2 and 12.1 in hopes that it was a compatability problem, nope. I have XBMC.MyLibrary 1.4.3 as well. Any thoughts?
I am new to the XBMC.MyLibrary forum...I am looking for instructions on installing this on OSX. Can anyone help with that?

First of all, I want to thank bradvido88 for an excellent plugin. The question I have, is there a way to have the script put the movies in their own directory with movie name, like is done for the TV Shows?
I'm having a spot of trouble with this, and I'm not sure if there is a solution.

I'm running PlayOn to connect my XBMC (12.0) to Netflix. All the communication seems to function.

However, when I set the custom_parser="PlayOn", some of the titles are coming across incorrectly. When I set custom-parser="netflix" it can't use the auto_detect for type. If I manually set type to "episode" it (understandably) can't figure out what the heck the movies are. If I set type=movies, each episode gets it's own folder structure.

My last clever thought was setting up two <subfolder> entries, but that got me the worst of both.

This seems to manifest on titles with colons in the name, with some examples below.

Star Trek: The Next Generation (NetflixPlayOn/Instant Queue/Star Trek: The Next Generation/Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 1/S01E01 - Encounter at Farpoint: Parts 1 & 2)
Ken Burns: The War (NetflixPlayOn/Instant Queue/Ken Burns: The War/S01E01 - A Necessary War)

When using the PlayOn parser, ST:TNG gets put in <dropbox>/Star.Trek/<Season X>, which is functional for some titles but with TNG, XBMC ends up scraping it as Star Trek (original series), with only 3 seasons, which makes the metadata updates fail as season 4+ are 'not in the library'

Any suggestions on this one?
I have been struggling for hours to get this thing to use my regexp parser that i specify for the subfolder. I searched the forums and kept seeing code from people with a custom_parser="playon" bit, and one person asking what custom_parser is because its not documented. So i started going through the source and i learned some interesting things that will be of help to people and werent so readily obvious before.

custom_parser can be "netflix" "hulu" "cbs" "comedy central" or "playon". if your source is one of those then you should specify that because there are built-in parsers for videos from those specific sources. if you leave it out or specify something other than what i listed then it defaults to "playon", unless of course you have included <parser> in your config file. If you have included a <parser> properly then it will parse just the filename of the video you are adding, not the entire path, with your <regexp>. if your source has a few different naming schemes you can use multiple <regexp> tags and it will apply them in order until one matches the filename.

If you are having trouble with your regular expression, you might find these links useful:

That being said, it would be really awesome, bradvido, if you could add another entry for custom_parser that will parse the entire path for show and episode names. I think it would only be 2 if statements in archiver.java. Ive never worked with java before and dont know how to compile it, otherwise i would do it myself.
(2013-08-17, 22:15)ThatOtherGuy435 Wrote: I'm having a spot of trouble with this, and I'm not sure if there is a solution.

I'm running PlayOn to connect my XBMC (12.0) to Netflix. All the communication seems to function.

However, when I set the custom_parser="PlayOn", some of the titles are coming across incorrectly. When I set custom-parser="netflix" it can't use the auto_detect for type. If I manually set type to "episode" it (understandably) can't figure out what the heck the movies are. If I set type=movies, each episode gets it's own folder structure.

My last clever thought was setting up two <subfolder> entries, but that got me the worst of both.

This seems to manifest on titles with colons in the name, with some examples below.

Star Trek: The Next Generation (NetflixPlayOn/Instant Queue/Star Trek: The Next Generation/Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 1/S01E01 - Encounter at Farpoint: Parts 1 & 2)
Ken Burns: The War (NetflixPlayOn/Instant Queue/Ken Burns: The War/S01E01 - A Necessary War)

When using the PlayOn parser, ST:TNG gets put in <dropbox>/Star.Trek/<Season X>, which is functional for some titles but with TNG, XBMC ends up scraping it as Star Trek (original series), with only 3 seasons, which makes the metadata updates fail as season 4+ are 'not in the library'

Any suggestions on this one?

What results do you get when you dont specify a type?

Also, if its not a big deal to you to have your video folders a bit misnamed, you can just navigate to the Star.Trek folder that it puts TNG in from videos>files in xbmc, press 'i' on the folder, select refresh and say yes to refresh info for all episodes. Then just pick TNG from the list of options it gives you and xbmc will remember that folder contains TNG episodes.
fair warning I'm a complete noob to this this is the first time ive tried anything like this i love the idea of being able to add netflix into my library ive gotten past the first few errors i had but now I'm stuck here i cant to seem to figure out what im missing

i have playon running on a separate computer with win. xp and i have xbmc 12.2 running on ubuntu 12.04 im trying to run this on the XP any help would be great if you need more info let me know


(2013-08-20, 20:55)peglegtv Wrote: fair warning I'm a complete noob to this this is the first time ive tried anything like this i love the idea of being able to add netflix into my library ive gotten past the first few errors i had but now I'm stuck here i cant to seem to figure out what im missing

i have playon running on a separate computer with win. xp and i have xbmc 12.2 running on ubuntu 12.04 im trying to run this on the XP any help would be great if you need more info let me know



i could really use some help with this please i have been messing with it more but im still geting the same error i tried a different <searchfilter> but no luck please help Confused
(2013-08-23, 04:11)peglegtv Wrote:
(2013-08-20, 20:55)peglegtv Wrote: fair warning I'm a complete noob to this this is the first time ive tried anything like this i love the idea of being able to add netflix into my library ive gotten past the first few errors i had but now I'm stuck here i cant to seem to figure out what im missing

i have playon running on a separate computer with win. xp and i have xbmc 12.2 running on ubuntu 12.04 im trying to run this on the XP any help would be great if you need more info let me know



i could really use some help with this please i have been messing with it more but im still geting the same error i tried a different <searchfilter> but no luck please help Confused

                <XBMCWebServer>http://xbmc:[email protected]:8080</XBMCWebServer><!--Either name or ip, address of XBMC instance that has PlayOn added as a source. Do not include :port here. -->
                <!-- Default is 9090 -->

The above is wrong, leave the port on 9090 (default Telnet port) This app uses Telnet not TCP to send JSON commands. In your XBMC, make sure you have Webserver and Remote control activated. Your XBMCWebServer line can just be http://<hostname_of_XBMC>:8080 (if thats the port you set in the Webserver config in XBMC)if your not using a password in Webserver config on XBMC (i find it pointless to have a password on it). If everything is on the same machine as XBMC, then you can replace <hostname_of_xbmc> with just localhost (http://localhost:8080)

<IPChange enabled="false">
                <change from="" to="" />
                <change from="localhost" to="" />

if you ever set it to true, it should not point to your default gateway.

Hope that helps

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thx for the reply Big Grin i made the changes to my xml i also changed the port and then portforward that port on my router and now i get past that error now im geting a new one it says it fails on all episodes of every show and the same with movies so i down sized my instant queue so i could pastebin my debug and tried again still no luck Sad if you need more info let me know



thanks again for the help Big Grin
(2013-08-23, 07:16)peglegtv Wrote: @saitoh183
thx for the reply Big Grin i made the changes to my xml i also changed the port and then portforward that port on my router and now i get past that error now im geting a new one it says it fails on all episodes of every show and the same with movies so i down sized my instant queue so i could pastebin my debug and tried again still no luck Sad if you need more info let me know



thanks again for the help Big Grin


should be <streaming>SMB://XBMC/Streams</streaming>

<IPChange enabled="true">
                <change from="" to="" />
                <change from="localhost" to="" />

this should be the same ip,not different IPs. you are telling it that if stuff is downloaded on machine A (localhost = is played via Machine B then change localhost and/or to Machine A IP. this option is only useful if you plan on viewing content from another XBMC Machine that is not running the script else you leave it disabled.

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thanks for the reply again i changed the backslash's to forward slash's and tried turning it to false it still failed so i changed the ip addresses to match i tried them both and still geting an error it looks like its the same one still playon computer: and the XBMC computer :



thank you for the help
<IPChange enabled="true">
                <change from="" to="" />
                <change from="localhost" to="" />
change it to


change this to \\<XBMC_machine_name>\Streams\

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