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Bugs and Suggestions
Yes. Not very soon though.
It's on the bottom of my to do list.

Best skin of all!!! I am newbie here, and i want to know is it possible to have/make mouse support for this skin?I really need that....
I like this skin very much too. Only to things, probably a bug and a wish.
When I watch Live TV and press [ Info ] it shows a kind of buffered minutes and not the start and end time of that program. If I change the skin to Confluence it seems to show the correct values.
What about channel logos in the lists? Maybe instead the bullets in the context menu.
great skin, very fast.
I think i've found a small bug on android, when you enter in the menù PROGRAM and just pass over 'app android' xbmc crash. Confluence works fine.
The watched / unwatched status-flag in series is missing.
Bug Report
XBMC version : 14 alpha 2 (xbmc-14.0-Helix_alpha2-armeabi-v7a)
OS platform: Android 4.2.2 (Xiaomi mi box 1S).
Skin version: 2.0.4
Bug description: Crashes when attempting to open "Android Apps" from Programs (Root).
Last version of Bello is only for Gotham.
(2014-08-27, 21:55)notwista Wrote: The watched / unwatched status-flag in series is missing.

[solved] Was caused by a buggy installation.
Would you ever want to add media type cases to Bello?
Server: Synology Diskstation 1511+ with 8x WD Red NAS 3TB drives, DSM 5.2
Main HTPC: Home Built i3, 8GB RAM, Corsair 128GB SSD, nVidia 630GTX, Harmony Home Control, Pioneer VSX-53, Panasonic VT30 65" 3D TV, Windows 10, Isengard
Bedroom HTPC: Zotac-ID 41 8GB RAM, 128GB SSD, Rii micro keyboard remote, Samsung HW-E550, Sony 32" Google TV, OpenElec 6.0 beta 4
If the demanding is huge maybe but as you can see, you are the only only one that asks for it Tongue
Although, i promise you that if i will find the time i will do it. Just for my most faithful donner Wink

Hello Smile

I don't know how much work it would be to implement this, but could we please get Episode Bookmarks? Smile I think they were introduced in Gotham so they're rather new, but I was kinda missing this feature (or I just didn't see it?). From the Bookmarks menu I could only create regular Bookmarks Sad
Hi Nessus,
how are you? hope everything is fine.
found a small bug, but not sure if depends from my system.
i'm using video wall view for my movies. after a movie ends when xbmc come back to wall view on movie i played fanart and clear logo are vanished. i see just fallback fanart and icon on the right bottom.
could you try to reproduce? it is not a big problem, just to hear you after lots of time.


not happened again!
better so!

I really like this Bello skin and I want to use it but I cant find the Party mode playlist from the Video sub menu.

It is there under Aeon Nox;


But not under Bello;


They are obviously both configured the same;



And the play list is there;


Please point me in the right direction or is it something that needs / is yet to be added.

When I have a party I have a directory or 1080p music vids and really need this random function of I'd never see half the videos.

Many Thanks for your time.

That's because the Party Mode is available in music section. In you Aeon screens you are in Music Videos section.
Bello (although most of the things are working) has not full support for Music Videos. Nevertheless i will see if i can add that button there in the next update.

Hi @nessus

Just wondering, if it possible to add Rating Update support.

and an option to lower the posters in this view, to see the fan art!


thanks for the great skin
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