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[MOD] Aeon MQ 5 for Kodi 14 Helix
is there a global setting for views?
I like to use the Right List View which is fine when viewing say Movies Library but if I then use an addon to search for say HD Movies the results are not presented using Right List View if I change for the first page of the returned results then when selecting Next Page the view again reverts.

second query is I seem to have somehow lost the spinning disc art for collections, it's fine for individual movies or items within collections but nothing at the top level
(2015-05-10, 05:05)scott967 Wrote:
(2015-05-09, 14:17)Callahan Wrote: I believe I've found a bug. If not a bug, its certainly something to look out for.

If you try to replace the backdrop of some system menus such as Favourites or Images, etc, and your custom image is the same name as the menu you are using it for, i.e. favourites.jpg or images.jpg, no image is displayed. All you see is a black backdrop. However, change it to something else, favourites1.jpg or images1.jpg and the problem is resolved.

Hope that helps some of you in the same boat as I've been for the last hour.


How are you doing this? Via "MyTheme" or something else?

scott s.

Apologies for the late reply. So, I am using Openelec V5.95.1 (Kodi V15.0 dev build).

Here's the steps I take...

I use WinSCH to create a folder in my home directory called wallpaper and then copy the new favourite.jpg over into it.
Back on Kodi/Openelec, I navigate to Settings/Skin Settings/Main Menu/Customise Main Menu/Favourites. Now select "Change Backdrop - One Image".
Point it at the favourites.jpg that you copied over into your wallpaper folder on Openelec/Kodi. All you end up with is a black screen when you apply it. You have to name your jpg something other than the name of the menu otherwise it won't display.

Let me know if you need anymore info.

(2015-05-18, 17:51)spot01 Wrote: is there a global setting for views?
I like to use the Right List View which is fine when viewing say Movies Library but if I then use an addon to search for say HD Movies the results are not presented using Right List View if I change for the first page of the returned results then when selecting Next Page the view again reverts.

second query is I seem to have somehow lost the spinning disc art for collections, it's fine for individual movies or items within collections but nothing at the top level

1. I don't think there is a way to do this, or maybe there is a way the addon can be written to achieve this. I think what is needed is the ability for Kodi to inherit view assignment from parent to child directory.

2. Do you have script.skin.info.service-master installed?

scott s.
(2015-05-18, 18:43)Callahan Wrote: Apologies for the late reply. So, I am using Openelec V5.95.1 (Kodi V15.0 dev build).

Here's the steps I take...

I use WinSCH to create a folder in my home directory called wallpaper and then copy the new favourite.jpg over into it.
Back on Kodi/Openelec, I navigate to Settings/Skin Settings/Main Menu/Customise Main Menu/Favourites. Now select "Change Backdrop - One Image".
Point it at the favourites.jpg that you copied over into your wallpaper folder on Openelec/Kodi. All you end up with is a black screen when you apply it. You have to name your jpg something other than the name of the menu otherwise it won't display.

Let me know if you need anymore info.


Can't duplicate on windows. The background image is displayed using Kodi "multiimage" control, which requires a local file path, but that doesn't explain why the filename makes a difference. Could you check in your guisettings.xml file and see if you do have a skin setting with path/favourites.jpg. It should be something like:
<setting type="string" name="skin.aeonmq5.menu6.bg">F:\Kodi backups\favourites.jpg</setting>

The way the code works, is that the custom background image is set as the menu item icon. When the menu item is in focus, the icon is shown in the background if it exists, if it doesn't exist it shows the "theme" image. So in your case it seems like the icon has been set, but Kodi can't display it.

scott s.
(2015-05-18, 17:46)yabel Wrote: Any Ideas on how to fix My font issue?? I have used the original font.xml and problem still shows up.
I get ERROR: FillInSkinFonts: Couldn't load C:\Users\daddy\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\skin.aeonmq5.helixmod\720p\Font.xml

Can you upload font.xml so I can take a look?

scott s.
(2015-05-16, 07:39)GlennNZ Wrote: Hi
Many thanks for the work on this..

Have worked my way through few issues of my own making but have one can't solve.

I cannot seem to access the VideoInfo in the Movies Library, Show Information dialog - either with Keyboard I, select action as "Show Information" or select action as "Choose" and then show information.
Whatever I do - it just plays the movie. Within TV Shows - it does appear.
I have tried this on two installs now with the same result.

Edit: - Solution:
Dont think this is skin issue - or maybe skin dependants?
Two installs had same issue - yet one install allowed me to bring up info dialog
After some trial and error found if copied %appdata%/Kodi/addons folder from working to not working - corrected this issue
(Copying the skin folder did not)

Well, I guess that suggest some addon is grabbing that.

scott s.
(2015-05-19, 01:18)scott967 Wrote:
(2015-05-18, 17:46)yabel Wrote: Any Ideas on how to fix My font issue?? I have used the original font.xml and problem still shows up.
I get ERROR: FillInSkinFonts: Couldn't load C:\Users\daddy\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\skin.aeonmq5.helixmod\720p\Font.xml

Can you upload font.xml so I can take a look?

scott s.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/kqq56coqbmg1toh/font.xml?dl=0 You will see I made a change in Font_15 under massive.. using teh bleeding cowboys font which Im using in Main menu but did that through renaming a copy of my font to Aeon_mainmenu8
(2015-05-18, 23:11)scott967 Wrote:
(2015-05-18, 17:51)spot01 Wrote: is there a global setting for views?
I like to use the Right List View which is fine when viewing say Movies Library but if I then use an addon to search for say HD Movies the results are not presented using Right List View if I change for the first page of the returned results then when selecting Next Page the view again reverts.

second query is I seem to have somehow lost the spinning disc art for collections, it's fine for individual movies or items within collections but nothing at the top level

1. I don't think there is a way to do this, or maybe there is a way the addon can be written to achieve this. I think what is needed is the ability for Kodi to inherit view assignment from parent to child directory.

2. Do you have script.skin.info.service-master installed?

scott s.

Thanks for the reply
it would look much slicker if this could be done
where would I find this the service-master to d/l, not sure if I have it at home but certainly don't have it on my work install of Kodi
(2015-05-19, 04:31)yabel Wrote:
(2015-05-19, 01:18)scott967 Wrote:
(2015-05-18, 17:46)yabel Wrote: Any Ideas on how to fix My font issue?? I have used the original font.xml and problem still shows up.
I get ERROR: FillInSkinFonts: Couldn't load C:\Users\daddy\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\skin.aeonmq5.helixmod\720p\Font.xml

Can you upload font.xml so I can take a look?

scott s.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/kqq56coqbmg1toh/font.xml?dl=0 You will see I made a change in Font_15 under massive.. using teh bleeding cowboys font which Im using in Main menu but did that through renaming a copy of my font to Aeon_mainmenu8

Actually you made 2 changes, Bleeding cowboys in line 392 and streamster in line 479. The error is that the Kodi xml reader couldn't read Font.xml. I downloaded your file, and the problem is it is encoded in UTF-8. Either change the encoding to ANSI, or add the following line to the beginning of Font.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

scott s.
(2015-05-19, 23:50)scott967 Wrote:
(2015-05-19, 04:31)yabel Wrote:
(2015-05-19, 01:18)scott967 Wrote: Can you upload font.xml so I can take a look?

scott s.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/kqq56coqbmg1toh/font.xml?dl=0 You will see I made a change in Font_15 under massive.. using teh bleeding cowboys font which Im using in Main menu but did that through renaming a copy of my font to Aeon_mainmenu8

Actually you made 2 changes, Bleeding cowboys in line 392 and streamster in line 479. The error is that the Kodi xml reader couldn't read Font.xml. I downloaded your file, and the problem is it is encoded in UTF-8. Either change the encoding to ANSI, or add the following line to the beginning of Font.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

scott s.
It worked but once I changed off massive I got the ?0? .. Did I add the line as You wanted? I forgot about that Streamster font in Font 40 .. Could the encoding be due to my xml reader?? Just tryin to learn for future projects.. what is a good free reader? I also just tried using NotePad++ and opened font.xml and clicked to Encode to ANSI then saved it and still dang ?0?. Sorry I know I missing something simple here.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <fontset id="Default">
    <name>Font_14</name><!-- nao usar uppercase -->
    <name>Font_17</name><!-- nao usar uppercase -->
    <name>Font_17A</name><!-- nao usar uppercase -->
    <name>Font13</name><!-- para addons -->
    <name>Font_18A</name><!-- nao usar uppercase -->
    <name>Font_20A</name><!-- nao usar uppercase -->
    <name>Font_20B</name><!-- Mpaa -->
    <name>Font_21</name><!-- nao usar uppercase -->
    <name>Font_24</name><!-- nao usar uppercase -->
    <name>Font_26</name><!-- nao usar uppercase -->
    <name>Font_30</name><!-- nao usar uppercase -->
    <name>Font_50</name><!-- menu principal -->
    <name>Font_50a</name><!-- menu principal modelo 2 -->
    <name>Font_50b</name><!-- menu principal modelo 3 -->
    <name>Font_50c</name><!-- menu principal modelo 4 -->
    <name>Font_50d</name><!-- menu principal modelo 5 -->
    <name>Font_50e</name><!-- menu principal modelo 6 -->
    <name>Font_50f</name><!-- menu principal modelo 7 -->
    <name>Font_50g</name><!-- menu principal modelo 7 -->
    <name>Font_60</name><!-- menu principal padrao -->
    <name>Font_60a</name><!-- menu principal modelo 2 -->
    <name>Font_60b</name><!-- menu principal modelo 3 -->
    <name>Font_60c</name><!-- menu principal modelo 4 -->
    <name>Font_60d</name><!-- menu principal modelo 5 -->
    <name>Font_60e</name><!-- menu principal modelo 6 -->
    <name>Font_60f</name><!-- menu principal modelo 7 -->
    <name>Font_60g</name><!-- menu principal modelo 8 -->
    <style>uppercase bold</style>
    <fontset id="Large">
    <name>Font_14</name><!-- nao usar uppercase -->
    <name>Font_17</name><!-- nao usar uppercase -->
    <name>Font_17A</name><!-- nao usar uppercase -->
    <name>Font13</name><!-- para addons -->
    <name>Font_18A</name><!-- nao usar uppercase -->
    <name>Font_20A</name><!-- nao usar uppercase -->
    <name>Font_20B</name><!-- Mpaa -->
    <name>Font_21</name><!-- nao usar uppercase -->
    <name>Font_24</name><!-- nao usar uppercase -->
    <name>Font_26</name><!-- nao usar uppercase -->
    <name>Font_30</name><!-- nao usar uppercase -->
    <name>Font_50</name><!-- menu principal -->
    <name>Font_50a</name><!-- menu principal modelo 2 -->
    <name>Font_50b</name><!-- menu principal modelo 3 -->
    <name>Font_50c</name><!-- menu principal modelo 4 -->
    <name>Font_50d</name><!-- menu principal modelo 5 -->
    <name>Font_50e</name><!-- menu principal modelo 6 -->
    <name>Font_50f</name><!-- menu principal modelo 7 -->
    <name>Font_50g</name><!-- menu principal modelo 7 -->
    <name>Font_60</name><!-- menu principal padrao -->
    <name>Font_60a</name><!-- menu principal modelo 2 -->
    <name>Font_60b</name><!-- menu principal modelo 3 -->
    <name>Font_60c</name><!-- menu principal modelo 4 -->
    <name>Font_60d</name><!-- menu principal modelo 5 -->
    <name>Font_60e</name><!-- menu principal modelo 6 -->
    <name>Font_60f</name><!-- menu principal modelo 7 -->
    <name>Font_60g</name><!-- menu principal modelo 8 -->
    <style>uppercase bold</style>
    <fontset id="Massive">
    <name>Font_14</name><!-- nao usar uppercase -->
    <filename>Bleeding Cowboys.ttf</filename>
    <name>Font_17</name><!-- nao usar uppercase -->
    <name>Font_17A</name><!-- nao usar uppercase -->
    <name>Font13</name><!-- para addons -->
    <name>Font_18A</name><!-- nao usar uppercase -->
    <name>Font_20A</name><!-- nao usar uppercase -->
    <name>Font_20B</name><!-- Mpaa -->
    <name>Font_21</name><!-- nao usar uppercase -->
    <name>Font_24</name><!-- nao usar uppercase -->
    <name>Font_26</name><!-- nao usar uppercase -->
    <name>Font_30</name><!-- nao usar uppercase -->
    <name>Font_50</name><!-- menu principal -->
    <name>Font_50a</name><!-- menu principal modelo 2 -->
    <name>Font_50b</name><!-- menu principal modelo 3 -->
    <name>Font_50c</name><!-- menu principal modelo 4 -->
    <name>Font_50d</name><!-- menu principal modelo 5 -->
    <name>Font_50e</name><!-- menu principal modelo 6 -->
    <name>Font_50f</name><!-- menu principal modelo 7 -->
    <name>Font_50g</name><!-- menu principal modelo 7 -->
    <name>Font_60</name><!-- menu principal padrao -->
    <name>Font_60a</name><!-- menu principal modelo 2 -->
    <name>Font_60b</name><!-- menu principal modelo 3 -->
    <name>Font_60c</name><!-- menu principal modelo 4 -->
    <name>Font_60d</name><!-- menu principal modelo 5 -->
    <name>Font_60e</name><!-- menu principal modelo 6 -->
    <name>Font_60f</name><!-- menu principal modelo 7 -->
    <name>Font_60g</name><!-- menu principal modelo 8 -->
    <style>uppercase bold</style>
(2015-05-04, 23:22)lovetheshirt Wrote:
(2015-05-02, 16:03)lovetheshirt Wrote: [quote='scott967' pid='1994838' dateline='1430518967']
Thanks. First, realize this skin is by Marcos Qui. All I do is make the changes needed to get version 5 running on Kodi Helix (and fix a few things that didn't actually work in Gotham along the way). Marcos is working on version 6 which I anticipate will leave this version in the dust once he is done with it.

Now on the RSS. It is entirely fixed, but like everything else, can be hacked. In this case not too hard. All the code is in a single file, includes.xml within the skin's 720p folder in your userdata. The skin files are all xml structured text files, so can be edited easily (I recommend notepad++ on windows though).

There are two versions, Home RSS (shows on home screen) and RSS (shows on various other windows).

They both have the same format, looking like this:

<include name="HomeRSS">
        <control type="group">
            <animation effect="slide" start="0,70" end=" ... (continues)

Just insert the line:

So it now looks:

<include name="HomeRSS">
        <control type="group">
            <animation effect="slide" start="0,70" end=" ... (continues)

This moves it UP 50 units (this skin is based on a 1280x720 screen so all positions are relative to those dimensions). Of course you can change -50 to some other value to suit your taste.

Do the same thing for the RSS section (here you can use a different value if you want). save your file and restart Kodi and give it a look.

scott s.

Hi Scott, I wonder if you / others can advise me how to connect to the box to get to the underlying code that needs amending? Do I need to use SSH or can i just HTTP to it? Just worried that will take me to the GUI. Link me to a WIKI if it's easier please. I'll figure it out............


Can anyone help me with this? Still struggling to figure out how to do it Sad
What platform are you running?
My fanart.tv & themoviedb.org accounts.

Hi Scott

Wondering if this is a skin issue, a kodi issue, or plugin issue. I use once in awhile the Xsqueeze app to stream music through my sound system. I just realized that the bottom section that contains menu options like skip, repeat, and whatever else is hidden. If I move the mouse over that area some options appear while most stay hidden, yet if I click in just the right spot I can get it to do something.

Since I use this rarely, I do not know when it started or what is causing it. Do you or anyone else know?

(2015-05-19, 10:17)spot01 Wrote: Thanks for the reply
it would look much slicker if this could be done
where would I find this the service-master to d/l, not sure if I have it at home but certainly don't have it on my work install of Kodi

You have to download and install it:

I have updated the first post to make it clear how to do this.

scott s.
(2015-05-21, 21:34)mzup Wrote: Hi Scott

Wondering if this is a skin issue, a kodi issue, or plugin issue. I use once in awhile the Xsqueeze app to stream music through my sound system. I just realized that the bottom section that contains menu options like skip, repeat, and whatever else is hidden. If I move the mouse over that area some options appear while most stay hidden, yet if I click in just the right spot I can get it to do something.

Since I use this rarely, I do not know when it started or what is causing it. Do you or anyone else know?

I looked at that addon and there are things I don't understand about addon integration into skins, but it does appear to me that some of the textures the addon requires aren't included with it. I was doing some file searches, and it seems like all the needed textures are also in the addon script.cu.lrclyrics. So if you have that addon installed you can try to copy all the png files from addon script.cu.lrclyrics\resources\skins\Default\media into script.xsqueeze\resources\skins\Default\media. There might also be a problem with some of the font used in the labels but I need to do some more research on that.

scott s.
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[MOD] Aeon MQ 5 for Kodi 14 Helix6