I almost NEVER post on this forum although I'm a long long time Kodi user, and I came here today just to post about that insane article, but I'm glad someone was already talking about it.
I don't mind negative articles, when they are properly researched and relatively accurate, but this thing starts off skirting the edge and then decidedly goes off into the weeds, and when I see a sentence like the following:
"Once all this Kodi software gets downloaded, how do people actually watch pirated content? One option is to mirror it onto a TV using an HDMI adapter or Google Chromecast. Another is to actually hack a streaming player and program Kodi onto it."
It seriously calls into question the ability of the author to get anything right, or even in fact try..
"Program Kodi onto it..
?? WTF does that even mean.. I'll tell you what it means, it means the poor excuse for a blogger who fancies himself a tech journalist takes time off from trolling youtube comment threads to write a quick article from the confines of his parents basement..
I actually responded to his twitter post about it, and I have never responded negatively to anything on any social media, but this just put me over the edge. Kodi has an amazing legacy and has always been an inspiration to me as a wonderfully creative open source project done right. To see this kind of disservice done out of pure incompetence or just plain laziness burns me up...
Ok.. sorry for the rant.. I'm going to go an stream some music using Kodi from my legitimate Pandora account and remind myself that opinions are like a**holes and move on.. thank you for your time..