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XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)
(2014-01-15, 20:53)pcgirl Wrote: I know this is a dumb question but I am trying to setup a Task scheduler to run the cmd file every 2 hours. It doesn't seem to want to do that though. I seem to have all the settings right but it doesn't run. It only runs when I click on the cmd file manually. I tried to use batch2exe to convert the cmd file to and exe but it doesn't see the cmd file. Can anybody help me with this? Also, is there anywhere that there are some config.xml files to look at for various plugins?

If I remember correctly, windows tasks doesn't like cmd files. Create a bat to run the cmd.
Image Lunatixz - Kodi / Beta repository
Image PseudoTV - Forum | Website | Youtube | Help?
How do I create a bat file for this?
(2014-01-15, 22:29)pcgirl Wrote: How do I create a bat file for this?

Create a txt file, enter.
Change drive and paths to your needs. Then rename file from .txt to .bat
Set tasker to run that bat
Image Lunatixz - Kodi / Beta repository
Image PseudoTV - Forum | Website | Youtube | Help?
Thanks! This worked great!
Another question....I have been scraping Documentaries from Netflix but when I look at my video file in XBMC they are all in with my movies. I would like to be able to have a subdirectory of all the Netflix Documentaries in on Folder so that I know what are the Netflix Documentaries and which are the movies that I have on my server. Is this possible? Also, I would like to know how to scrape a specific show like 20/20 from say CBS but only the current shows?
(2014-01-16, 20:41)pcgirl Wrote: Another question....I have been scraping Documentaries from Netflix but when I look at my video file in XBMC they are all in with my movies. I would like to be able to have a subdirectory of all the Netflix Documentaries in on Folder so that I know what are the Netflix Documentaries and which are the movies that I have on my server. Is this possible? Also, I would like to know how to scrape a specific show like 20/20 from say CBS but only the current shows?

Can't split "movie" or "tv" from other "movie"/"tv"

but you can split "generic" using Force Series naming... which will create a sub directory in "generic" using the Series name...
Image Lunatixz - Kodi / Beta repository
Image PseudoTV - Forum | Website | Youtube | Help?
Do TV Shows not setup a subdirectory for each TV Show that it scrapes?
(2014-01-16, 22:35)Lunatixz Wrote:
(2014-01-16, 20:41)pcgirl Wrote: Another question....I have been scraping Documentaries from Netflix but when I look at my video file in XBMC they are all in with my movies. I would like to be able to have a subdirectory of all the Netflix Documentaries in on Folder so that I know what are the Netflix Documentaries and which are the movies that I have on my server. Is this possible? Also, I would like to know how to scrape a specific show like 20/20 from say CBS but only the current shows?

Can't split "movie" or "tv" from other "movie"/"tv"

but you can split "generic" using Force Series naming... which will create a sub directory in "generic" using the Series name...

I split it with suffix Netflix in the name so i know its from netflix. I also created a smartplaylist to make a menu only for Netflix movies and another for TV shows. I also made Smartp for my normal tv and movies to make sure the are not mixed with netflix. Basically i dont use the default tv and movies menu since they just grp everything together.

If my replies help you, please click on my reputation Image below :) thanks :)
<!-- Get new movies from Netflix and add them to a movie set -->
<subfolder name="New Arrivals/New movies to watch instantly" type="movies" movie_set=" Netflix New Movies" />

Does this code not put the movies from Netflix into a subdirectory under Movies called Netflix New Movies? ie: c:\Movies\Netflix New Movies
<!-- TED Talks Streaming Videos -->
        <TED path="plugin://plugin.video.ted.talks" recursive="true" >
            <!-- All of the Newest Talks into a generic folder (no tvdb lookups) and force group it to a "TED Talks" folder -->
            <subfolder name="Newest Talks" type="generic" max_videos="25" suffix=" (TED)" force_series="TED Talks" >
                    <!-- Put the entire video name into the second pattern group to use as the episode name -->

I am trying to understand how this code is working. As it says suffix=' (TED)" I am assuming that it should put at the end of the file name -TED but it doesn't. Instead the files are named like this:TED Talks - Abha Dawesar Life in the.strm

I am not understanding why it is naming the file like this. I am trying to get my Netflix documentaries so that I can determine that they are from Netflix when I am browsing my movies. I guess I have to put a prefix or suffix on the file name put I can't seem to get it to work correctly.
(2014-01-17, 17:56)pcgirl Wrote:
<!-- TED Talks Streaming Videos -->
        <TED path="plugin://plugin.video.ted.talks" recursive="true" >
            <!-- All of the Newest Talks into a generic folder (no tvdb lookups) and force group it to a "TED Talks" folder -->
            <subfolder name="Newest Talks" type="generic" max_videos="25" suffix=" (TED)" force_series="TED Talks" >
                    <!-- Put the entire video name into the second pattern group to use as the episode name -->

I am trying to understand how this code is working. As it says suffix=' (TED)" I am assuming that it should put at the end of the file name -TED but it doesn't. Instead the files are named like this:TED Talks - Abha Dawesar Life in the.strm

I am not understanding why it is naming the file like this. I am trying to get my Netflix documentaries so that I can determine that they are from Netflix when I am browsing my movies. I guess I have to put a prefix or suffix on the file name put I can't seem to get it to work correctly.

I think your suffix needs to be square brackets [] and not parentheses. Here is how mine looks (i use playon):

<Playon path="upnp://9b500737-7320-4a73-a2d6-967ad48156a3/" custom_parser="PlayOn" recursive="true" >

            <!-- NETFLIX -->
            <subfolder name="Netflix/My List" recursive="true" suffix=" [Netflix]" movie_tags="Netflix"/>

Also make sure you add a space like i did or the suffix will be stuck on the name.

If my replies help you, please click on my reputation Image below :) thanks :)
<Netflix prefix="[Netflix] " custom_parser="PlayOn"  recursive="true">
            <!--Get up to 25 episodes from the Documentaries  -->          
            <subfolder name="Documentaries" type="movies" max_videos="25" suffix=" [Netflix]"/>

This is what I have and it still doesn't work. It puts 25 .strm files in the Movies directory but there is no suffix.

I notice that you don't have a type='movies'. And I was just reading the the suffix and prefix would be ignored for movies. If you don't put a type in how does it know what direcotry to put it in?
<subfolder name="Netflix/My List" recursive="true" suffix=" [Netflix]" movie_tags="Netflix"/>

I ran it like this and it still didn't add a suffix. I can't figure out what is going wrong.

It is like it is ignoring any commands. I have tried suffix, prefix, force_series. Nothing changes. It just puts all the files into Movies as is.
(2014-01-17, 19:04)pcgirl Wrote:
<Netflix prefix="[Netflix] " custom_parser="PlayOn"  recursive="true">
            <!--Get up to 25 episodes from the Documentaries  -->          
            <subfolder name="Documentaries" type="movies" max_videos="25" suffix=" [Netflix]"/>

This is what I have and it still doesn't work. It puts 25 .strm files in the Movies directory but there is no suffix.

I notice that you don't have a type='movies'. And I was just reading the the suffix and prefix would be ignored for movies. If you don't put a type in how does it know what direcotry to put it in?

You mean it doesnt appear in the file name or in XBMC because the suffix/prefix are for what you will see in XBMC and not the actual file in the folder. As for the type, i dont use it cuz the content in my MyList section is a mix of movies and tv shows. From config.xml:

Quote:type - optional attribute; default=auto determine; This is the type of content in the directory. Only set this if all content in the directory is the same type.

So how it knows: Well i dont know know the code but i assume its either from name check against TMDB/IMDB or based on info it gets from netflix itself during scan.

(2014-01-17, 19:25)pcgirl Wrote:
<subfolder name="Netflix/My List" recursive="true" suffix=" [Netflix]" movie_tags="Netflix"/>

I ran it like this and it still didn't add a suffix. I can't figure out what is going wrong.

It is like it is ignoring any commands. I have tried suffix, prefix, force_series. Nothing changes. It just puts all the files into Movies as is.

All my strm movies files are in Movies folder (separate folder from my actual local movies.) as stated in the config.xml (The dropbox must be a new folder used exclusively for this script. Do not use an existing video source's folder!)

In XBMC i added that folder as a source like i did with normal content. Result is that you have Netflix movies part of your local movies library view but those movies should have [Netflix] at the end of there names and also be part of a set called netflix(if the set tag is not already used for the actual movie set). Now to avoid having everything mix together, i made 2 smart playlist, 1 for my local movies and one for netflix movies, then replaced the Default Movies menu by my Playlist movies menu via custom menus (this depends on the skin your using) and added a new menu called netflix movies and voila!.

If my replies help you, please click on my reputation Image below :) thanks :)
Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it! I do have a separate folder named "Streams" setup for this script. I thought that the .strm files would have a prefix or suffix attached to it. I never thought that only XBMC would see it. Never even looked there. I will keep working on this and see if I can get it doing what I want. I like your idea of playlists. Haven't worked with that yet but I will try that method and see how it goes. I would also like to scrape some other shows from Playon like 60 Minutes from CBS. This makes it much easier for my family to find stuff to watch without having to navigate through all the folders in XBMC.

You say that you add the stream Movies folder to XBMC as a source. Do you still at the Netflix UPNP from Playon as a source also. I am following the directions from this site. http://mymediaexperience.com/integrate-n...into-xbmc/
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