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Artwork Downloader
(2015-10-28, 18:23)aptalca Wrote:
(2015-10-28, 13:44)raspdealer Wrote:
(2015-10-18, 21:29)raspdealer Wrote: Hey there,

I've activated the Centralize option, to avoid the download on my shows folder, and to get all artwork in the same spot.

My USB is now full of pictures, but the addon still continue to create extrafanart folder and to fill it... Why?
and what is the "Use local files" options ?
Thanks for your help.

A little up please!!! Thanks!

Without the use local option, this addon does not download any pictures. It just find the web url for the artwork, and puts that url into the database so kodi can retrieve the artwork from the web when needed.

With use local turned on, this addon downloads the artwork, and updates the database with the path of the local file instead of the web url so kodi can retrieve it from the local folder when needed

I don't use extra fanart so I can't answer that question

Currently, it seems that downloading the files to a centralized area (or even without the "centralize" parameter) doesn't work right now, as it generates a script error.
no ones seems to know here why now only getting fanart and poster when trying to get artwork some ppl mentioned it here can anyone ffr love of God update on this issue thanks
(2015-11-14, 02:50)Razieal121 Wrote: no ones seems to know here why now only getting fanart and poster when trying to get artwork some ppl mentioned it here can anyone ffr love of God update on this issue thanks

Same isuuse here.... it has been started at the end of October. I jjust have only poster and fanart
So I guess no one even has an idea why we are only getting the poster and fanart, but not clearart,cdart,thumbs and whatever more?

I would assume something changed at the api, but that my own not so subtle idea...
Don't think there is an API change as mediacompanion is still scraping the extra artwork from fanart.TV. for local storage.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
See here ; i think it is the same problem, at least for, me all movies that failed to have artwork downloaded, had extrafanart from wrong movie.
(2015-11-15, 23:33)hellrider77 Wrote: See here ; i think it is the same problem, at least for, me all movies that failed to have artwork downloaded, had extrafanart from wrong movie.

Well, in my case that fanart is correct - its purely missing everything else...
Strange. It works just fine for me. You'd think this would be universal?
I have an issue with AD. I'm running Kodi 15.2 on windows 10 with the MQ6 skin.

Everything was fine until yesterday when I added a couple of movies and ran AD to uplate the fanart. Now nearly all my movies have the wrong poster, background, disc and clear art. Many have the sames art duplicated across multiple titles and these are of movies I don't have and have never had on my computer. This is the same for movies and TV shows.

I've rerun AD with both local and centralized options and tried the replace art option. All this does is add more unwanted images to my directories.

Does anyone know how to fix this?
I don't know whether it is universal but as soon as i deleted the year from the directory and filenames, artwork downloaded correctly on all movies that had problems (logo, clearart, fanart, banner, discart, etc) . Looking at my added date to library, it seems that the problem started to appear at the end of October.
Deletinb dates didn't help me. On my system only movies are affected. TV shows work fine. AD reports that only posters and backgrounds are downloading. Disc art etc. Says not found.

Once the wrong images are downloaded they are linked to the movie files database and become impossible to remove. Even changing the configuration of AD to not use local files and replace files doesn't fix the issue.

I managed to restore about 75% of the titles by switching local files off in AD, closing kodi and renaming my movie directory to moviesold. I then created a blank directory and named that movies.restarted kodi, ran clean up video library. Quit again. Changed the directory back to movies, restarted kodi and ran update library.

It works for most of the titles but some are still refusing to display the correct art.
To those affected, what operating system are you using?
Wondering if this addon is accessing tmdb first and since the tmdb API change is getting mucked up?
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
(2015-11-16, 22:07)HomeTheatreGuru Wrote: To those affected, what operating system are you using?

Windows 10 with November update. Kodi 15.2. MQ5 Skin.

(2015-11-16, 23:09)vbat99 Wrote: Wondering if this addon is accessing tmdb first and since the tmdb API change is getting mucked up?

I thought of the same thing last night. Or at least there might be some relation between the TMDB entry in the Kodi database and AD. It might explain why the issue seems to affect some titles and not others, and why TV shows are not affected.

I'm not a Kodi guru and have only recently start playing with it. Can you redifine sources to scrape another db instead of TMDB?
Not sure if this helps but the TMDB Movie Scraper has just been updated to v3.8.7 as there was an issue with file names with a year in them being seen as the TMDB reference in the previous version.

Details of the issue are here:

I'll update the scraper tonight and see if it fixes it. If someone else wants to have a go and report their results feel free Smile

I'm going to assume I'll have to reset the Kodi databases to rescan from scratch.
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