2015-07-03, 04:52
Never mind I was using 0.1.35 upgraded and It's now scrapping
(2015-08-26, 05:25)DoctorD Wrote: Hey timcostello1975,
There was a problem with google search not returning any results due to a change google made to their search results page. This is fixed now in 0.2.07 alpha, so please try the newest version and let me know if you are still having issues.
(2015-10-17, 23:48)DonStark Wrote: Hello,
I Have A Problem !!
I'm Trying To install JAV Movie Scraper in Kodi v.14 but it Gives me Error - " It Says - Add-On Does Not Have Correct Structure" ... i'm using the zip code, somebody can help me please ?