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Release Conq - Gotham
On my Raspberry Pi all is good love this skin maybe he needs to O/C his Raspberry Pi
Great news thanks!
(2014-08-30, 09:55)SurefireObject Wrote: Having major graphical issues since yesterday. Nothing that appears on-screen leaves the screen so as I navigate, it all collects. And it all flickers. It's the only skin I'm having any issues with. I was using it on Thursday night with no issues, left it on while I was out Friday and came home to problems. No idea what started it. I've tried reinstalling to no avail. Running 13.2.


Got the same issue, was working fine but after a reboot it's gone all bad, managed luckily to change back to Confluence, shame I really like that skin, on Boxee Box here XBMC 13.2
iMac OS X 10.10, ATV3, LG 3D TV, Onkyo Home cinema 5.1,SLICE/OpenELEC/HELIX
(2014-09-08, 00:41)cecemf Wrote:
(2014-08-30, 09:55)SurefireObject Wrote: Having major graphical issues since yesterday. Nothing that appears on-screen leaves the screen so as I navigate, it all collects. And it all flickers. It's the only skin I'm having any issues with. I was using it on Thursday night with no issues, left it on while I was out Friday and came home to problems. No idea what started it. I've tried reinstalling to no avail. Running 13.2.

Got the same issue, was working fine but after a reboot it's gone all bad, managed luckily to change back to Confluence, shame I really like that skin, on Boxee Box here XBMC 13.2

(2014-08-30, 21:52)Lucleonhart Wrote: Everybody with graphic problems - try to reset the conq settings. Working again for me.
But that looked really really crazy. ^_^
This skin seems pretty awesome - there's one thing though that's holding me back. Is it possible to set individual homescreen images for each item (movies, tv, settings,etc.). I'd love to be able to set that up.
Fullscreen, like fanart?
I have been enjoying this skin on my OUYA, since it is very light, but one thing I miss is the RSS ticker. Am I wrong or is there just no way to show the feed on this skin?
(2014-09-11, 08:52)Hitcher Wrote: Fullscreen, like fanart?

yes, I'd like to assign homescreen art/fanart, to each item. So when I select "movies" image1 is displayed in the background, when I select "TV Shows" Image 2 is shown in the background, etc. The solid color is really slick and minimal, but it's a little too plain for me. The closest I've gotten is selecting one static image of my own for the background, but like I said, I want the artwork to change with the item I've selected.

Am I missing something?
(2014-09-11, 19:15)elmcguinness Wrote: I have been enjoying this skin on my OUYA, since it is very light, but one thing I miss is the RSS ticker. Am I wrong or is there just no way to show the feed on this skin?

(2014-09-11, 19:20)npetrie Wrote:
(2014-09-11, 08:52)Hitcher Wrote: Fullscreen, like fanart?

yes, I'd like to assign homescreen art/fanart, to each item. So when I select "movies" image1 is displayed in the background, when I select "TV Shows" Image 2 is shown in the background, etc. The solid color is really slick and minimal, but it's a little too plain for me. The closest I've gotten is selecting one static image of my own for the background, but like I said, I want the artwork to change with the item I've selected.

Am I missing something?
I add them to the list but can't promise anything as I'm trying to juggle overtime and 3 skins.
Thanks Hitcher, I hear ya on the time bit, there just never is enough. I think the lack of an RSS feed and slow generation of the "Recently Added" widgets are the only real things I don't like. The search is meh but really I don't use search like that so no worries Big Grin

Thanks for all your hard-work and I will try to throw a pint or two your way for giving us this great skin.
Thanks Hitcher for your excellent work on this skin. Is there any solution for captcha problem?
Again thanks for the hard work on this Hitcher looks great Smile

To all those asking to change the core idea of this (minimalism) I don't get it? Theres tons of other skins, which have the extras you want... They are a prime example of more is not greater than less, as they usually clutter the interface. Subtle plugins which enhance the experience (like Cinema Experience. Just saying adding this would make this the killer skin) & don't get in the way of the design, are the only ones worth the effort to add to this skin.
I am absolutely loving this skin - it is phenomenal on the Pi...

I have a quick navigation question, and if this has already been answered, I apologize. Anyway, after I navigate to "TV" in the main menu, select a season, and watch an episode, upon returning to the main menu and selecting "TV," it shows the season's episode list, rather than my TV library as a whole. I had previously been using Amber, which did not have this navigation.

Is there any way I can adjust the menu options to direct "TV" to always go the list of all TV shows, rather than the last show I was watching?
(2014-09-17, 00:40)ethan7974 Wrote: I have a quick navigation question, and if this has already been answered, I apologize. Anyway, after I navigate to "TV" in the main menu, select a season, and watch an episode, upon returning to the main menu and selecting "TV," it shows the season's episode list, rather than my TV library as a whole. I had previously been using Amber, which did not have this navigation.

It's XBMC's navigation and nothing to do with the skin as they all use the same library links.
Thanks for your great work, Hitcher. Donated a few bucks. Have a beer on me. Smile
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