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[RELEASE] Advanced Wake On Lan (WOL) Addon - Wake up a remote computer/server

Just a thought about update (i think it is very easy to be done, i am a linux noob though).

Because there are times that we DO NOT WANT to use this add-on on xbmc/kodi start up (e.g when you only want to launch youtube videos, listening to music etc) - and NOT TO WAKE UP YOUR SERVER - is it possible to have an "option" to ENABLE this add-on on kodi start up?

E.g A pop up message box (optional) which will say "Do y want to enable WOL?" with a yes and no option..

To go a step beyond it could have a 10 second countdown and by reaching zero YES would be auto enabled..

Of course you can control it through hdmi cec..

Just a thought guys..

I have a question to that advanced wake on lan addon.
I installed it in between, because it matches much better to my preferences then the internal WOL-function in kodi.

Now I have 2 open points:
Number 1: if have to wake up more then one devices (automatic), i can not put it in the main-configuration of he addon. I have only the option to overwrite it with an entry in favourites.xml. But then I have to switch on the device manual and it is not implementable as autostart-function.
For the moment i duplicated the add-on and the add-on userdata and made some changes in the script so that I think this works as well... but it would be better when the addon can bring this feature on board.

The second point is the the autostart-function in conjunction with the video database on NAS.
I configured a mysql-database on my nas. When I try to start kodi now and the NAS is OFF, then the addon needs a very long time to start the NAS by using WOL. After some minutes it works - but then is kodi starting without using the videodatabase on NAS. So it is not usable.
In my understanding WOL (kodi inside) and the addon advanced WOL are working well ,only when the videodatabase is always available.

It would work when the addon can start the WOL-Process just by starting kodi. Then it has to wait until the videodatabase is reachable and then it can go on...
Is there a way to configure it like that? The first step would be to start the WOL-command just by starting kodi.

Thanks in advance for some answers

(2016-01-02, 15:36)SaEt9000 Wrote: In my understanding WOL (kodi inside) and the addon advanced WOL are working well ,only when the videodatabase is always available.

No. Internal wol-function will wake MySQL server at startup (and on demand at anytime later)
that sounds good... BUT:
I have 3 android devices - they all are able to wake up the NAS by wake on lan apps.
But with the kodi-internal function it is running correctly when the database just opened or stored the client.

In my combination: my SQL database on the NAS which have to wake up it is always the same:

Kodi needs a very long time to start (several minutes)
- The kodi internal function does not wake up any server
- the advanced WOL add-on is able to wake up the NAS by starting kodi - but because the database is not accessible in the moment when the NAS is just starting, the database is empty - kodi is not usable.
After waiting until the NAS is ready and restaring kodi... then is everything fine. But this not, what I need.

From my point of view it has to work like that - but it doesnt at the moment:
- kodi is beginning to start
- urgent start of WOL (not after a lot of minutes)
- waiting until the SQL-database is readable
- kodi starts GUI

Maybe that there are some special parameters to reach this, but I found nothing in wakeonlan.xml or in settings of advanced WOL addon.

(2016-01-04, 19:53)SaEt9000 Wrote: From my point of view it has to work like that - but it doesnt at the moment:
- kodi is beginning to start
- urgent start of WOL (not after a lot of minutes)
- waiting until the SQL-database is readable
- kodi starts GUI

Internal wol-function is made to do just that.
If it does not work like that for you, please post a log_file (wiki)
ok, that is an important hint.
I will take a look in kodis log by myself and post it then here.

so, i made a lot of tests and changes - I am not on the aim but may be a little bit nearer to it.

I started the debug log - and saw as the first point, that kodi needed a lot of time for searching all the pathes, which i had changed to the NAS with pathsubstituation (playlists, thumbnails). IT was not totaly unexpected for me but a disappointment so far...

So i changed it and could go on.

The second point was that the advanced WOL is starting always much later as kodi is searching the databases. So the advanced WOL does not seems to be usable for this configuration.

So i tried to reconfigure the internal WOL (energy option).

I am not sure, but the default configuration doesnt send any magic packet - so noe WOL can happen.

No I tried samba-protokoll - may be it was luck - but the magic packet was send urgently.

The configuration is like this:

21:20:32 T:1610856976 NOTICE: WakeOnAccess - Load settings :
21:20:32 T:1610856976 NOTICE: WakeOnAccess - Enabled:TRUE
21:20:32 T:1610856976 NOTICE: -Network init timeout : [300] sec
21:20:32 T:1610856976 NOTICE: -Network settle time : [2000] ms
21:20:32 T:1610856976 NOTICE: Registering wakeup entry:
21:20:32 T:1610856976 NOTICE: HostName : 192.168.x.y
21:20:32 T:1610856976 NOTICE: MacAddress : 00:00:00:00:00:11
21:20:32 T:1610856976 NOTICE: PingPort : 445
21:20:32 T:1610856976 NOTICE: PingMode : 0
21:20:32 T:1610856976 NOTICE: Timeout : 400 (sec)
21:20:32 T:1610856976 NOTICE: WaitForOnline : 400 (sec)
21:20:32 T:1610856976 NOTICE: WaitForOnlineEx : 400 (sec)
21:20:32 T:1610856976 NOTICE: WaitForServices : 5 (sec)

much lines but only one second line later comes this:

21:20:33 T:1610856976 NOTICE: WakeOnAccess [192.168.x.y] trigged by accessing : MySQL : MyMusic56
21:20:34 T:1610856976 INFO: bool CNetwork::WakeOnLan(const char*) - Magic packet send to '00:00:00:00:00:11'
21:22:28 T:1610856976 NOTICE: WakeOnAccess sequence completed, server started
21:22:28 T:1610856976 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic56 [2003](Can't connect to MySQL server on '192.168.x.y' (111))

So - the magic packet was send urgently and the server woke up - but kodi just tried to finde the database - without success.
In the configuration i tell kodi to wait 400seconds - but after 114 secons it tries to start the database.

So are there parameters which I have to increase ?

thank you

This is certainly progress yes, you have successfully woken the server at startup

The next problem you hit is a MySQL connection problem, error 111 means connection refused so you are communicating with the server.
Is this MySQL server working properly when it is started before you start Kodi?

Please provide 2 logs, 1 when starting Kodi while server already running and second starting Kodi with server sleeping.
thanks a lot yor your support:

here is the log, when the NAS is just running (with mysql server) - everything is running fine.

and here is the log, when the NAS has to wake up -as just discussed before:kodi starts with am empty database:

Thanks for the logs, this looks a bit different, I suspect you now may have hit a bug in the internal wol-function which is solved but not out yet, it will be included in Jarvis beta5.
This post (and further links) is dealing with this issue ; http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=...pid2201511

Please have patience and update to beta5 when it is available. And please report back your status then so we can know if your case is solved or further investigation is needed.
Because your use-case is completely valid and the internal wol-function is created to support exactly such a scenario, so it is imperative that it really does in all circumstances
Thanks again for your answer.

It sounds good - beta 5 :-)
In the other post you are writing, that it is just mergde. Does it mean - it is just implmented in the kodi nightly builds?
I have no problem to try a nightly.

what the hell! I saw he merg on 31thdecember in the history - I will try the nightly :-)

one big step forward:

i installed yesterday the latest nightly - and i had the impression - directly after restarting the system, that there is a longer time-step between IP-answer (TCPIP is started) of the NAS and starting kodi. But in first try it was not enough.

After that ich changed my WOL-parameters:

21:20:32 T:1610856976 NOTICE: WakeOnAccess - Load settings :
21:20:32 T:1610856976 NOTICE: WakeOnAccess - Enabled:TRUE
21:20:32 T:1610856976 NOTICE: -Network init timeout : [500] sec
21:20:32 T:1610856976 NOTICE: -Network settle time : [2000] ms
21:20:32 T:1610856976 NOTICE: Registering wakeup entry:
21:20:32 T:1610856976 NOTICE: HostName : 192.168.x.y
21:20:32 T:1610856976 NOTICE: MacAddress : 00:00:00:00:00:11
21:20:32 T:1610856976 NOTICE: PingPort : 445
21:20:32 T:1610856976 NOTICE: PingMode : 0
21:20:32 T:1610856976 NOTICE: Timeout : 400 (sec)
21:20:32 T:1610856976 NOTICE: WaitForOnline : 400 (sec)
21:20:32 T:1610856976 NOTICE: WaitForOnlineEx : 400 (sec)
21:20:32 T:1610856976 NOTICE: WaitForServices : 25 (sec)

I am not sure for the moment, what was the mainly point (the 25 sec wait for service ?) - but it works now on my system.

I will make some additional tests and will report here.

Super, good it works!

Instead of the long 'waitservices' parameter you could try 'pingport' = 3306 (MySQL port)
It looks like perhaps on your NAS, after resume from sleep, that SMB (port 445) is ready to go earlier than MySQL.
So to make startup as fast and safe as possible, try 'waitservices'=0 and 'pingport' = 3306

thank you very much!

Thats what I had configurated first - maybe that it works now with the new kodi-version

First I tried now to add my pathsubstituation. It works so far but there is one thing what was a suprtise for me:

here is my configuration in the AS.xml:

<!-- <substitute>
</substitute> -->

As you can see, I disabled the pathsubstituation for the playlists - because there you get an error (it doesnt seem to work) and this needs almost 20 additional seconds before kodi sends the wake up command.
That is not important for me, because there are only some small files in playlists folder. It is much more important, that the thumbnails substituation works.

But if you have an idea, where the problem with the playlists is.... this would nice to know.

And one additional guestion:
When I am using the pathsubstituation the startscreens is black for almost 2 minutes. Then comes the kodi-sign and only some short seconds after this the kodi start is finished.
Without the pathsubstituation I am getting over the full start time the kodi-sign on the screen - this I like much more. What can be the reason therefore?

Thanks again
one feedback:
it works perfect with your suggestion to use the 3306 pingport.
I have not the impression that it is really faster (maybe my guess 25 seconds for waitservice was not so bad :-)) but i think it is better for the future (when the NAS changes or the database is becomming bigger etc.)

Thank you

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[RELEASE] Advanced Wake On Lan (WOL) Addon - Wake up a remote computer/server1
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