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XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)
I deleted the sources and changed the name of the directories and also deleted the video database. I set everything back up and it seems to be working better now. However, it still doesn't seem to recognize the movie_set for suffix commands. Anyways, I am getting there. I have noticed that XBMC won't recognize and get information for TV episodes for 20/20 and Nightline and I believe it is because of the file structure. Here is an example of how it is putting it into my Streams directory.

Streams\ABC.2020\Season.36\S36E01 - Hotel Guests succumb to Unknown Killer.strm

My TV Shows that I download are setup like this TV Shows\Breaking Bad\Season 1\Breaking Bad-S01E01.avi

When it scrapes for info I can enter the name 20/20 and it finds the fanart for this but it doesn't recognize any of the episodes. How do I fix this to label the file name and season directory differently?
(2013-12-22, 02:44)uncondensed Wrote: Finally identified why the show files are being deleted after being created. A folder name in Windows cannot end with a period. The tool creates a folder based on the series name but Windows removes the trailing period silently without generating an error. This creates a mismatch between the Archive entry and the file system.

Now to figure out how to override the tool and force it to use the truncated name in the Archive.

\\pillbox\videos\TV Shows\Marvel's.Agents.of.S.H.I.E.L.D.\Season.1\S01E10 - The Bridge.strm
Clean Up         Deleting old file at:
\\pillbox\videos\TV Shows\Marvel's.Agents.of.S.H.I.E.L.D\Season.1\S01E10 - The Bridge.strm

Has anybody figured a resolution on this? I'd love to be able to manually adjust the folder name, but it all gets deleted before I'm able to interact with it. I could hardcode everything into the ArchivedFiles.db, but that kind of defeats the purpose of the automation and is kind of a pain.
(2013-07-20, 15:24)tobyh Wrote: Hi All,

I am using the BBC iPlayer Plugin with XBMC 12.2 (running on Ubuntu 13.04).

When I run the MyLibrary plugin from a terminal session I get the error that it cannot read any of the sub-folders I specified. I double checked and the folders should be valid. The syntax I used in the search filter is:

<iPlayer path="plugin://plugin.video.iplayer" recursive="true" multi_part="true" regex_name="true" prefix="(BBC) " >
<!-- Highlights -->
<subfolder name="Highlights \([0-9]+\)" max_videos="50" type="episodes" />

<subfolder name="Highlights/BBC One \([0-9]+\)" max_videos="50" type="episodes" />
<subfolder name="Highlights/BBC Two \([0-9]+\)" max_videos="50" type="episodes" />
<subfolder name="Highlights/BBC Three" max_videos="50" type="episodes" />
<subfolder name="Highlights/BBC Four" max_videos="50" type="episodes" />
<subfolder name="Highlights/BBC News Channel" max_videos="50" type="episodes" />

<!-- Popular -->
<subfolder name="Popular" max_videos="50" type="episodes" />

<subfolder name="Highlights/BBC One" max_videos="50" type="episodes" />
<subfolder name="Highlights/BBC Two" max_videos="50" type="episodes" />
<subfolder name="Highlights/BBC Three" max_videos="50" type="episodes" />
<subfolder name="Highlights/BBC Four" max_videos="50" type="episodes" />
<subfolder name="Highlights/BBC News Channel" max_videos="50" type="episodes" />


For all the sub-folders I listed I recieved an error with the format:
No matching subfolder: "iPlay/Highlights/BBC One" was found. Skipping.

Has anyone used this iPlayer plugin (found at http://superrepo.org/plugin.video.iplayer/)?

Or can offer any advice?


I'm having the same issue as the above but with different subfolders, can someone confirm whether iPlayer is compatible?
I have this set..
        <HoursThreshold>2.0</HoursThreshold><!--The video must be missing for at least this many hours before it's deleted. -->
        <ConsecutiveThreshold>2</ConsecutiveThreshold><!--The video must be missing for this many consecutive times before it's deleted (each time this program runs is consider 1 time). -->

.. but My.Library fails to clean up old files. There are videos that I removed from my watchlist on Amazon a month ago that it sill has not removed.
(2014-01-26, 00:41)locoguano Wrote: I have this set..
        <HoursThreshold>2.0</HoursThreshold><!--The video must be missing for at least this many hours before it's deleted. -->
        <ConsecutiveThreshold>2</ConsecutiveThreshold><!--The video must be missing for this many consecutive times before it's deleted (each time this program runs is consider 1 time). -->

.. but My.Library fails to clean up old files. There are videos that I removed from my watchlist on Amazon a month ago that it sill has not removed.

That still havent been removed from the folder or xbmc?

If my replies help you, please click on my reputation Image below :) thanks :)
Right -- you need to run a clean library in xbmc to realize removals on the disk.

The MyLibrary log shows the clean-up routine. Including that would be useful.

I have VideoCleanUp on for Amazon (and others) and it works great for me.

(2014-01-23, 04:24)fishdood Wrote:
(2013-12-22, 02:44)uncondensed Wrote: Finally identified why the show files are being deleted after being created. A folder name in Windows cannot end with a period. The tool creates a folder based on the series name but Windows removes the trailing period silently without generating an error. This creates a mismatch between the Archive entry and the file system.

Now to figure out how to override the tool and force it to use the truncated name in the Archive.

\\pillbox\videos\TV Shows\Marvel's.Agents.of.S.H.I.E.L.D.\Season.1\S01E10 - The Bridge.strm
Clean Up         Deleting old file at:
\\pillbox\videos\TV Shows\Marvel's.Agents.of.S.H.I.E.L.D\Season.1\S01E10 - The Bridge.strm

Has anybody figured a resolution on this? I'd love to be able to manually adjust the folder name, but it all gets deleted before I'm able to interact with it. I could hardcode everything into the ArchivedFiles.db, but that kind of defeats the purpose of the automation and is kind of a pain.

The software just needs a patch to handle this. It's simple but I (no others) have not gotten to it yet.
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
@Bravido88 - Apologies to bump my previous post, it's just the poster that wrote back in July didn't appear to get a response either. Any ideas on how to get BBC iPlayer working with mylibrary? For some reason, regardless of what subfolders are entered into the config file, the log returns that no subfolders were found.

If it's simply not compatible with mylibrary that's fine, it'd just be good to know.
iPlayer should be compatible, but I've never tried it.
From looking at the config posted, it looks like the \([0-9]+\) in the regex names is not necessary because the listings returned by iPlayer don't have a video count appended to the name.

I'd need to see your XBMC.MyLibrary DEBUG log and your Config.xml when you try to scrape iPlayer to know for sure what's goin gon
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
(2014-01-26, 22:16)bradvido88 Wrote: iPlayer should be compatible, but I've never tried it.
From looking at the config posted, it looks like the \([0-9]+\) in the regex names is not necessary because the listings returned by iPlayer don't have a video count appended to the name.

I'd need to see your XBMC.MyLibrary DEBUG log and your Config.xml when you try to scrape iPlayer to know for sure what's goin gon

Thanks for the response, my config file is here: http://pastebin.com/BJzvbqr9

and the debug log here: http://pastebin.com/P6XtnTgw

I've tried various different subfolders, with and without filters with no luck. Any help is greatly appreciated.
(2014-01-26, 04:41)saitoh183 Wrote:
(2014-01-26, 00:41)locoguano Wrote: I have this set..
        <HoursThreshold>2.0</HoursThreshold><!--The video must be missing for at least this many hours before it's deleted. -->
        <ConsecutiveThreshold>2</ConsecutiveThreshold><!--The video must be missing for this many consecutive times before it's deleted (each time this program runs is consider 1 time). -->

.. but My.Library fails to clean up old files. There are videos that I removed from my watchlist on Amazon a month ago that it sill has not removed.

That still havent been removed from the folder or xbmc?

The files are not deleted. I have this running every 5 hours and, like I said, nothing is getting deleted. I don't have the log with me here at work but it shows Zero files deleted as well, even though the videos are gone from my Watchlist.
humm...because it worked for me. I had removed Caprica from my Netflix queue (My List) and after MyLibrary ran the proper number of times, it deleted it from my TV show folder and in xbmc i ran a clean to remove the show from XBMC. I modified my cmd to run a clean after running the My.library

If my replies help you, please click on my reputation Image below :) thanks :)
Hey guys,

MyLibrary in itself works fine and it created the .strm files without a problem.
But when I try to play the .strm files in xbmc they start for a second and then it either skips to the next episode or gives me an error message (Playback failed). Strangely the episode is still playing behind the "Playback failed" window and only stops when I click "OK".
It's really strange, in the addon itself (noobroom) the episodes work just fine. I even wrote a strm file with the direct link to the file on the website that works just fine.

Anybody got an idea what might cause this ?
can someone please help me with final strm filename via regex
I need it to remove all text before two spaces.
and if possible remove (0) - incorect year if present at the end.

name1 name2 SD (text)<space><space>name1 name2 (year).strm

(2014-01-27, 22:26)denz13 Wrote:
(2014-01-26, 22:16)bradvido88 Wrote: iPlayer should be compatible, but I've never tried it.
From looking at the config posted, it looks like the \([0-9]+\) in the regex names is not necessary because the listings returned by iPlayer don't have a video count appended to the name.

I'd need to see your XBMC.MyLibrary DEBUG log and your Config.xml when you try to scrape iPlayer to know for sure what's goin gon

Thanks for the response, my config file is here: http://pastebin.com/BJzvbqr9

and the debug log here: http://pastebin.com/P6XtnTgw

I've tried various different subfolders, with and without filters with no luck. Any help is greatly appreciated.

@bradvido - did you get a chance to look at my logs? Thanks in advance
Thank you for a great addition to XBMC! I am loving it, so far I am able to pull shows and movies from Hulu (plugin), Free Cable, Amazon (playon), and Netflix (Playon). So I feel like I am doing well so far. I have run into a little snag though. I cannot get prefixes or suffixes to show up in the XBMC library. I am sure I will feel like an idiot when i figure it out but I am at a loss at this moment.

I have tried this code:

<Amazon suffix="(Amazon)" custom_parser="PlayOn"  recursive="true">
                   <!-- Get all TV and Movies from your instant queue. Movies will be put in a movie set.
                    TV Episodes will have a prefix added to their title -->
                                        <subfolder name="Prime Watchlist/Movies" type="movies" />
                    <subfolder name="Prime Watchlist/TV Shows" type="episodes" />
                    <subfolder name="Video Library/Movies" type="movies" />  
                    <subfolder name="Video Library/TV Shows" type="episodes" />      

and this:

<Amazon custom_parser="PlayOn"  recursive="true">
                   <!-- Get all TV and Movies from your instant queue. Movies will be put in a movie set.
                    TV Episodes will have a prefix added to their title -->
                                        <subfolder name="Prime Watchlist/Movies" type="movies" suffix="(Amazon)"/>
                    <subfolder name="Prime Watchlist/TV Shows" type="episodes" suffix="(Amazon)" />
                    <subfolder name="Video Library/Movies" type="movies" suffix="(Amazon)" />  
                    <subfolder name="Video Library/TV Shows" type="episodes"  suffix="(Amazon)"/>      

Any help would be appreciated.
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