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XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)
I have worked out most of my source issues, but I have one (at least) that I can not reconcile.

I'm fairly certain the problem is with the name of the stream. The source is PlayOn...PBS/Featured Shows/Call the Midwife/Full Episodes/Season 3 | Episode 2

Is there a way to resolve this from within the config file using regex or another method?

I suggest you ask for a donation from your users (AKA free testers and bug reporters). Also, start your own thread for the app.

FWIW I have upgraded to XBMC Gotham beta3 and MyLibrary worked with it out of the box. It's also about 3x faster when scanning UPNP sources. I haven't done extensive testing so you may see different results.
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration

This is a really useful tool, thanks for writing it! I do have one small hiccup that you might be able to help me with though.

I've managed to get PlayOn content from Netflix/Hulu to scrape without problems with the parameters provided in the program's config XML. But I can't get Crunchyroll to scrape at all since it doesn't list names nicely like the other two streaming services (The scraping fails when it sees Episode 27 and doesn't know what to match it with on TheTVDB for instance)

Is there a way to either pull the UPnP path so that I can manually make streams for Crunchyroll sourced shows, or a way to make TheTVDB API associate Episode 27 to whatever the episode's title is somehow while scraping?

It'd be awesome because PlayOn despite not being the best for video quality is a lot better than the Crunchyroll XBMC addon and I want to be as lazy as possible when starting my TV shows Tongue

EDIT: Upon further inspection, I found the Crunchyroll add-on is flat out broken to begin with so a huge nevermind to this entire post. (Yeah I hadn't bothered to check, I got too busy getting MyLibrary tweaked to even notice)
Can someone take a look at my debug and tell me where I messed up?

   I have a doubt, and I confess that I was not able to read the 80 posts. I am wanting to rip the source of netflix. Was it really necessary to use the playon software for ripping netflix or ripping content only with xbmc.MyLibrary?

  Please if this is a dumb question, forgive ...

Anyone know how to modify the config.xml to pull my information from netflix movies by playon. I'm asking because I'm using netflix BRAZIL. I'm not hitting the exchange of names, someone could help me?

code below
<!--For this to work, you must have a source named "Neflix" added to XBMC, which maps to Playon's Netflix subdirectory -->
    <Netflix prefix="[Netflix] " custom_parser="PlayOn"  recursive="true">
            <!-- Get all TV and Movies from your instant queue. Movies will be put in a movie set.
                    TV Episodes will have a prefix added to their title
            <subfolder name="Documentaries" movie_set=" Netflix Instant Queue" /> -->
            <!-- Get new movies from Netflix and add them to a movie set
            <subfolder name="Documentaries" type="movies" movie_set=" Netflix Documentaries" />-->
            <!--Get up to 50 episodes from the Sitcoms genre  -->          
            <!--<subfolder name="Documentaries" max_videos="25" suffix=" [Netflix]" />-->

        <subfolder name="Documentaries" recursive="true" max_videos="25" movie_tags="Netflix" >
    <!--Get up to 50 episodes of new TV Episodes
            <subfolder name="New Arrivals/New TV to watch instantly" type="episodes" max_videos="50"/> -->            

<ABC prefix="[ABC] " custom_parser="PlayOn"  recursive="true">
<!--Get up to 25 episodes of new TV Episodes -->
<subfolder name="ABC News/All/ABC 2020/Seasons/Season 36" max_videos="25" type="episodes" >
                <contains>previous page</contains>                    
                <contains>next page</contains>            
When i run the cmd script it just deletes the three folders in the dropbox -movies, tv shows, and music videos folders. I have no idea at what point this is taking place so I just post the whole info log.

(2014-04-19, 00:38)Konos Wrote: When i run the cmd script it just deletes the three folders in the dropbox -movies, tv shows, and music videos folders. I have no idea at what point this is taking place so I just post the whole info log.

In xbmc, under the videos section, you need to add a source named "Netflix" and point it to your netflix content. Then MyLibrary can scan it.
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
Much Thanks bradvido88, working perfect now. As it turns out i had “Netflix” set up as “[COLOR red] Netflix [/COLOR].

It looks like your elements were marked as comments. I pasted a re-wright in the link you can try it out. As for the sub folder Mapping of Netflix BRAZIL i don’t know.

Has anyone here successfully scraped project free TV. The problem I’m seeing is in the file path to the stream in pftv doesn't match tvdb.

TV Episode will fail to be archived because manual archiving is disabled and the meta-data cannot be parsed or found on the TheTVDB.com: PFTV/TV Shows/Favourites/1000 Ways To Die/Season 1 (2 Episodes, 6 Links)/Season 1 Episode 1

Season 1 (2 Episodes, 6 Links) being the problem. I have tried removing the parentheses and it’s inter contents using <exclude><regexp>("\\(.*?\\) ?", "")</regexp></exclude>. but it’s not working, probably because i don’t know what i’m doing.
How do I write a filter to scrape my playon scource in xbmc. The file path is xbmc>playon>animal planet>full episodes. For example. The filter I use for hulu is ....

<playon custom_parser="PlayOn" recursive="true">

<subfolder name="Hulu/Your Queue" recursive="true" movie_tags="Hulu|Streaming" suffix=" [Hulu]" >

I actually stole this filter from someone else on this thread, as I have no experience using Java. I know that I probably shouldn't be using this program but it's so cool. Thanks for any help in advance.

*edit* Below is an example of how I added a single show. It's easy I know there's probably a lot of bells and whistles you can add but this is simple for noobs like me.

<PlayOn custom_parser="PlayOn" recursive="true" >

<subfolder name="A&E/Shows/All Shows/Bates Motel/Full Episodes" max_videos="25" type="episodes">
I dont know if im doing this right but here's my config and debug it wont do anything? Anyone please helpConfused

edit: do not post logs into the forum. Use pastebin or xbmclogs.
04/24/2014 10:35:36 AM INFO Init... JSON-RPC config: XBMC Webserver URL=http://xbmc:[email protected]:80
04/24/2014 10:35:36 AM INFO Init... JSON-RPC AnnouncementPort = 9090

Is your Webserver config on port 80 in XBMC and if so, can you reach it from a web browser. I usually set it to a different port because 80 is usually blocked or being used.

04/24/2014 10:35:44 AM DEBUG Init... Streaming Dropbox = \\server\share\path\to\dropbox

This should be the path to where the files will be saved. Like mine is


Also next time your posting logs or configurations files, use pastebin or xbmclogs.org. Pasting directly in the thread is messy and makes it hard to read because its not formatted

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The path I have the filles to be saved is at T://strm and i switched the port to 80 again but nothing is really happing execept getting error
(2014-04-25, 16:15)steve55792 Wrote: The path I have the filles to be saved is at T://strm and i switched the port to 80 again but nothing is really happing execept getting error

In XBMC - settings - Services - WebServer...Make sure you change the port to something you dont use. Then test it out in a Web browser (<your_port>) to make sure you can connect (dont put a password). If it works, enter it in the config.xml. Also Make sure in Services, under Remote Control, you allow xbmc to be controlled. If you get success, then you can put back a password if you wish.

Also make sure in XBMC your source is setup before you run the script if you want the script to update the library with the new entries (if its TV shows, setup a source with the T:\strm)

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XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)10
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