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Release MLB.TV®
I am having problems getting it to stream - playback failed etc.

Thanks for reading and any help you can provide.

(2016-04-05, 00:04)amcfarla Wrote: If you are a t-mobile customer, definitely sign up this week for their free premium MLB package, which you can use with this addon. Currently watching Mariners vs Rangers in 720p/60fps. Instructions on registering for it if you are a T-Mobile customer http://9to5mac.com/2016/04/03/how-to-fre...mium-live/

With this free offer that I got in myself, I suspect it is only going to make the border-line MLB content delivery network even worse. I am not able to watch most shows without frequent buffering pauses (even with plenty of bandwidth at my end). Sad
(2016-04-05, 01:12)Kanipek Wrote: I am having problems getting it to stream - playback failed etc.

Thanks for reading and any help you can provide.


I had the same problem getting the same Giants-Brewers game as an archive replay. Going to the addon settings and reentering the username and password and trying again worked. I don't if it is just a coincidence or something got reset. It could just be that today's game was just not available until just now as an archive. Supposed to be 90 min+ after game ends.
Hey all,
I'm having no luck getting my MLB video subscription working today with MLBMC 2.0.76. The radio/audio stream works ok, so I know the account is being accepted in some capacity. But I get a generic "Script error" when I try to view video. My kodi log is posted below


Video was working as of last week, so I know it *can* work. I'm not sure if this is an MLB issue , though.

I've tried deleting cookies, logging out, re-entering my userid and password. I uninstalled and reinstalled the script. No dice.

One thing I've done to my system since it was last working was install a VPN that changes my geo location. I have tried to connect with that VPN on, and off. Maybe that's mucking things up somewhere?

Any help would be appreciated - thanks!
(2016-04-05, 03:09)rpm610 Wrote: Hey all,
I'm having no luck getting my MLB video subscription working today with MLBMC 2.0.76. The radio/audio stream works ok, so I know the account is being accepted in some capacity. But I get a generic "Script error" when I try to view video. My kodi log is posted below


Video was working as of last week, so I know it *can* work. I'm not sure if this is an MLB issue , though.

I've tried deleting cookies, logging out, re-entering my userid and password. I uninstalled and reinstalled the script. No dice.

One thing I've done to my system since it was last working was install a VPN that changes my geo location. I have tried to connect with that VPN on, and off. Maybe that's mucking things up somewhere?

Any help would be appreciated - thanks!

From the logs it looks like the MLB server sent back an error/blank response to the stream request. I strongly recommend when things like this happen to go to a PC or Mac (not a mobile device where MLB insists on using their app) and trying to watch the same game via the web browser by logging on to mlb.com. This will catch any problems from the MLB side.

I would recommend a bit of experimentation at your end to reduce the number of variables involved between VPN and non-VPN, between black out and not blocked out between live and archive, between signed on and not signed on, etc

First try the simplest. Remove all VPN in the path, and try to view any of the archive games, preferably the previous day because a just finished game is not available for at least 90 min if not more after the game finishes and MLB servers seem to rudely dismiss you when it is not available. With a valid sign on you should be able to see the full game (not the highlights only) for previous games without worrying about VPN. Make sure you can do this consistently. This will eliminate any problem with sign on.

Next, try watching an out of market game (that you know for sure will not be blacked out for you) and WITHOUT any VPN. You should be able to do this whenever you can watch that game from a PC or Mac using a web browser. On the other hand, you should not be able to watch any blacked out game on Kodi with this plugin or on your computer using a web browser. Unfortunately, the feedback mechanism from the plugin doesn't seem to give a good indication of what went wrong in the above scenarios based on the response or lack of it from MLB. Make sure you can watch out-of-market games consistently. This rules out any problem with reaching live feeds.

Next, turn on your VPN and watch a blacked out game for your market. If you cannot, then VPN may not be working as you expect. If your computer can also go through the same VPN, try watching through a web browser again to see if the problem exists there as well. If so, it is definitely the VPN.

The add-on seems to work just fine when it gets the expected responses from MLB but its handling of errors or unexpected responses seems to need work (I hope someone with the ability and skills can pitch in and help the original author that is maintaining this). In my case, the add-on keeps crashing Kodi when unexpected things happen so it does not seem very robust yet to errors or network issues or MLB problems. But with some volunteers I am sure this can be fixed.
(2016-04-05, 03:09)rpm610 Wrote: Hey all,
I'm having no luck getting my MLB video subscription working today with MLBMC 2.0.76. The radio/audio stream works ok, so I know the account is being accepted in some capacity. But I get a generic "Script error" when I try to view video. My kodi log is posted below


Video was working as of last week, so I know it *can* work. I'm not sure if this is an MLB issue , though.

I've tried deleting cookies, logging out, re-entering my userid and password. I uninstalled and reinstalled the script. No dice.

One thing I've done to my system since it was last working was install a VPN that changes my geo location. I have tried to connect with that VPN on, and off. Maybe that's mucking things up somewhere?

Any help would be appreciated - thanks!

You need to get rid of mlbmc (is it even supported anymore?) and use this MLB.TV add-on, it's located on the first page of this thread.
Last night I encountered the issue that a few others have mentioned. I started watching the Jays vs Rays 5000k stream. Was going perfectly for the first 3 innings or so. I then shut down the feed and watched a few innings of another game, also the 5000k stream. When I went back to the Jays game, the 5000k stream was no longer available, either for home or away feed. I used the addon's logout function, rebooted the htpc, logged back in, but still could only get up to 3500k. I ended up just watching this stream as the quality is far better than acceptable. But it would be nice to figure out why the 5000k streams seem to go missing on occassion.

(2016-04-04, 21:34)bigtrain Wrote: Is there anyway this addon can get around the blackout restrictions?
I have no intention of bypassing mlb blackout rules, good way to get this project shutdown.

(2016-04-04, 22:09)siuside Wrote: @eracknaphobia

I think I have always wanted to ask but keep forgetting. The stream via browser seems to be 15-20 seconds ahead of the addon. What could be the potential reason(s) for this?
Possibly because the broswer version starts at the lowest quality and works it's way up to a stream it can handle, where here we start with the best stream right off the bat.

(2016-04-05, 01:11)sask3m Wrote: Haven't checked every game today but of the ones I have the only one using 30 fps is Braves vs Nats. I wonder why that would be, is it as simple as someone forgetting to flip the switch? Smile
I think they are still experiencing some growing pains with the new 60fps streams.
(2016-04-05, 01:36)Common Man Wrote:
(2016-04-05, 00:04)amcfarla Wrote: If you are a t-mobile customer, definitely sign up this week for their free premium MLB package, which you can use with this addon. Currently watching Mariners vs Rangers in 720p/60fps. Instructions on registering for it if you are a T-Mobile customer http://9to5mac.com/2016/04/03/how-to-fre...mium-live/

With this free offer that I got in myself, I suspect it is only going to make the border-line MLB content delivery network even worse. I am not able to watch most shows without frequent buffering pauses (even with plenty of bandwidth at my end). Sad

I noticed the first game for a couple of minutes buffered, but then after about 10 minutes I didn't have any issues.
Hi. Thanks for this addon, it works perfectly on Kodi on an X64 pc.
But, I cannot get it to work on any device using OpenElec (RPI2 or X64 PC).
Is this a known issue?

I get this error in the log;
14:40:00 12413.085938 T:1261433760 WARNING: Attempt to use invalid handle 92
14:40:00 12413.132812 T:1962622976 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: Opening: |User-Agent=PS4Application libhttp/1.000 (PS4) libhttp/3.15 (PlayStation 4)&Cookie=
14:40:00 12413.132812 T:1962622976 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player):Tongueut MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
14:40:00 12413.133789 T:1286599584 NOTICE: Creating InputStream
14:40:00 12413.134766 T:1286599584 ERROR: CDVDPlayer::OpenInputStream - error opening [|User-Agent=PS4Application libhttp/1.000 (PS4) libhttp/3.15 (PlayStation 4)&Cookie=]
14:40:00 12413.135742 T:1286599584 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit()
14:40:00 12413.135742 T:1962622976 ERROR: PlayMedia could not play media: plugin://plugin.video.mlbtv/?url=&mode=104&name=%5BCOLOR%3DFFF69E20%5DT+6th%5B%2FCOLOR%5D+Blue+Jays+%5BCOLOR%3DFF00B7EB%5D2%5B%2FCOLOR%5D+at+Rays+%5BCOLOR%3DFF00B7EB%5D1%5B%2FCOLOR%5D&event_id=14-470046-2016-03-27&epg=%5B%7B%22combined_media_state%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22free%22%3A+%22NO%22%2C+%22display%22%3A+%22SUN-HD%22%2C+%22state%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22playback_scenario%22%3A+%22HTTP_CLOUD_WIRED%22%2C+%22type%22%3A+%22mlbtv_home%22%2C+%22id%22%3A+%22562559883%22%2C+%22blackout%22%3A+%22%22%7D%2C+%7B%22combined_media_state%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22free%22%3A+%22NO%22%2C+%22display%22%3A+%22SUN-HD%22%2C+%22state%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22playback_scenario%22%3A+%22HTTP_CLOUD_WIRED_ADS%22%2C+%22type%22%3A+%22mlbtv_home%22%2C+%22id%22%3A+%22562559883%22%2C+%22blackout%22%3A+%22%22%7D%2C+%7B%22combined_media_state%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22free%22%3A+%22NO%22%2C+%22display%22%3A+%22SUN-HD%22%2C+%22state%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22playback_scenario%22%3A+%22HTTP_CLOUD_WIRED_IRDETO%22%2C+%22type%22%3A+%22mlbtv_home%22%2C+%22id%22%3A+%22562559883%22%2C+%22blackout%22%3A+%22%22%7D%2C+%7B%22combined_media_state%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22free%22%3A+%22NO%22%2C+%22display%22%3A+%22SUN-HD%22%2C+%22state%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22playback_scenario%22%3A+%22HTTP_CLOUD_WIRED_WEB%22%2C+%22type%22%3A+%22mlbtv_home%22%2C+%22id%22%3A+%22562559883%22%2C+%22blackout%22%3A+%22%22%7D%2C+%7B%22combined_media_state%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22free%22%3A+%22NO%22%2C+%22display%22%3A+%22SUN-HD%22%2C+%22state%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22playback_scenario%22%3A+%22FMS_CLOUD%22%2C+%22type%22%3A+%22mlbtv_home%22%2C+%22id%22%3A+%22562559883%22%2C+%22blackout%22%3A+%22%22%7D%2C+%7B%22combined_media_state%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22free%22%3A+%22NO%22%2C+%22display%22%3A+%22SUN-HD%22%2C+%22state%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22playback_scenario%22%3A+%22HTTP_CLOUD_WIRED_60%22%2C+%22type%22%3A+%22mlbtv_home%22%2C+%22id%22%3A+%22562559883%22%2C+%22blackout%22%3A+%22%22%7D%2C+%7B%22combined_media_state%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22free%22%3A+%22NO%22%2C+%22display%22%3A+%22SUN-HD%22%2C+%22state%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22playback_scenario%22%3A+%22HTTP_CLOUD_WIRED_ADS_60%22%2C+%22type%22%3A+%22mlbtv_home%22%2C+%22id%22%3A+%22562559883%22%2C+%22blackout%22%3A+%22%22%7D%2C+%7B%22combined_media_state%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22free%22%3A+%22NO%22%2C+%22display%22%3A+%22SUN-HD%22%2C+%22state%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22playback_scenario%22%3A+%22HTTP_CLOUD_WIRED_IRDETO_60%22%2C+%22type%22%3A+%22mlbtv_home%22%2C+%22id%22%3A+%22562559883%22%2C+%22blackout%22%3A+%22%22%7D%2C+%7B%22combined_media_state%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22free%22%3A+%22NO%22%2C+%22display%22%3A+%22SUN-HD%22%2C+%22state%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22playback_scenario%22%3A+%22FLASH_500K_400X224%22%2C+%22type%22%3A+%22mlbtv_home%22%2C+%22id%22%3A+%22562559883%22%2C+%22blackout%22%3A+%22%22%7D%2C+%7B%22combined_media_state%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22id%22%3A+%22562560083%22%2C+%22state%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22playback_scenario%22%3A+%22HTTP_CLOUD_AUDIO%22%2C+%22type%22%3A+%22home_audio%22%2C+%22display%22%3A+%22WDAE%22%2C+%22blackout%22%3A+%22%22%7D%2C+%7B%22combined_media_state%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22id%22%3A+%22562560083%22%2C+%22state%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22playback_scenario%22%3A+%22AUDIO_FMS_32K%22%2C+%22type%22%3A+%22home_audio%22%2C+%22display%22%3A+%22WDAE%22%2C+%22blackout%22%3A+%22%22%7D%2C+%7B%22combined_media_state%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22id%22%3A+%22562560083%22%2C+%22state%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22playback_scenario%22%3A+%22HTTP_CLOUD_AUDIO_TS%22%2C+%22type%22%3A+%22home_audio%22%2C+%22display%22%3A+%22WDAE%22%2C+%22blackout%22%3A+%22%22%7D%2C+%7B%22combined_media_state%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22id%22%3A+%22562560183%22%2C+%22state%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22playback_scenario%22%3A+%22HTTP_CLOUD_AUDIO%22%2C+%22type%22%3A+%22away_audio%22%2C+%22display%22%3A+%22SN590%22%2C+%22blackout%22%3A+%22%22%7D%2C+%7B%22combined_media_state%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22id%22%3A+%22562560183%22%2C+%22state%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22playback_scenario%22%3A+%22AUDIO_FMS_32K%22%2C+%22type%22%3A+%22away_audio%22%2C+%22display%22%3A+%22SN590%22%2C+%22blackout%22%3A+%22%22%7D%2C+%7B%22combined_media_state%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22id%22%3A+%22562560183%22%2C+%22state%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22playback_scenario%22%3A+%22HTTP_CLOUD_AUDIO_TS%22%2C+%22type%22%3A+%22away_audio%22%2C+%22display%22%3A+%22SN590%22%2C+%22blackout%22%3A+%22%22%7D%5D&teams_stream=tortba&stream_date=2016-03-27
14:40:00 12413.275391 T:1962622976 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
14:40:00 12413.276367 T:1962622976 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
14:40:00 12413.276367 T:1962622976 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting
14:40:00 12413.276367 T:1962622976 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
14:40:00 12413.276367 T:1962622976 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
14:40:00 12413.276367 T:1962622976 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting
14:40:00 12413.286133 T:1793053600 NOTICE: EMBY Player -> Clear playlist properties.
14:40:00 12413.410156 T:1793053600 NOTICE: EMBY KodiMonitor -> Method: Player.OnStop Data: {"end":false,"item":{"type":"unknown"}}
Does this add-on have an audio option for what they refer to as "park audio" where all you get is the ball park sounds and no announcers? I remember seeing it on one of the many mlb.tv apps I've tried this spring but can't remember which it was.
(2016-04-05, 18:35)sask3m Wrote: Does this add-on have an audio option for what they refer to as "park audio" where all you get is the ball park sounds and no announcers? I remember seeing it on one of the many mlb.tv apps I've tried this spring but can't remember which it was.

Yes it does have it. Just change the audio stream until you find it. Should be stream unknown mono 3/4
Stupid question. Im watching on my Nvidia Shield, and its working awesome. How do i know if its 60FPS? I dont see anything indicating they are or arent.
(2016-04-05, 22:30)newtonfb Wrote: Stupid question. Im watching on my Nvidia Shield, and its working awesome. How do i know if its 60FPS? I dont see anything indicating they are or arent.

On a PC you press o to see fps. Option likely isn't there for a streaming device. If it looks like a TV broadcast, nice and smooth then its 60 fps, if it has a slight stuttering look to it then its 30 fps. My android nexus player does 60 fps using this add-on so as long as the stream is 60 fps I'm sure the Nvidia shield will be as well.
(2016-04-05, 18:45)Dixon Butz Wrote:
(2016-04-05, 18:35)sask3m Wrote: Does this add-on have an audio option for what they refer to as "park audio" where all you get is the ball park sounds and no announcers? I remember seeing it on one of the many mlb.tv apps I've tried this spring but can't remember which it was.

Yes it does have it. Just change the audio stream until you find it. Should be stream unknown mono 3/4

OK, got it to work on # 3. I had to disable "enable pass through" or I had no audio at all. Thanks again.
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