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[RELEASE] Steam Launcher - Start Steam Big Picture Mode from within Kodi
You'll need to edit the included steam-launch script to suit your needs.

Work in windows 7, you can tell me how is the script to edit ?, please.
I'm confused
Thank you Huh

(2015-10-18, 03:56)teeedubb Wrote: You'll need to edit the included steam-launch script to suit your needs.

(2015-08-29, 19:45)coendeurloo Wrote:
(2015-08-27, 21:34)teeedubb Wrote: Change the steam-launch.sh script (instructions in the first post) to something like:

killall -9 kodi.bin

Thanks for the reply. Should I delete all code in that script and paste in that code or should I replace a specific part?

I can't seem to find the specific instructions in the first post.
i try the hole night to get Steam get stratet from Kodi.
I use your guide here:

I have Lubuntu with Kodi on my NUC. Kodibuntu dosnt work for me. Because Braswell is not supported from Kodibuntu :/

When i start Steam with this nice Addon:
Kodi is closing. After 1 Second Steam is comming up.
But no Sound...
When i close Steam Kodi is comming up back. This works great.
But no Sound.
Is with my Braswell CPU anything different i have to do?
I have no idea...
I install Lubuntu with this guide. All works perfect. DTS HD and all other things.
But i want also use Steam for in home streaming with sound.
First of all, thanks for all this work, really nice! Smile

I got most of it working, but one annoying detail I can't find anything about. I can't browse any games in the store. If I select videos it starts loading and showing videos. But all the other menu items does nothing...
Also I get only sound in the steam menu, not in any game...
Patoso something basic is:


Run, %comspec% /c taskkill /im Kodi.exe,,Hide
Run, %comspec% /c timeout /t 1 && tasklist /nh /fi "imagename eq Kodi.exe" | find /i "Kodi.exe" >nul && (taskkill /f /im Kodi.exe),,Hide
Run, %1%
Run, %2%

Make sure you compile it with AHK and place the exe in the right directory, as per the first post.

Karandras + UglyBob are you guys using pulseaudio? Make sure pulseaudio is running when steam is running, sound only in menus is a symptom of alsa not setup with dmix or pulseaudio not running. You may need to use the program pauvcontrol to configure pulseaudio correctly.

Uglybob can you browse the store when steam is not launched via the addon?
I have to study hours to get it.
compile? Huh Rolleyes

No, just install ahk and right click the script and select compile.
(2015-10-22, 12:32)teeedubb Wrote: Patoso something basic is:


Run, %comspec% /c taskkill /im Kodi.exe,,Hide
Run, %comspec% /c timeout /t 1 && tasklist /nh /fi "imagename eq Kodi.exe" | find /i "Kodi.exe" >nul && (taskkill /f /im Kodi.exe),,Hide
Run, %1%
Run, %2%

Make sure you compile it with AHK and place the exe in the right directory, as per the first post.

Karandras + UglyBob are you guys using pulseaudio? Make sure pulseaudio is running when steam is running, sound only in menus is a symptom of alsa not setup with dmix or pulseaudio not running. You may need to use the program pauvcontrol to configure pulseaudio correctly.

Uglybob can you browse the store when steam is not launched via the addon?

I use your "pre script" with the launcher. But pulse audio wont start.
But i only install all with your guide. May i use pauvcontrol and test agein
Run the script via command line and see if there is any useful output.
(2015-10-22, 21:03)teeedubb Wrote: No, just install ahk and right click the script and select compile.

Done, thank you Blush
Hey, thanks for the great script. I got Steam working on my Kodibuntu with 15.2. Anyway, I'm using the analog sound card with Kodi but Steam is streaming sounds via HDMI to my TV. Is there a way to configure steam to use the analog output of my soundcard?
Configure alsa or pulseaudio to use the desired audio output.
(2015-10-26, 03:39)teeedubb Wrote: Configure alsa or pulseaudio to use the desired audio output.

I haven't configured Pulseaudio or Alsa yet, because the audio output is working fine on Kodibuntu. If I'm going to set up either one, will this influence my existing Kodibuntu installation? I'm sorry, this might be a beginner question but I could not find an answer for this.
(2015-10-29, 12:35)kirschi Wrote:
(2015-10-26, 03:39)teeedubb Wrote: Configure alsa or pulseaudio to use the desired audio output.

I haven't configured Pulseaudio or Alsa yet, because the audio output is working fine on Kodibuntu. If I'm going to set up either one, will this influence my existing Kodibuntu installation? I'm sorry, this might be a beginner question but I could not find an answer for this.

I'm using pulseaudio (just followed the guide) and it doesn't interfere. Pulse audio is started by the steam launcher and is stopped when I quit steam (pre and post launch scripts).
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[RELEASE] Steam Launcher - Start Steam Big Picture Mode from within Kodi7
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