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Release Conq - Gotham
(2014-05-04, 10:03)Hitcher Wrote:
(2014-05-04, 01:29)nickr Wrote: Can you let me know if pvr is going to be covered? I think pvr is becoming a central part of many people's xbmc usage. Thanks and cheers for all the hard work.

And a nightmare to code, so not presently but patches welcome.

A little off topic, but I'm curious, why/what makes it difficult? I've seen a lot of comments by devs that imply it's a chore etc but I'm not a developer so never really understood why it might be worse than other features.
It's because you have a lot of windows, dialogs, pvr settings, info screens, a lot of info labels etc. Everything have to be coded separately, and yes it's a nightmare if you don't have a functional pvr setup and with a pvr dummy it's nearly impossible to code every section.

I can understand that for most skinners pvr is a real nightmare, that's why live tv will be the last part i would take care.
still waiting for a new - purer looking of global search result - the features that i use frequently
Here it says that it isnt compatible with the latest OpenElec 4.0 on my Raspberry Pi? Is there something i'm missing? Thanks.
(2014-05-07, 13:17)muffmuffmuff Wrote: Here it says that it isnt compatible with the latest OpenElec 4.0 on my Raspberry Pi? Is there something i'm missing? Thanks.

It worked fine last night on mine. RasPi with Openelec 4.0
(2014-05-07, 17:23)lysin Wrote:
(2014-05-07, 13:17)muffmuffmuff Wrote: Here it says that it isnt compatible with the latest OpenElec 4.0 on my Raspberry Pi? Is there something i'm missing? Thanks.

It worked fine last night on mine. RasPi with Openelec 4.0

Sorry, something went wrong with my settings while updating. Love the skin tho.
Can you add info to the wide movie view under the tile it would just make this skin complete for me ?
Coming soon...

If I have helped you or increased your knowledge, click the 'thumbs up' button to give thanks :) (People with less than 20 posts won't see the "thumbs up" button.)
I really like your skin. But I think it could be much more beautiful if texts are justified !
(2014-05-09, 18:44)Hitcher Wrote: Coming soon...


Excellent Wink
Loving it so far, but a couple of suggestions -- wondering if you could have the current time display somewhere in the info OSD? Also, IMO the scrolling animation for the "Wide" poster view doesn't jive with the rest of the skin (again, just IMO), something simpler, or just removing the "spring" effect would suit better
(2014-05-09, 18:44)Hitcher Wrote: Coming soon...


Awesome - a great skin for PVR may finally get me to ditch my satellite box for good.

Great skin, and just a tiny request for a slightly bigger clock or option to change
great work hitcher!
only one thing: i can't play an album by clicking on the homescreen thumbnail.
movies and tv shows working perfectly.
nice work !! i really like it.

i have seen that the original idea on conq plex was to have some curved segments in the background.
are you also going to add those in the future ? (maybe as an option )
i think it makes the skin even more beautiful Angel

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