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XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)
I've been having quite a bit of trouble trying to get this to scrape Freecable plugin. I have no problems with Hulu, but after spending a LOT of time (and frustration), I just can't get it to scrape freecable. I've checked my config.xml and it seems fine. Based on the log, it see's the strm's but will not save them.

Any help is really appreciated. Example:

<!-- All full episodes over 20 minutes long for a subset of the Nickelodeon network shows -->
<subfolder name="Nickelodeon" type="episodes" >
<!-- Only look for shows that are in a path that contains the words "Full Episodes" -->
<contains>Full Episodes</contains>
<!-- In addition to the above filter, only get shows that are greater than (GT) 20 minutes long (1200 seconds) -->
<!-- List all of the shows delimited by double pipes that should be captured -->
<contains>Deadtime Stories || The Fairly Oddparents || Rabbids Invasion</contains>
@Guile - I looked at the Nick channel, and noticed the shows you listed aren't in a 'Full Episodes' folder. If you remove the 'contains full episodes' filter it should work.
(2013-11-08, 02:18)spyder Wrote: @Guile - I looked at the Nick channel, and noticed the shows you listed aren't in a 'Full Episodes' folder. If you remove the 'contains full episodes' filter it should work.

Thanks man. Did it but same thing is happening, unfortunately. Still not finding/adding the strm files.
I just tried your filter, and got it to work. I did notice xbmc had multiple matches for a couple of shows, that need to be selected before it can continue to scrape(even when filtering show names that don't need it). Have you run mylibrary and selected the correct entry for the shows that pop up? Also, it looks like the 'Rabbids Invasion' can't be scraped because it has '/' in the file names.
(2013-11-08, 03:53)spyder Wrote: I just tried your filter, and got it to work. I did notice xbmc had multiple matches for a couple of shows, that need to be selected before it can continue to scrape(even when filtering show names that don't need it). Have you run mylibrary and selected the correct entry for the shows that pop up? Also, it looks like the 'Rabbids Invasion' can't be scraped because it has '/' in the file names.

When you say "correct entry" what are you referring to? Please excuse my ignorance as I'm fairly new to this appSmile I'm still trying to get my head around how to properly create search filter. Ideally, I would like to scrape all full show/episode content and go through. I don't have problems scraping from Hulu but for some damn reason, can't pick up anything from freecable.
When you run my library, keep an eye on xbmc. When it starts scraping, you will get a dialog pop up(in xbmc) with multiple matches for a show, you will need to select the correct title before my library will continue.
(2013-11-08, 05:10)spyder Wrote: When you run my library, keep an eye on xbmc. When it starts scraping, you will get a dialog pop up(in xbmc) with multiple matches for a show, you will need to select the correct title before my library will continue.

That's good to know, I wasn't aware of that. Thanks.
I just cannot get this damn thing working with Freecable no matter what the hell I do!! I keep getting error;

ERROR Since no files were successfully archived in this subfolder, assuming an error occured. This will prevent the dropbox from being cleaned for files from this source.
(2013-11-08, 16:24)Guile Wrote: I just cannot get this damn thing working with Freecable no matter what the hell I do!! I keep getting error;

ERROR Since no files were successfully archived in this subfolder, assuming an error occured. This will prevent the dropbox from being cleaned for files from this source.

I scrape freecable with this:

<FreeCable path="plugin://plugin.video.free.cable" custom_parser="" >

            <subfolder name="Favorite Shows" type="episodes" recursive="true">
                    <regexp>(^[^|\(]+).*?[\)]??[|]+?([^|]++$)</regexp>        <!-- if there is a pipe -->                    
                    <regexp>()(.*:.*$)</regexp>                    <!-- don't guess when theres a colon, its never right -->
                    <contains>All Videos</contains>
                    <contains>The Aftermath</contains>
                    <contains>Punk'd Full Episode</contains>
                    <contains>Life After Labor</contains>
                    <contains>2011 Lucha Libre</contains>
                    <contains>Guy Code Honors</contains>
                    <contains>Season Finale - Full Episode</contains>
                    <regexp>/S?[0-9]+ -.*</regexp>
(2013-11-08, 19:48)spanktastic2120 Wrote:
(2013-11-08, 16:24)Guile Wrote: I just cannot get this damn thing working with Freecable no matter what the hell I do!! I keep getting error;

ERROR Since no files were successfully archived in this subfolder, assuming an error occured. This will prevent the dropbox from being cleaned for files from this source.

I scrape freecable with this:

<FreeCable path="plugin://plugin.video.free.cable" custom_parser="" >

            <subfolder name="Favorite Shows" type="episodes" recursive="true">
                    <regexp>(^[^|\(]+).*?[\)]??[|]+?([^|]++$)</regexp>        <!-- if there is a pipe -->                    
                    <regexp>()(.*:.*$)</regexp>                    <!-- don't guess when theres a colon, its never right -->
                    <contains>All Videos</contains>
                    <contains>The Aftermath</contains>
                    <contains>Punk'd Full Episode</contains>
                    <contains>Life After Labor</contains>
                    <contains>2011 Lucha Libre</contains>
                    <contains>Guy Code Honors</contains>
                    <contains>Season Finale - Full Episode</contains>
                    <regexp>/S?[0-9]+ -.*</regexp>

THANK YOU!!! After MANY (wasted) hours, I'm finally able to scrape Freecable!!
I'm trying to scrape the Simply Player plugin. I got it working with TV Shows with a little workaround, but it just wont work with movies. It's always saying in the debug that it can't find the path "Movies/Title". But i've checked over and over again in the plugin, the path is "Movies/Title"! It still keeps saying the path "Movies/Title" doesn't exists. I've also tried "Movies", and that path doesn't exists. But in the plugin the options are: "Movies", "TV Shows" etc... I even tried all caps, no caps, just to be sure, still no luck.

Here's my code:
        <Simply path="plugin://plugin.video.simply.player" recursive="true">
            <subfolder name="Movies/Title" force_series="Movie" type="generic">


I've set it to 'generic' just to make sure it scrapes them, i've also had them set to 'movies'. It all doesn't make a difference.

I would very much appreciate some help at this. It would be awesome if the simply player movies are automaticcly inserted into the library. But i've been at it for hours and i just don't understand :S. [/code]
Is there perhaps another forum i should be posting my simple player plugin scrape question? I thought this would be the best place for it. Or is there no one who can help me?

It's just so strange, it looks like xbmc.mylibrary doesn't see the path i'm seeing. '/Movies'. Can it be that i should be entering something else? That the subfolder names xbmc.mylibrary follows don't have to be the same names as you follow in a plugin?

If someone could please shed a light on this, i would really appreciate it Smile
(2013-11-15, 02:32)Sleuteltje Wrote: Is there perhaps another forum i should be posting my simple player plugin scrape question? I thought this would be the best place for it. Or is there no one who can help me?

It's just so strange, it looks like xbmc.mylibrary doesn't see the path i'm seeing. '/Movies'. Can it be that i should be entering something else? That the subfolder names xbmc.mylibrary follows don't have to be the same names as you follow in a plugin?

If someone could please shed a light on this, i would really appreciate it Smile

This is the right place to ask the question, but you need to post your XBMC.MyLibrary debug log in order for us to help.
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
@Sleuteltje - sent you a pm
(2013-11-15, 05:12)bradvido88 Wrote: This is the right place to ask the question, but you need to post your XBMC.MyLibrary debug log in order for us to help.

I was just made aware that such plugins shouldn't be discusses on this website. I was unaware of this, so i apologize. I thought since it was about how this plugin behaved it was discussable.

But speaking on the behavior of xbmc.mylibrary:

So i noticed xbmc.mylibrary doesn't follow the same path as you see in the plugin itself.

So if the menu path is: /whatever/example/stuff.avi

The same path in xbmc.mylibrary can give the error that the path doesn't exists....

So, my question is, what does the xbmc.mylibrary exactly do if it isn't follow the menu? Does it follow the code itself, that would normally build the menu in the plugin?
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