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Mod Aeon MQ 6 - Moded version for I, J, K, L, ....
(2016-04-10, 16:06)Angelinas Wrote:
(2016-04-10, 14:16)redglory Wrote: Here it goes:
Fixed in no.14.5 and add missing button for slim list in rightlist view..... tnx

All fixed now. Thnks
Image Image
Artist Fanart radiobutton show pictures from hardrive exSadfolder extrafanart).
Slideshow show pictures from internet.
I want use them at same time.
(2016-04-10, 23:51)Leoje Wrote: Artist Fanart radiobutton show pictures from hardrive exSadfolder extrafanart).
Slideshow show pictures from internet.
I want use them at same time.

Go into the slideshow settings - you can change it there to do local or internet or both and whether to use local first or internet.
Learning Linux the hard way !!
(2016-04-10, 18:21)arzaz Wrote:
(2016-04-10, 18:03)Angelinas Wrote:
(2016-04-10, 16:10)ashlar Wrote: Maybe I could ask MQ? I'm surprised to be the only one annoyed by an always present Info Panel during music playback (I know you said you dislike it too, generally speaking I mean)...
Just try this if this ok for you I include in mod,wit some button for activation hide Info.
Note: This is just for style4.
MusicVisualisation.xml (row 884)
        <control type="group">
            <!-- Layout 4  -->
            <animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="-400,0" time="400" tween="cubic" easing="inout" condition="IsEmpty(Window(Visualisation).Property(ArtistSlideshow))">Conditional</animation>
            <animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="0,270" time="400" tween="cubic" easing="inout" condition="Window.IsVisible(120)">Conditional</animation>
            <animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="0,300" time="700" tween="cubic" easing="out" condition="Skin.HasSetting(novisfurniture)">Conditional</animation>
            <animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="-900,0" time="400" tween="cubic" easing="inout" condition="Skin.HasSetting(furniture_cdart)">Conditional</animation>
            <animation effect="slide" start="0,720" end="0,-300" time="700" tween="cubic" easing="out" delay="400">WindowOpen</animation>
            <animation effect="slide" start="0,-300" end="0,0" time="400" tween="cubic" easing="in" delay="400">WindowClose</animation>
in this
        <control type="group">
            <!-- Layout 4  -->
            <animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="0,320" time="700" tween="cubic" easing="out" condition="IntegerGreaterThan(MusicPlayer.Time,20)">Conditional</animation>
            <animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="0,-320" time="700" tween="cubic" easing="out" condition="IntegerGreaterThan(MusicPlayer.FinishTime,20)">Conditional</animation>
            <animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="0,270" time="400" tween="cubic" easing="inout" condition="Window.IsVisible(120)">Conditional</animation>
            <animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="0,300" time="700" tween="cubic" easing="out" condition="Skin.HasSetting(novisfurniture)">Conditional</animation>
            <animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="-900,0" time="400" tween="cubic" easing="inout" condition="Skin.HasSetting(furniture_cdart)">Conditional</animation>

(2016-04-10, 17:45)arzaz Wrote: Please find below the issues i'm facing with this awesome moded version:

CU LYRICS not working

Weather icons animated not displayed

Aeon MQ6 extrapack not working

I hope to be fixed soonest

For info Kodi 16 jarvis installed on Android tv box "Wetek core"
CU LYRICS not working -Working

Weather icons animated not displayed -Working

Aeon MQ6 extrapack not working -Working

I dont know what version you use , but I always notice that you must use newest from github...
If you dont have Lyrics than you use Initial version from mega.co.nz...that is old
You must download manual extra and set path to that folder,Animated icon for weather is in that folder(in newest version have some string to use one from Ronie addon ...but this is too menu time write about)

Well noted Angelinas

I will download the new version 15.0 from https://github.com/Angelinas1/skin.aeonmq6.mod and overwrite all files in skin.aeonmq6 mod.

Please confirm if you have tested this mod skin on Android?

Dear Angelinas,
Please check below the results after installation of the new version 15.1

1/ CU LYRICS -->Working
2/ Animated weather icon --> Not working
3/ Aeon MQ6 extrapack --> Not working

Please revert with the string to use from Ronie addon?
Hi Angelinas,

Just installed this on jarvis and noticed that with the recent movies widget on the home screen, it shows a little icon in the upper right corner, what looks like the thumb from the youtube trailer for the movie.

I confirmed that it is related to YouTube because it was giving youtube related errors before I set up the youtube plug-in.

A couple of questions about it.

How do I get to it to play the trailer? It sits in the corner and there is no way I can go over there to select it. From the cinemavision button if I hit right, it closes, if I hit up it closes again. If I go left it goes to widget selection

And how can I turn it off? My fire tv stick slows down too much because of it. I'll keep it in on on my main htpc once I figure out how to use it, but not on the fire stick

(2016-04-11, 14:27)aptalca Wrote: Hi Angelinas,

Just installed this on jarvis and noticed that with the recent movies widget on the home screen, it shows a little icon in the upper right corner, what looks like the thumb from the youtube trailer for the movie.

I confirmed that it is related to YouTube because it was giving youtube related errors before I set up the youtube plug-in.
That is default icon for Director, and this icon is from helper script.
You need to go in settings for script and in part of PVR is button for enable source for images google and youtube.Enable google but for youtube disable.(for this you need to have pvr activated)
If you dont have pvr then must go in user folder and manual write file setings.xml in script.helper.service youtube string change in "false" if is true..

Script helper have problem with youtube...I need to write Marcel about this problem..Api key is down i think...And youtube is always activ if google can find images(or is disabled) then go to youtube and have error...some notice is uper bar.
(2016-04-11, 14:27)aptalca Wrote: How do I get to it to play the trailer? It sits in the corner and there is no way I can go over there to select it. From the cinemavision button if I hit right, it closes, if I hit up it closes again. If I go left it goes to widget selection
I use list from extended script,on movies in focus press c then start exteded script video dialog in bar have button for trailer and youtube video,...have more then that in that dialog bar,images,fanart,crew,simular,episodes.....(in settings script must be diasable nature view)
Somebody ask to add button (user can change function for that button),i doo it today (comand for this will be arow right from that button)
-Play Trailer
-Start info dialog window from helper script
-Start Info from Extended Script
-Start youtube list with search&q="name of movies in focus"
-Start cinemavision
XBoxMediaCenter (Kodi Matrix ) 19.3 , AndroidBox -Matrix Skin AeonMQ6
(2016-04-10, 20:48)Angelinas Wrote: Add on GitHub no.15.1
Dissabled by default, you must enable with radioButton like in picture for every style
-add radio button for hide OSD info for Music after 20 sec - for all 4 Style
Ok, I tried and it works.


Personally I think 20 seconds is a little bit too long, I'd go for 10 seconds (which seems the default behaviour with Kodi, I checked Confluence and Transparency! for what it's worth).

What's more important is that once the info disappear there's no way of making it come back up. If I am listening to a playlist and not watching constantly the screen, I might listen a song that I want some info about and... pressing I does nothing.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).
(2016-04-11, 14:57)Angelinas Wrote:
(2016-04-11, 14:27)aptalca Wrote: Hi Angelinas,

Just installed this on jarvis and noticed that with the recent movies widget on the home screen, it shows a little icon in the upper right corner, what looks like the thumb from the youtube trailer for the movie.

I confirmed that it is related to YouTube because it was giving youtube related errors before I set up the youtube plug-in.
That is default icon for Director, and this icon is from helper script.
You need to go in settings for script and in part of PVR is button for enable source for images google and youtube.Enable google but for youtube disable.(for this you need to have pvr activated)
If you dont have pvr then must go in user folder and manual write file setings.xml in script.helper.service youtube string change in "false" if is true..

Script helper have problem with youtube...I need to write Marcel about this problem..Api key is down i think...And youtube is always activ if google can find images(or is disabled) then go to youtube and have error...some notice is uper bar.
(2016-04-11, 14:27)aptalca Wrote: How do I get to it to play the trailer? It sits in the corner and there is no way I can go over there to select it. From the cinemavision button if I hit right, it closes, if I hit up it closes again. If I go left it goes to widget selection
I use list from extended script,on movies in focus press c then start exteded script video dialog in bar have button for trailer and youtube video,...have more then that in that dialog bar,images,fanart,crew,simular,episodes.....(in settings script must be diasable nature view)
Somebody ask to add button (user can change function for that button),i doo it today (comand for this will be arow right from that button)
-Play Trailer
-Start info dialog window from helper script
-Start Info from Extended Script
-Start youtube list with search&q="name of movies in focus"
-Start cinemavision
Excellent, thanks so much
I have the latest download from github (downloaded 10 minutes ago) and my weather setup is not working. I am using the yahoo weather plugin and it does find the "nearest large town". I never get an update as far as the weather. It just shows an icon with some clouds and a yellow diagonal stripe through them. Any tips would be much appreciated.
(2016-04-11, 15:23)ashlar Wrote: Personally I think 20 seconds is a little bit too long, I'd go for 10 seconds (which seems the default behaviour with Kodi, I checked Confluence and Transparency! for what it's worth).

What's more important is that once the info disappear there's no way of making it come back up. If I am listening to a playlist and not watching constantly the screen, I might listen a song that I want some info about and... pressing I does nothing.
I can add button to set time that you want for showing info..
"I" doesent work in this skin concept,if your music go you have press "m" and in player press info button ,with this you open music dialog...
I try with animation windows open but didnt have success...info bar have strange position...I will play with that today

(2016-04-11, 15:31)YeeP Wrote: I have the latest download from github (downloaded 10 minutes ago) and my weather setup is not working. I am using the yahoo weather plugin and it does find the "nearest large town". I never get an update as far as the weather. It just shows an icon with some clouds and a yellow diagonal stripe through them. Any tips would be much appreciated.
Skin do0nt have support for yahoo.Have info for only basic info,widget dont working,icons too
XBoxMediaCenter (Kodi Matrix ) 19.3 , AndroidBox -Matrix Skin AeonMQ6
Small bug with the "IN CINEMAS (THE MOVIEDB) widget. When you access a movie in this widget for the first time after KODI has been started, the widget shows the skin's changelog window.

-Fixed button for Music Player(Privius,Next,VolumeUP,volumeDown & Mute)
-Fixed label for subtitle and AudioLanguage

Finaly fixed big bug for AudioFans,,,Working buton Next & Previous in music OSD (from Player button)
Add missing info from Info Script ...now audio an subtitle info showing Script.Helper
XBoxMediaCenter (Kodi Matrix ) 19.3 , AndroidBox -Matrix Skin AeonMQ6
@Angelinas... Having a little issue....the skin use to get all the details of a new movie added to my library, stuff like audio info, subtitle, movie container, aspect ratio....now it's not doing that....I have the latest github 16.0.....did the skin lose support for skin info service
(2016-04-11, 21:27)Firetv344 Wrote: @Angelinas... Having a little issue....the skin use to get all the details of a new movie added to my library, stuff like audio info, subtitle, movie container, aspect ratio....now it's not doing that....I have the latest github 16.0.....did the skin lose support for skin info service
Yes,not all from list ....now that info provide script.skin.helper.service( For MovieSet all info,and for movies Audio and Subtitle info)
Download from github latest https://github.com/marcelveldt/script.sk...er.service
edit : just add movie for movieset and script have isue dont update new Art (missing menu thing, I will report to Marcel)

Just finished time for hide info music
-add button for seting time of showing info in musicOSD

XBoxMediaCenter (Kodi Matrix ) 19.3 , AndroidBox -Matrix Skin AeonMQ6
@Angelinas downloaded the latest skin helper but still not pulling that info
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Aeon MQ 6 - Moded version for I, J, K, L, ....16