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Release MLB.TV®
Toronto @ Tampa Bay works with 60fps.
but unwatchable. Buffering every minute.
(2016-04-03, 22:50)WHamilton Wrote: but unwatchable. Buffering every minute.

Stream has been fine for me since the game started.
Since 20 Minutes here also, before it was terrible.

With NBA or NHL this evening no problems.
I have to switch is to the highest setting in SD. However, it looks like HD, or more HD than SD. At this point I'm happy it's working after clogging up the forum the past few days.
Only 30 fps for me with either feed right now as well. I'm checking and see P(fr:29.970). You guys still getting 60?
yes 5 Mbit stream is not there
(2016-04-03, 23:44)sask3m Wrote: Only 30 fps for me with either feed right now as well. I'm checking and see P(fr:29.970). You guys still getting 60?

Was 60 earlier. Now 30
Should have had the rays broadcasters ask Manfred when mlb would get 60 fps working consistently. Smile
Is there anyway this addon can get around the blackout restrictions?

I think I have always wanted to ask but keep forgetting. The stream via browser seems to be 15-20 seconds ahead of the addon. What could be the potential reason(s) for this?
(2016-04-04, 21:34)bigtrain Wrote: Is there anyway this addon can get around the blackout restrictions?

Not with the add-on itself via legal means (i.e., accessing MLB.TV only not pirate streaming sites like some banned sports addons do)

You can do this with a VPN service that gives options for setting which geographical location the end point will look like to the service.

Once you have that, you can either set your entire network to go through VPN from your router (which will be slow for access to services that don't need it), or set up a local proxy server on your network to go through the VPN and connect Kodi to access via that proxy (which will make ALL access from Kodi go through VPN), or set up the host running Kodi to use the VPN for its network which will make all apps on that device use the VPN.

All of them require some amount of tech expertise to set up and there are a lot of instructions available on the web for all of those options.

Things are supposed to improve in 2017 for relaxing the blackout rules but it is still designed to allow you to see your home team in addition to your cable connection on multiple devices not to replace it or watch your home games while traveling. Not a full solution for cord-cutting yet.

Edited to add: There is also a paid smart DNS service called unblock-us that can be set up with very little tech knowledge on most devices. They have a free trial period to try out the set up before paying. MLB.TV is supported in this service.
If you are a t-mobile customer, definitely sign up this week for their free premium MLB package, which you can use with this addon. Currently watching Mariners vs Rangers in 720p/60fps. Instructions on registering for it if you are a T-Mobile customer http://9to5mac.com/2016/04/03/how-to-fre...mium-live/
Eracnaphobia, I finally got around to buying you a beer. Thanks again. Smile
Haven't checked every game today but of the ones I have the only one using 30 fps is Braves vs Nats. I wonder why that would be, is it as simple as someone forgetting to flip the switch? Smile
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