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Bugs and Suggestions
no way, maybe it is possible editing the code!
but i'm not able to help you.
I have installed this skin last week and it looks great! But I can't get the subtitles add-on to work. When I play a video and click the subtitles link, nothing happens. This is probably because no add-on is selected, but when I try to do so in the skin settings, no popup shows.
The popup does show when selecting the lyrics and tv tunes add-ons, but not for the subtitles.

What could be wrong? Is there a way for me to fix this or is it something in the skin?
The subtitles work fine with a different skin.

I am running a nightly release of Gotham.
the skin is not Gotham ready, maybe an issuse related to this......on Frodo it works!
Is it possible to integrate the extended.info script into any view. I love this script, especially for moviesets. And i love this great, great skin.
(2013-12-03, 16:24)peppe_sr Wrote: the skin is not Gotham ready, maybe an issuse related to this......on Frodo it works!

It works fine for the most part although the new 4 line codec information overlay in Gotham is squashed so that it's illegible also, just needs a larger window or smaller text.
Thank you for this skin. I'm running a relatively powerful XBMC machine, capable of the high-powered skins like Aeon Nox. But I find this skin to be more pleasing and intuitive.

I'd like to echo a feature request that I notice a few pages back: Series recording support for the wmc.pvr add-on. I really like the way PVR is implemented in Bello (particularly the "red dot" recording indicator), and would love to have the extra couple of dialog boxes required for series support.

The developers on wmc.pvr are quire responsive and helpful, if that makes any difference toward getting this implemented.

Anyway, thanks again for this great addition to XBMC.
Couple of suggestions

That there is a drop down for music so you could say for example access internet radio etc.

For TV Guide to have more rows than current 5.

For the overlay to not be so dark it is hard to make out the live TV in the background.

Thanks for all the work as it is a beautiful skin
I've Missing art on video osd.

While film is playing if I push info button the film art/poster is missing.

Have you the same issue?

Ive used the artwork downloader but no luck

No problem with tv show
Just tried no problem here. xbmc 12.3 and bello 1.5.5
Is it possible to have an option for the sub-menus always visible and at (for example) 50% transparency until the user presses down to highlight? I think this would be a more intuitive approach for not-so-tech-savvy family members.
100% agree with smbkr on this one, +1 Smile
@smbkr, eskro
Sorry but... no. I like it when it is hidden.

Hi Nessus,

I have to congratulate you on Bello. Bello really puts a professional touch on the extensive capabilities of XBMC. My wife and young son are more than capable of driving Bello and appreciate me for making navigation of their TV world an enjoyable experience rather than a chore. We have completely moved away from Windows Media Center to complete whole house XBMC shared installation for all TV and Media so thanks really to all at XBMC and to you for Bello. The Bello interface is clean, slick, fast and most importantly it raises the bar on the user experience which is what consuming media is all about. Since I stumbled across Bello the family, which are the most important daily users that want a reliable easy to use system (unlike me who likes to fiddle) have suggested to me some minor usability improvements that will help them in daily use. Read into this what you will because I understand that you, rightly, tightly control the look and feel and the overall experience.

The suggestion is to increase the number of lines of information shown in the Live TV: TV Channels, EPG and Recordings screens. The same could be said for the other screens in Live TV but we don’t use those. I have read others making suggestions along the same lines, ours comes purely on feedback from daily use.

I have doctored up some woeful screen captures that show what I am trying to explain whilst its simple cut n paste you will get the picture. The idea is to take advantage of the empty real estate between the top of screen menu and the key information (EPG grid, Recordings List, Channels, etc). At the risk of creating excess features to maintain the view could be optional to maintain the standard view and add an extended view. I have two views one with 10 lines the other with 9.

watch gallery

The only other suggestion that the wife has raised is that there appears to be a cap of 11 on the Recently Added and the In Progress items. With a large library and a few users 11 items really isn't enough because we are constantly adding new content and stopping and starting multiple different shows. If only I could get the son to watch something all the way through... I think the same stands for Music also but I am not in front of XBMC so this is a guess.

Thanks Again,
Agree with what CV8R requested. More rows would be great, especially in the EPG Timeline view.
My ATV2 crashes periodicly and reboots when I watch streams e.g. Live TV (PVR - HTTP, RTMP), AddOns (YT, Arte, South Park etc.). The logs are breaking up and the ATV2 syslogs, too. Any idea? I will try to catch a live log before crashing ...
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