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Release JAV Movie Scraper
Never mind I was using 0.1.35 upgraded and It's now scrapping
I try the data18 scrappers booth didn’t bring any fanarts, the movie scrapper didn’t grab the correct poster, the movie and clip info’s are fine. What’s my mistake? Sorry for my English.
Signumda, what version of the program are you using? You can select Help -> about to see what version you are using. You should be on v0.2.00-alpha or later.
Hi Doc,
I’m on v0.2.02-alpha but also try older version,
I try different movies all the same no fanart and the genre contains items like "Picture Video Stills", “Play Trailer”, movie name, director, and studio.
Hi all, and big thanks to creator of JAV Movie Scraper.

can i ask a silly question because im going back and fourth and cant seem to get this to work properly

i want to use DATA18 WEB CONTENT scraper, and i want to start by renaming current files so it scrapes them (mostly) with ease.

My example is Aiden Aspen In Cuckold Sessions

if i search

site:data18.com Aiden Aspen In Cuckold Sessions

1st result comes up GREAT,

If i name the file any of the following JAVMOVIESCRAPER comes back with nothing ?

Aiden Aspen - Cuckold Sessions.wmv
Aiden Aspen in Cuckold Sessions.wmv

There are Many others, i can only get this scraper to work if i supply the URL (in options)

what am i doing wrong ??

many thnaks to all for the quick replys Smile

BTW i am using latest 0.2.06 alpha
Hey timcostello1975,

There was a problem with google search not returning any results due to a change google made to their search results page. This is fixed now in 0.2.07 alpha, so please try the newest version and let me know if you are still having issues.

(2015-08-26, 05:25)DoctorD Wrote: Hey timcostello1975,

There was a problem with google search not returning any results due to a change google made to their search results page. This is fixed now in 0.2.07 alpha, so please try the newest version and let me know if you are still having issues.


DoctorD your a star, thanks for the quick reply too.

i will go download now and give it a try Big Grin
Also is it possible to Add the Option when Renaming the Files to Choose Actor A only.

Currently when you use TAG <ACTORS> in renaming settings it will rename files with all actors, and it would be great if to just have ACTOR A .
I just Found Another Problem.....

I have been watching console window and found google keeps locking out requesting captcha data nag.

i used my vpn and changed to another ip , the run a few normal google.com searches, then run JAVMOVIESCRAPER and got results straight away, without changing filename.

so is it also possible to add an option to change the google search to Bing as option to help with captcha problems with google

...... ill try to hold off asking any more questions and requests Wink
At sometime last month IAFD changed it´s structure and broke the scrapping.

I´ve never used JAV Scraper before, but right now, using the lastest alpha version and disabling all sites for dvd except IAFD, the only information that´s returned is the movie year.

By the way, since I´m already begging for a fix, I have a feature request.

Would it be possible to have a option to use IAFD Scene breakdowns information as "plot"?

i have a question is there anyone who is having a problem with the plot do not showing when scrap the jav library from his HDDs
coz i have this problem only name.avi or name.mp4 showing only .
Ok,boys and girls,the person who make the program was clear:JAV means Japan Adult Video,so simple!
I prefer to see the pictures from women amateur than synopsis.
IF i want Jav,there is a reason and i know very well synopsis for Jav!

I Have A Problem !!

I'm Trying To install JAV Movie Scraper in Kodi v.14 but it Gives me Error - " It Says - Add-On Does Not Have Correct Structure" ... i'm using the zip code, somebody can help me please ?
I've released an update to fix the problem with IAFD no longer getting information. IAFD is no also supported as a standalone scraper, although you won't get cover art that way, so it's usually best to use an amalgamated scraper for adult dvds.
(2015-10-17, 23:48)DonStark Wrote: Hello,

I Have A Problem !!

I'm Trying To install JAV Movie Scraper in Kodi v.14 but it Gives me Error - " It Says - Add-On Does Not Have Correct Structure" ... i'm using the zip code, somebody can help me please ?

Hey DonStark,

This is not an addon for Kodi. It is a standalone program that runs outside Kodi. Did you download a .jar file? You should just need to double click the file if you have Java installed to run the program.
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