2013-12-27, 18:38
sweet, just added the repo, updated immediately
prog = irxevent
button = KEY_UP
repeat = 1
config = Key Up CurrentWindow
prog = irxevent
button = KEY_DOWN
repeat = 1
config = Key Down CurrentWindow
prog = irxevent
button = KEY_LEFT
repeat = 1
config = Key Left CurrentWindow
prog = irxevent
button = KEY_RIGHT
repeat = 1
config = Key Right CurrentWindow
prog = irxevent
button = KEY_PLAY
config = Key Return CurrentWindow
repeat = 1
prog = irxevent
button = KEY_ENTER
config = Key Return CurrentWindow
repeat = 1
echo Kill XBMC
kill -9 $(pidof xbmc.bin) #There are better ways of doing this but this is the most consistent
echo "Shutdown XBMC"
if [ ! $(pidof irxevent) ]
irxevent &
echo Is Steam running?
while [ $(wmctrl -l | grep "$STEAM_WIN_ID") ]; do
echo "Steam BPM running!"
sleep 1
if [ $(pidof irxevent) ]
kill -9 $(pidof irxevent)
if [ $(pidof xbmc.bin) ] ; then
export DISPLAY=:0
while true; do
if [[ $(pidof xbmc.bin) ]]; then
if [[ $(pidof irxevent) ]]; then
kill $(pidof irxevent)
echo Killing irxevent, xbmc running
echo Xbmc running, irxevent not running.
if [[ ! $(pidof irxevent) ]]; then
irxevent -d /home/xbmc/.lircrc
echo Starting irxevent, xbmc + irxevnet not running.
echo irxevent running, xbmc not running.
sleep 1
Changes to default.py
Check if script files exist before deleteing, prevents a error.
Updated Steam-Lanuch-AHK.exe - Additional checks incase BPM is already active + for when BPM is restarted for forced/beta updates, script will check for 5 seconds for BPM or the steam update window to show up again, if it does it kills xbmc and waits for BPM to be closed. Also removed all hard timeouts and now everything happens on window events, eg XBMC is killed when either the BPM or steam update window appear.
(2013-12-29, 02:06)teeedubb Wrote: Update in first post, 0.9.2. Scripts have been updated so deleting the scripts is addon_data is recommended.
Changes to default.py
Check if script files exist before deleteing, prevents a error.
Updated Steam-Lanuch-AHK.exe - Additional checks incase BPM is already active + for when BPM is restarted for forced/beta updates, script will check for 5 seconds for BPM or the steam update window to show up again, if it does it kills xbmc and waits for BPM to be closed. Also removed all hard timeouts and now everything happens on window events, eg XBMC is killed when either the BPM or steam update window appear.
(2013-12-29, 04:39)staticn0de Wrote: Hi all,
Thanks for the great addon - but I can't get it to work.
I have downloaded and installed 0.9.2 and installed the wmctrl program from the repo.
I have running XBMC 12.3 on Ubuntu 12.04.3 with Nvidia 331.20 Drivers installed.
XBMC is being run as an xsession so it launches automatically when I start the computer without loading the desktop.
If I run the addon from Programs > Steam, the screen flashes blank, I see the X symbol in the middle of the screen and then it starts to launch XBMC again. That does not work out though. I have a blank screen with the cursor.
If I run top, I can see that both xbmc.bin and steam are running processes but neither are up on my screen.
I was considering that it may be because I am running XBMC as an xsession.
Any advice?
EDIT: Seems that the xsession has something to do with it. If I run xbmc from the desktop, I can use the addon just fine. When it runs from the xsession, buy default it uses xbmc-standalone not xbmc. I made my own xsession to use xbmc but that does not work either. It opens fine but once I run the addon, it closes xbmc and drops me back to the login screen.
# tty2 - getty
# This service maintains a getty on tty2 from the point the system is
# started until it is shut down again.
start on runlevel [23]
stop on runlevel [!23]
exec /sbin/mingetty --autologin=xbmc tty2
while [ -f /tmp/xbmc.disabled ]; do
echo /tmp/xbmc.disabled present, exiting...
echo ...................................
sleep 1
###load steam
if [[ -f /tmp/steam.load ]] && [[ ! $DISPLAY && ! -e /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 ]] && (( EUID )); then
exec xinit -- /usr/bin/X -nolisten tcp vt7 :0
###load steam-os
elif [[ -f /tmp/steam-os.load ]] && [[ ! $DISPLAY && ! -e /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 ]] && (( EUID )); then
exec xinit -- /usr/bin/X -nolisten tcp vt7 :0
###load chromium
elif [[ -f /tmp/chromium.load ]] && [[ ! $DISPLAY && ! -e /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 ]] && (( EUID )); then
exec xinit -- /usr/bin/X -nolisten tcp vt7 :0
###load openbox
elif [[ -f /tmp/openbox.load ]] && [[ ! $DISPLAY && ! -e /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 ]] && (( EUID )); then
exec xinit -- /usr/bin/X -nolisten tcp vt7 :0
elif [[ -f /tmp/mythtv.load ]] && [[ ! $DISPLAY && ! -e /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 ]] && (( EUID )); then
pulseaudio -k &
exec xinit -- /usr/bin/X -nolisten tcp vt7 :0
###load xbmc, must be last
if [[ ! $DISPLAY && ! -e /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 ]] && (( EUID )); then
pulseaudio -k &
exec xinit -- /usr/bin/X -nolisten tcp vt7 -nocursor :0
if [ -f /tmp/steam.load ]; then
exec /usr/bin/openbox-session
elif [ -f /tmp/steam-os.load ]; then
exec /usr/bin/.scripts/steamos-session-xbmc
elif [ -f /tmp/openbox.load ]; then
exec /usr/bin/openbox-session
elif [ -f /tmp/chromium.load ]; then
exec /usr/bin/openbox-session
elif [ -f /tmp/mythtv.load ]; then
exec /usr/bin/mythfrontend
exec ck-launch-session /usr/bin/xbmc
if [[ ! -f /tmp/steam*.load ]]; then
if [[ $3 = 1 ]]; then
touch /tmp/steam-os.load
elif [[ $3 = 0 ]]; then
touch /tmp/steam.load
kill -9 $(pidof xbmc.bin)
export DISPLAY=:0
xsetroot -solid black &
hsetroot -solid "#000000" &
unclutter -root &
if [ -f /tmp/steam.load ]; then
pulseaudio --start
compton --backend glx --paint-on-overlay --glx-no-stencil --vsync opengl-swc --unredir-if-possible &
(sleep 5 && ~/.xbmc/userdata/addon_data/script.steam.launcher/scripts/steam-launch.sh "/usr/bin/steeeeam" "/usr/bin/xbmc")&
sleep 1
/usr/bin/steam -bigpicture
rm -rf /tmp/*.load
pulseaudio -k
if [ -f /tmp/chromium.load ]; then
pulseaudio --start
compton --backend glx --paint-on-overlay --glx-no-stencil --vsync opengl-swc --unredir-if-possible &
sleep 1
(sleep 5 && xdotool key F11)&
/usr/bin/chromium-browser --start-maximized
rm -rf /tmp/*.load
pulseaudio -k
if [ -f /tmp/emulator.load ]; then
if [ -f /tmp/pulseaudio.load ]; then
pulseaudio --start
pulseaudio -k
if [[ $(pidof steam) ]]; then
steam -shutdown
sleep 5
for FILE in /tmp/*.load; do rm -f ${FILE}; done &&
killall xinit
(2013-12-29, 06:36)snyderman32x33 Wrote: do we need to delete scripts if we're using your repo for updates?
Fixed wrong AHK.exe.
Added busy dialog when script is run.
Updated docs.
(2013-12-31, 07:29)jwbrown77 Wrote: Hi teeedubb,
Thanks for the terrific plugin. It's working almost flawlessly for me.
I have Windows 8.1 and I've configured a user to auto-login and was launching XBMC from the Windows startup menu. XBMC started out of focus for a few seconds, but would regain focus and be fine.
I could then launch Steam, use that, and that would be fine.
Once I exited steam, it would re-launch XBMC, but out of focus (never regaining focus without mouse input).
I noticed this only affects XBMC when it is started from the Startup menu. When I launch it manually, then everything works great.
I downloaded a plugin called "FocusBitch" and gave that a shot. While it works fine in the Startup menu, I seem to still have the focus issue when XBMC re-launches (natively, without the FocusBitch plugin) on Steam exit.
Is it possible/adviseable to change the steam launcher plugin to use FocusBitch instead of launching XBMC directly? I think that would solve my issue. If so, can you possibly point out what file I need to edit and where?
If anyone else has seen this issue and there is a more direct way of resolving it, I'm also open to suggestions.
#SingleInstance force
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
start := A_TickCount
Process, Exist, XBMC.exe
if ErrorLevel
WinActivate ahk_class XBMC
sleep, 1000
now := A_TickCount-start
if now > 15000
(2013-12-31, 07:29)jwbrown77 Wrote: Hi teeedubb,
Thanks for the terrific plugin. It's working almost flawlessly for me.
I have Windows 8.1 and I've configured a user to auto-login and was launching XBMC from the Windows startup menu. XBMC started out of focus for a few seconds, but would regain focus and be fine.
I could then launch Steam, use that, and that would be fine.
Once I exited steam, it would re-launch XBMC, but out of focus (never regaining focus without mouse input).
I noticed this only affects XBMC when it is started from the Startup menu. When I launch it manually, then everything works great.
I downloaded a plugin called "FocusBitch" and gave that a shot. While it works fine in the Startup menu, I seem to still have the focus issue when XBMC re-launches (natively, without the FocusBitch plugin) on Steam exit.
Is it possible/adviseable to change the steam launcher plugin to use FocusBitch instead of launching XBMC directly? I think that would solve my issue. If so, can you possibly point out what file I need to edit and where?
If anyone else has seen this issue and there is a more direct way of resolving it, I'm also open to suggestions.
(2013-12-31, 07:45)teeedubb Wrote: You could edit the included SteamLaunch-AHK file and use launch xbmc from focusbitch, or maybe use a bat file to launch xbmc via focusbitch and point the addon to the batch file instead of the xbmc.exe.
Another option is to use AutoHotKey to give xbmc focus when its running, PinnacleGameProfiler steals focus about 10 seconds after startup on my system and I use this script to get xbmc back on screen. It runs for 15 seconds but it could be modified to run continuously.
(2013-12-31, 18:58)hfa2010 Wrote: I'm using Ubuntu 13.10, and it seems like default.py can't import xbmcaddon... Any idea how to address the issue?
(2013-12-31, 19:04)jwbrown77 Wrote: Hi teeedubb,
I don't know why, but I didn't even think to check the plugin's settings. I forgot that you can define the path to XBMC there. I was thinking it was hard coded in the script somewhere.