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Video of my ambient lighting setup
(2014-01-30, 01:02)nickr Wrote: LEDs ordered on 19 January, shipped 22 Jan and arrive in my mailbox in New Zealand from China today (30th).

Pretty good really.

Now to get the rest of the bits and put it all together.

Let me know how it goes!

(2014-01-30, 06:46)HaGGard Wrote: This is awesome, I'm glad I found this thread.

@KenV99 I'm looking to copy your setup exactly, would you be willing to guide me through it? I see all the parts are listed here, and I'll likely purchase them on the weekend. I've wanted to do this for a while basically ever since I built my HTPC but all the guide's ive found are too complex for my liking, and there is wires soldered everywhere and loose connections etc just looks like too much of a mess in my opinion. However now that I see this, it's a lot cleaner and simpler than any other, and I am interested again.

Anyway, would you be willing to offer some help, or post the guides you've followed?

Of course. Post a parts list and I'll look at it and when you have everything in hand, I can give you specific instructions.

(2014-02-02, 01:34)TRaSH Wrote: Ordered all the parts today.
Next step after install is how the software works

First step is to upload the software to the Arduino. AmbiBox can be a bit enigmatic, so let me know if you have any questions.
Any tips for a linux user?
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(2014-02-02, 08:38)nickr Wrote: Any tips for a linux user?

Take a look here:
Cheers, that looks easier than my searching had led me to believe.

I will need to investigate the conf file as the setup from the leds I bought will have 150 leds. No doubt it is documented though.
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with uploading software to the Arduino you mean,
software like Ambibox ?

well we got a parts list what's needed to set it up,
we're only missing a step by step guide with screenshots for the software setup Wink

when i got all my parts i will also make a showcase and perhaps a step by step guide in 1 topic if no one else already made it in the meanwhile
LibreElec Kodi | Aeon MQ ?
Wiki id possibly better. Thinking of doing that myself.
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(2014-02-02, 11:18)TRaSH Wrote: with uploading software to the Arduino you mean,
software like Ambibox ?

well we got a parts list what's needed to set it up,
we're only missing a step by step guide with screenshots for the software setup Wink

when i got all my parts i will also make a showcase and perhaps a step by step guide in 1 topic if no one else already made it in the meanwhile

(2014-02-02, 11:28)nickr Wrote: Wiki id possibly better. Thinking of doing that myself.

There is a guide for doing the software upload to the Arduino (amongst other things) is here: http://learn.adafruit.com/adalight-diy-a...v-lighting

The software that needs to be downloaded for those steps:

The Arduino IDE: http://arduino.cc/en/Main/Software
The Arduino Processing Software: http://processing.org/download/?processing
Make sure that you have the Windows driver installed correctly: For the Uno and Others and For the Leonardo
The software to initially upload to the board: https://github.com/adafruit/Adalight/tre.../LEDstream
The software for initial testing in the Arduino IDE: https://github.com/adafruit/Adalight/tre...Processing


The AmbiBox Software: http://www.ir-max.ru/download.php?filena..._2.1.4.zip
The latest script to use in XBMC: https://github.com/AmbiBox/AmbiBox-XBMC/...master.zip

The COM port thing can be painful. But you need to know that for AmbiBox. Basically Windows will assign a different com port when you plug into a different USB port and sometimes, it seems, whenever it feels like it. Just look under Control Panel -> Device Manager -> Ports

I'll see if I can condense all of the info from the thread and write a post that perhaps can be a sticky in this thread? IDK how to make a post a sticky, though.
I'll also request access to edit in the Wiki pages...
(2014-02-02, 01:38)KenV99 Wrote:
(2014-01-30, 06:46)HaGGard Wrote: This is awesome, I'm glad I found this thread.

@KenV99 I'm looking to copy your setup exactly, would you be willing to guide me through it? I see all the parts are listed here, and I'll likely purchase them on the weekend. I've wanted to do this for a while basically ever since I built my HTPC but all the guide's ive found are too complex for my liking, and there is wires soldered everywhere and loose connections etc just looks like too much of a mess in my opinion. However now that I see this, it's a lot cleaner and simpler than any other, and I am interested again.

Anyway, would you be willing to offer some help, or post the guides you've followed?

Of course. Post a parts list and I'll look at it and when you have everything in hand, I can give you specific instructions.

So far this is my parts list:

$3.59 Terminal Block
$3.99 Power Connector
$70.00 LED Lights
$25.00 Arduino
$25.00 Power Supply
$2.95 PSU Splitter

As for the jumper wires, what style do I need? I assume I dont need M/M F/F and M/F I cannot find a canadian seller for the pack you bought with the 3 styles for the jumpers, so I'll need to buy them separate from ebay or adafruit. I assume I just need M/F and maybe M/M
You need two MF and two MM. I'll look more closely tomorrow. I started the Wiki but that will take a few days.
Right now. Super Bowl party!!!
(2014-02-03, 00:30)HaGGard Wrote:
(2014-02-02, 01:38)KenV99 Wrote:
(2014-01-30, 06:46)HaGGard Wrote: This is awesome, I'm glad I found this thread.

@KenV99 I'm looking to copy your setup exactly, would you be willing to guide me through it? I see all the parts are listed here, and I'll likely purchase them on the weekend. I've wanted to do this for a while basically ever since I built my HTPC but all the guide's ive found are too complex for my liking, and there is wires soldered everywhere and loose connections etc just looks like too much of a mess in my opinion. However now that I see this, it's a lot cleaner and simpler than any other, and I am interested again.

Anyway, would you be willing to offer some help, or post the guides you've followed?

Of course. Post a parts list and I'll look at it and when you have everything in hand, I can give you specific instructions.

So far this is my parts list:

$3.59 Terminal Block
$3.99 Power Connector
$70.00 LED Lights
$25.00 Arduino
$25.00 Power Supply
$2.95 PSU Splitter

As for the jumper wires, what style do I need? I assume I dont need M/M F/F and M/F I cannot find a canadian seller for the pack you bought with the 3 styles for the jumpers, so I'll need to buy them separate from ebay or adafruit. I assume I just need M/F and maybe M/M

Wow, not cheap. I hope I get my setup working. I forgot how much the WS2801 were. Total for my parts I think I spent about the same as just your LED's but I'm using the ws2812b which maybe uncharted as I haven't seen any ambilight setups with how to's posted anywhere. Seen a few videos of setups, but none where anyone wanted to say how they did it.
still waiting to recieve my parts,
but i was wondering about the software part,
how do you set it up with movies that have blackbars ?
LibreElec Kodi | Aeon MQ ?
It's explained in the 'plugin' instructions. In Ambibox you create a different profile with different capture zones for commonly sized content (16:9, 4:3, 2.35:1). Then the plugin can be setup to either pick one of the profiles based on the video's aspect ratio or a menu can be displayed at the start of video playback to choose a profile.
I just got my parts . The led strip has two different ends. The end on the outside of the reel has one type of plug and extra power (red) and ground (black) cables. The inner end just has a plug (the mirror of the first end).

Which end do i connect the leonardo to?
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(2014-02-15, 11:46)nickr Wrote: I just got my parts . The led strip has two different ends. The end on the outside of the reel has one type of plug and extra power (red) and ground (black) cables. The inner end just has a plug (the mirror of the first end).

Which end do i connect the leonardo to?

The end with the extra power. Look here: http://learn.adafruit.com/adalight-diy-a...g/wiring-1
For the Leonardo, the SPI Clock is pin 3 and MOSI is pin 4. Pin 1 has a white dot.
Look here: http://forums.adafruit.com/viewtopic.php...39335#wrap
The weird thing is that on my strip (which should be the same as yours, I bought it off the same page!) the male connector is at the end with the extra power lines, and the female connector (the one shown as the 'input' end on the adafruit page, the smaller connector with the triangular 'arms') is at the other end with no extra power lines.

If I connect power to either end, one (and only one) led lights up, at the male end with the extra power wires.

Nick, confused.

Also I bought a leostick, not a leonardo, as it is said to be compatible, but has a smaller form factor. Trouble is it comes with the headers separate so I'll have to solder them on, so much for a solderless build.

Nick, frustrated, and owner of a brand new soldering iron.
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