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Kodi DSPlayer – DirectShow Player for Windows
Thank you aracnoz. Tested it and it's incredibly amazing.
Absolutely outstanding work.
Yes , Yes , it is a great improvement
All in one package
Certainly i do not know the use and the need of all these settings
Can you pls tell me which are the best settings , to have better image and colours?
Because in my poor opinion , with pure Kodi/EVR i see much much better improvement
Tks again for your attention
Since it looks like EVR is out (my current config using FFDshow profiles) can someone who knows this new architecture and filter config do a new or current "How To setup" kind of post or document? I like the new improvements, path, and decisions. I am just not familiar with how to setup a proper config. Curerntly, I am at 1080p (use EVR, FFDShow, LAV for non 1080p mostly). I do plan to upgrade my hardware to 4K in the future and not have anything on my server below 720p (some shows only available this way). I feel upscaling anything else is a waste. So, any help is appreciated as I plan my overall upgrade and jump to the new platforms. Thanks again for all the hard work!
I'm not sure what's wrong with subtitles add-on. But with this build subtitle download dialog didn't show up when pressed. Video paused but not crashed I can press back button to go back to video. But can't download subtitles (I'm using Subscene & Opensubtitles)
@ oldpoem
I report that in my system , subtitles.gr and opensubtitles.org , show me the available subtitles for downloading
Certainly , i did not downdoad them , cause i do not need them
Amazing work!
HOLY HELL!!! Aracnoz you are on fire!
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).

NextPVR filter v0.2.1:
* NextPVRFilters-Install.bat, NextPVRFilters-Uninstall.bat fixed.

NextPVR filter v0.2:
* Updated for NextPVR v3.6.6.
   Starting from this version, there is no need to set timeshift duration on the client PC.

NextPVR Directshow Filter for DSPlayer
Support NextPVR HTTP LiveTV streams with timeshift buffer and video seeking functionality, using NextPVR DirectShow Filters.

DSPlayer PVR features with NextPVR Filter:
  • LiveTV Timeshift buffer and video seeking support.
  • Top Progress bar OSD, displays timeshift buffer time.
  • Channel info OSD dialog, displays EPG time and EPG progress bar.
  • Playback of recordings(updating total time at playback of in-progress recording).


  • Disable TimeShift in Kodi NextPVR addon settings.
  • PIN code:
    The default PIN code of the filter(and NextPVR server software) is "0000", you can change this code in NextPVR server software.
    NOTE: You have to set the SAME PIN code value that you set in NextPVR software using "NextPVRSplitter-Configuration" file.

Timeshift duration settings:
  • Set NextPVR timeshift duration(in seconds):
    Set the timeshift duration value on the NextPVR SERVER PC, using SetSlipSeconds_winXXbit.reg or set the registry manually:

    32bit Windows:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NPVR\SlipSeconds = xxxx (decimal DWORD)[Seconds]

    64bit Windows:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\NPVR\SlipSeconds = xxxx (decimal DWORD)[Seconds]

    If not specified in the registry, the default is 20 minutes(20*60 = 1200)(decimal DWORD).

    NOTE: If you using NextPVR server version 3.5.7 or lower version, set the SAME timeshift duration value on the NextPVR client PC as you configured on the NextPVR server PC.

Known Issues/Limitations:
  • Sub-Channel will be ignored by the filter.
    This is Kodi NextPVR addon issue, live stream url that's returned by the NextPVR addon does not contain the sub-channel number, but only the channel number.
    I have created a pull request(not merged yet)
  • Channel switching may not work on some configurations.
    Will be fixed in next versions of DSPlayer.

    (Fixed in version Isengard DSPlayer v15.2)

Source code:
Old releases:
Tested on Windows 7 64bit, Windows 8 64bit and Windows 10 64bit.

  • Register with NextPVRFilters-Install.bat file (registering requires administrative rights).
  • Detailed instructions:
    Unrar the file and create a new folder called "NextPVR Filter".
    Extract all the files from the rar into the new folder you just created.
    Right click on NextPVRFilters-Install.bat and run the file as the administrator.
    Please do not remove this folder, or any files in it. If you remove this folder then DSPlayer will not be able to use NextPVR Filter, so make sure you extract the files in a safe, permanent location.

Filters configuration: (DSPlayer Wiki, DSPlayer Setup)

mediasconfig.xml rules:
    <!-- Rules for NextPVR HTTP streams (LiveTV and Recorded Streams) -->
    <rule protocols="http" filename=".*/live\W(channel|recording)=\d+.*" url="false">
      <source filter="nextpvrreader" />
      <splitter filter="nextpvrsplitter" />
      <video filter="lavvideo_internal" />                            
      <audio filter="lavaudio_internal" />                            
    <rule url="true" filename=".*/live\W(channel|recording)=\d+.*" protocols="http">
      <source filter="nextpvrreader" />

    <rule filetypes="mkv|avi|divx|ogm|mp4|mov|m4v|flv|m2v|mpeg|mpg|mts|m2ts|vob|bdmv">
      <source filter="lavsource_internal" />
      <splitter filter="lavsplitter_internal" />
      <video filter="lavvideo_internal" />
      <audio filter="lavaudio_internal" />
      <subs filter="xysubfilter_internal" />
    <rule protocols="https|http" url="false">
      <splitter filter="lavsplitter_internal" />
      <video filter="lavvideo_internal" />
      <audio filter="lavaudio_internal" />
      <subs filter="xysubfilter_internal" />
    <rule filetypes="ts" url="false" >
      <source filter="tsreader_internal" />
      <splitter filter="tsreader_internal" />
      <video filter="lavvideo_internal" />
      <audio filter="lavaudio_internal" />
      <subs filter="xysubfilter_internal" />
    <rule url="true" filetypes="tsbuffer" >
      <source filter="tsreader_internal" />
    <rule url="true" protocols="rtsp">
      <source filter="tsreader_internal" />
    <rule protocols="rtsp">
      <video filter="lavvideo_internal" />
      <audio filter="lavaudio_internal" />
    <rule filetypes="ifo">
      <source filter="dvdnavigator" />
      <splitter filter="dvdnavigator" />
      <video filter="lavvideo_internal" />
      <audio filter="lavaudio_internal" />
    <rule filetypes="wmv">
      <source filter="wmasfreader" />
      <splitter filter="wmasfreader" />
      <video filter="wmvideodecoder" />
      <audio filter="wmaudiodecoder" />
      <subs filter="xysubfilter_internal" />
    <rule filetypes="iso">
      <source filter="avsource" />
      <splitter filter="avsource" />
      <video filter="lavvideo_internal" />
      <audio filter="lavaudio_internal" />
    <rule filetypes="ogm">
      <source filter="oggsource" />
      <splitter filter="oggsplitter" />
      <video filter="lavvideo_internal" />
      <audio filter="lavaudio_internal" />
    <rule filetypes="rmvb">
      <source filter="realsource" />
      <splitter filter="realsplitter" />
      <video filter="realvideodec" />
      <audio filter="realaudiodec" />

<!-- The NextPVR filters -->
<filter name="nextpvrreader" type="source">
  <osdname>NextPVR HTTP Source</osdname>
<filter name="nextpvrsplitter" type="splitter">
    <osdname>NextPVR Splitter</osdname>

    <rules action="prepend">
        <rule protocols="daap|rtv|rtmp|rtmpe|mms|rtp" player="DVDPlayer" />
        <rule name="PVR Radio" filename="pvr://channels/radio.*" filetypes="pvr" player="DVDPlayer"/>  
        <rule name="All Other" player="DSPlayer"/>
It seem the fps drops with SVP are fixed with the latest build. Nice! Any benefit using internal filter over external ones?

New version not working for me.

Log here: as soon as a video file is launched, screen goes black and Kodi hangs, http://pastebin.com/pJFW1puv

I opted, just to begin, to use madVR settings externally, with no GUI in Kodi, and to keep using DirectShow filters. Kodi was working perfectly with this configuration with last version (the one from August 11th). I have Reclock as audio renderer. madVR set to use DirectX 11 (and it was working before, with 10 bit playback in exclusive mode), exclusive fullscreen mode.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).
Uh wao....
Congratz to Aracnoz and everyone else involved.... wishing to get home to try.
Silverstone Grandia GD05 - Intel i5 3570k -Asus H61M-G Micro-ATX - Unidad Blu-ray
MSI GTX970 4GB GDDR5 - 8 GB RAM DDR3 - AVR Denon X3400H Atmos - LG  OLED 55C7V
I tested the new build on my test computer and the video settings menu is blinking.

The computer uses an Intel GPU. Again, the screen blinks when the settings menu is accessed during playback.

Will provide a debug log later...

Also, there is a mistake in Scaling Algorithms.

super-xbr cannot double luma and chroma independently, neither can NEDI. If luma doubling is enabled, chroma doubling is enabled by default.
THANK YOU for giving us this and for all your hard work in doing so!! Smile
(2015-08-27, 01:01)vicmanpergar Wrote: Uh wao....
Congratz to Aracnoz and everyone else involved.... wishing to get home to try.

Vic, it's awesome! just pure awesome!
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