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RaspBMC Kodi/XBMC test builds
I reinstalled system on my RPI , so i installed a fresh copy of xbmc on it.. now i try to upgrade to this Beta Helix and im getting this error when i try to uncompress it

tar: /home/pi/.upgrade: Cannot open: No such file or directory

Any suggestions are welcome
mkdir /home/pi/.upgrade

Then try again.
Kodi 18.3 - Mid 2007 Mac Mini, 4GB, 2TB HD, Windows 7 SP1
Kodi 18.3 - Vero4k, Raspberry Pi 2. OSMC.
Since the teh inclusion of mmal my videos stutter/slow down/out of sync now and then. Anyone has the same issue?
(2014-10-10, 20:41)Gregoire Wrote: Since the teh inclusion of mmal my videos stutter/slow down/out of sync now and then. Anyone has the same issue?

Same here. I went back to Gotham on my Raspberry Pi as a result. Except of course that means it can't share the same database with my other Kodi boxes.
(2014-10-11, 04:43)DeJuan N. Onley Wrote:
(2014-10-10, 20:41)Gregoire Wrote: Since the teh inclusion of mmal my videos stutter/slow down/out of sync now and then. Anyone has the same issue?

Same here. I went back to Gotham on my Raspberry Pi as a result. Except of course that means it can't share the same database with my other Kodi boxes.

I can't do anything with reports like this. Make a detailed report of exactly what you are doing and how the problem occurs.
Include a debug enabled log file showing the problem. A sample file and instructions of what you did to provoke the problem would also be useful.
Sorry. Right now I don't have the time to submit anything. I think I'll just wait on the new releases. Maybe in the future, when the problem still exists, I'll report this properly.
I'm also getting skipping and audio cracks.
HifiBerry is still unusable :/
What DBMandrake says will work. The reason is that the .upgrade folder must be created which it will be if you run the Raspbmc Settings addon (one time) before you install any of these builds.

I believe that you have misunderstood this thread completely. No one has anything to go on with the little to none info you provided, and saying that you will only provide proper info after final release... well, will only irritate people to be honest.

@DeJuan N. Onley
Just like previous poster you didn´t say anything about anything really. At least provide media info and what content is not working properly, but preferably a debug log too.
Personally I have no such issues, but I use mostly h264 content and omxplayer.

No one has a magic crystal ball here. Provide more info if you anyone to look into it.

I don´t think that any Kodi/XBMC build will help you if your underlaying OS is not fully compatible (or your settings) with your sound card. The builds you install here is only Kodi/XBMC builds, they do not change or update anything else (except for the GPU firmware).
You should go here: http://forum.osmc.tv/showthread.php?tid=...#pid110771

This thread is meant to help with testing new features, but also to prevent bugs in any future stable releases.
If you think about how many different setups there are, all the different content + all the different settings you can have; only reporting ”it doesn´t work properly” will not help anybody, yourselves included.
If you have no information at all to provide no one will be able to help you, and you will not help out getting a betteer Kodi which is pretty much the point of this thread.

If you just want to test for yourselves, please do. But if you want help or if you want to help out, provide information. Otherwise it´s quite pointless.
How can i provide more info?. I had skipping playing a 720p h.264 mp4 file with 5.1 ac3 sound, played to a 1080p tv through HDMI. Is there a log?.
Most important (and always), a debug log (located in /home/pi/.xbmc/temp).
In most cases a debug log will be enough.
Edit: log file should include the problem you reported. If you cannot reproduce it might help anyway.

Mediainfo might help if it is a specific file or specific content in general.
If very specific content, a sample file will help.
Also general settings and setup (if you have any specific hardware, network etc.) might help, but a debug log will show most things.
Your settings regarding acceleration and choice of player etc. might help, and also if you set any sync options. Most of those settings you will find in Settings - Video.
(2014-10-14, 09:03)miappa Wrote: @feuille_de_lune
I don´t think that any Kodi/XBMC build will help you if your underlaying OS is not fully compatible (or your settings) with your sound card. The builds you install here is only Kodi/XBMC builds, they do not change or update anything else (except for the GPU firmware).
You should go here: http://forum.osmc.tv/showthread.php?tid=...#pid110771

My problem is not at system level, Hifiberry work with alsa directly and in Kodi in the menu.

pi@raspbmc:~$ aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: sndrpihifiberry [snd_rpi_hifiberry_dac], device 0: HifiBerry DAC HiFi pcm5102a-hifi-0 []
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: sndrpihifiber_1 [snd_rpi_hifiberry_digi], device 0: HifiBerry Digi HiFi wm8804-spdif-0 []
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

I can't set passthrough via gui settings.
When I turn on the passthrough, HDMI keep stayng in grey and I can't put "alsa:hifiberry"... instead HDMI.
Don´t know much about external sound cards, but have you read through the thread I linked to?
Specifically from this post an onward: http://forum.osmc.tv/showthread.php?tid=...#pid109412
(2014-10-14, 13:40)miappa Wrote: Don´t know much about external sound cards, but have you read through the thread I linked to?
Specifically from this post an onward: http://forum.osmc.tv/showthread.php?tid=...#pid109412
Indeed, I only have a DIGI and aplay always answered me that and before it seemed to works well. So it's a little strange.
This device is really annoying. I'll try that since come back at home.
I'll do a feed for that.
(2014-10-14, 13:51)feuille_de_lune Wrote: Indeed, I only have a DIGI and aplay always answered me that and before it seemed to works well. So it's a little strange.

Can you try disabling GPU accelerated resampling?

It's currently in settings/system/audio/resample quality, although these builds may pre-date that, in which case it may be in setting/video/acceleration.
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