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[i.MX6] XBMC running on Freescale SoC's
(2014-01-08, 08:51)mijanek Wrote:
(2014-01-08, 00:24)wolfgar Wrote: I hope that they will release the source code soon so that I can play with it

Hi Stephan, I looked in the download section for the matrix, and they published some source.. I don't know if it is containing all the stuff you are looking for but here the direct link:


I am not sure it is the case : There are only binaries in all provided archives.
Or I have missed them but I have really searched for them ! If you have found source code, could you point the archive name and the folder location in this archive ?

Anyway I am in touch with a developer at tbstv and they seem to be ready to address this issue with very good willingness...

(2014-01-08, 08:16)mijanek Wrote: Here more tests for the Matrix TBS
Conclusion: I would be nice to have some contorl over the Fan, just in case the temeprature goes so high, to turn it on (or leave it very low blowing). But I don't think xbmc would utilize all cores to 100%

Damn, that is bad news Sad
Have you tried the same CPU bench without XBMC ?
I ask because it may be stable that way... Indeed, even if XBMC CPU load is not very high, the GPU and VPU (if you play video) produce their own quota of heat.
Maybe the pure CPU load can be dissipated without diverging if there is no other activity in the soc...

I have a good news : the fan can be controlled by a GPIO. I still don't know which one but we will know this as soon as the kernel is published !

Best regards

Edit : apart from this you are right as long as VPU is used to decode video XBMC will never push the 4 cores to such a load... (And even for sw decoding , I doubt such load figures woudl happen. I am not even sure frame threading is enabled for ffmpeg in build Wink )
sorry you are right, I didn't downloaded the archive before and now I see there are only binaries inside.

Regarding the temperature, I don't thik we will need the fan in any case. I looked at the tech spec and the operating temperature range for this CPU model MCIMX6Q5EYM10AC is from -20C to 105C so there is still planty space even under full Load. (only some Solo or Dual CPUs are limited by 0C-90C) the question is only the infuence on the parts on the side as the heatsink is covering some RAM...
For now it is still at 70C (07:51:40 up 1 day, 8:12, load average: 5.20, 5.09, 5.06)

I tried to play with the /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/cooling_device0 but I wasn't able to sent there any kind of working command, so maybee it is not properly linked with the right gpio right now.. So I will wait or an update...
Have you seen that? Very good news
I was little bit browsing in their repository and if you look into the code (not the download) it seems to be full build environment with all needed stuff where sourcecoed seems to be downoaded from other repositories, eg. yours (https://github.com/wolfgar/xbmc.git) and from rabeeh (solidrun) https://github.com/rabeeh/u-boot-imx6, based on openbricks http://hg.openbricks.org/openbricks


Edit: tooday they released new version with custom kernel (it should contain the fan contoll with thershold of 70C) the kernel itsef ist here http://sourceforge.net/projects/matrixtv...urces/imx/
Hi mijanek,

Thanks for pointing this ! You are right : They have provided a whole openbricks based env which is just fine to answer all my concerns regarding sources...

I am currently giving it a try.
By chance do you know the default login for their matrix image ?

Best regards
Hi Wolfgar,
the default login is simple tu guess ;-)

the publish even all routing of their schmatisc,very cool and the fan controll really does work. it blows time to time (I heard it about 5 times in a hour) for 2-5 sec only when xbmc is on idle/gui, while playing it stays silent (not exceeding 70C)n:-)
But the current release does has massive sync problems with audio and video. on HD the video stays beyond on SD it makes time to time funny video speedups :-)
Hi mijanek,

Thanks for your answer,
In fact I tried this password first but the serial behaves weirdly and it failed. It is the right pass thanks

Apart from this you are right the videos are quickly faced with sync issues.
I am currently running additional tests on other devices to check whether it is regression in code or something specific to this device..

Update : In fact my sync issue was related to network : It works fine now...
Hmm, Interesting. I am sure vith the prevous build I didn't got such massive issue before.

One think is also curious. When I leave the xbmc in one Video paused instead go back to default screen, the temperature sinks down to 61C instead of 69-71C. Curiously blanking the screen (screensaver) doesn't help, it still remains on 70C. The CPU load remains all the time same, so its something with Open ES or so...
Hi mijanek

I have to tell that so far I have been unable to test liveTV.
In spite of my tbs5880 tuner being perfectly recognized, the setup thinks I am using DBVC instead of DVBT (whil I have correctly used the uIMage DVBT)...
It is very likeley a minor issue that I will solve by a manual configuration.

But so far I have only tested streamed videos from my NAS and it is just fine as on any other iMX6Q board...

My issues are actueally not only on LiveTV (I'm not running my VDR/HTS Server on the same device) but also watching the recorded files via NFS mount.
Time to time I get black screen (lost HDMI link) showing this entries in dmesg:
INFO: rcu_bh_state detected stall on CPU 1 (t=0 jiffies)
mxc_hdmi mxc_hdmi: same edid
imx-ipuv3 imx-ipuv3.0: IPU Warning - IPU_INT_STAT_10 = 0x00080000
imx-ipuv3 imx-ipuv3.0: IPU Warning - IPU_INT_STAT_5 = 0x08000000
imx-ipuv3 imx-ipuv3.0: IPU Warning - IPU_INT_STAT_10 = 0x00080000

I hope this lies only on the latest build.. (xbmc 13.0-ALPHA11 Git:20140108-610a64c and kernel 3.0.35-2666-gbdde708 #8)

will try ther last build again..
hmm OK I know exactly what it is...
If you are able to recompile your kernel, apply this patch https://github.com/wolfgar/utilite/commi...0a539f7036 and rebuild

Thx for the hint, unfortunately my build breaks on ecore (missing some dependences)
CC xim_la-ecore_imf_xim.lo
../../../../../src/modules/immodules/xim/ecore_imf_xim.c:10:22: fatal error: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.

But I posted it on their forum so hopefully steve will fix it soon :-)
Fine, it will enable to rebuid also their kernel with closed source drivers so it was the best option
So what the final verdict for this Matrix? Must have? Anyone willing to upload some videofootage of this thing in action, switching channels etc.?
@wolfgar I was able to compile at least the openpctv project (the 1st release of matrix) and I switched the xbmc to your git 11bfb5ef17 with working deinterlacer. Unfortunatelly is the picture on the bottom destroyed. (See the pictures)
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