Gotham bug reports
Post them here.
Maybe you can add a "Feature request" Thread, too? ^_^
In the meantime i will leave this here: The "Progressbar" in the EPG is kinda weird.
It displays the progress for every channel in the box of the show. That means each program is at another progress point but at the top there is a timeline... something doesnt match there. ^^


I would suggest that the vertical "current point in time" bar should be on straight line.
That would be pretty awesome.
Like the rest of this awesome skin. ^_^
Cheers, I can see what I've done wrong.

Here's the fixed version.

Crazy that all your shows have exactly the same length, is this because of the Demo PVR Plugin? Also there are no boxes around the shows anymore to see the exact start and end based on the timeline.
Maybe you can just keep the boxes for each show and just use that new one single line to mark the current time. Big Grin

Thank you 1000x for the quick fix! Pretty awesome support. Smile
I realised I removed too much, here you go -

(2014-05-22, 23:14)Hitcher Wrote: I realised I removed too much, here you go -
This Sir is just perfect. ^_^
The folder art is missing after i play a song. It comes back again after restarting xbmc. Please find the screenshots below.

Before playing the song:

After playing the song:
Can you tell me the steps to reproduce please?
Browsed to the track. Played it. After playing it for a few mins, the folder art disappears.
progress bar time remaining set to 21:23 - also the last digit does decrease but really slowly

using Conq on a Raspberry Pi with OpenElec
(2014-05-24, 21:41)aschwerin.moses Wrote: Browsed to the track. Played it. After playing it for a few mins, the folder art disappears.
Can't reproduce this and seeing as it's only displaying an info icon must be something else.
(2014-05-27, 13:14)dave_parki_uk Wrote: progress bar time remaining set to 21:23 - also the last digit does decrease but really slowly

using Conq on a Raspberry Pi with OpenElec
This is simply a system info label so not a skin problem.
(2014-05-27, 14:42)Hitcher Wrote: This is simply a system info label so not a skin problem.

ok - i will check it with Confluence and compare, might be the latest version of OpenElec. Great skin by the way Nod


yeah i am an idiot Smile - end time being real time end e.g. start at 8pm finishes at 9pm

For some reason i assumed end time to be time remaining like other skins.

for some reason Live-TV isn't working with Conq.

I use IPTV Simple Client. Works with other skins.
But in Conq when i select a TV channel i can here it's audio in the background but no video.

Here's the log. Thanks!
Check you haven't enabled minimised playback.
So simple. Didn't think of that.

Thanks again, Hitcher! Working now.

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