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RetroPlayer branch of Kodi
My understanding is that they are not in scope. They would need to be ported to being libretro cores to work with retroplayer. Standalone PC games will continue to require things like advanced launcher to launch from Kodi.
OmniBlade is right.
It's not neccessarily in the scope of retroplayer itself (as it is just a libretro frontend), however if anyone ports an open source game into a libretro core, we all will be able to enjoy it within kodi.
ok, thanks a lot for the explanation.

i will stick to advanced launcher for the moment.
I will keep you updated if porting the games into a libretro core is ok with my (limited) skills

It's out of scoupe sure. But since we are adding gaming it would be nice to have support to launch external games from kodi/retroplayer without RCB/advanced launcher.
So, any news on this?? Is it possible to play roms in Kodi without an external Emulator?? Or am I confused about what this does?
RetroPlayer is the codename of a project to turn Kodi into a multi-system emulator.

The project was merged a month or two ago and now ships with Kodi nightlies. However, we can't yet distribute architecture-specific binary add-ons, so libretro cores have to be copied from my personal RetroPlayer builds. LibreELEC has solved this problem by creating an emulator repo, so emulators should work in Milhouse builds. You can enable games in v18 using the konami code.

So yes, it is now possible to play ROMs in Kodi without an external emulator.
RetroPlayer releases: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases

Donations: eigendude.eth
(2017-01-21, 00:06)garbear Wrote: RetroPlayer is the codename of a project to turn Kodi into a multi-system emulator.

The project was merged a month or two ago and now ships with Kodi nightlies. However, we can't yet distribute architecture-specific binary add-ons, so libretro cores have to be copied from my personal RetroPlayer builds. LibreELEC has solved this problem by creating an emulator repo, so emulators should work in Milhouse builds. You can enable games in v18 using the konami code.

So yes, it is now possible to play ROMs in Kodi without an external emulator.

Awesome, thanks. Can you point me in the right direction to get started? Any tutorials/instructions out there? Just looking to play NES games.
Do I i install Archive rom launcher? Ive got your latest Retro branch.
(2017-01-21, 06:46)jdig4240 Wrote:
(2017-01-21, 00:06)garbear Wrote: RetroPlayer is the codename of a project to turn Kodi into a multi-system emulator.

The project was merged a month or two ago and now ships with Kodi nightlies. However, we can't yet distribute architecture-specific binary add-ons, so libretro cores have to be copied from my personal RetroPlayer builds. LibreELEC has solved this problem by creating an emulator repo, so emulators should work in Milhouse builds. You can enable games in v18 using the konami code.

So yes, it is now possible to play ROMs in Kodi without an external emulator.

Awesome, thanks. Can you point me in the right direction to get started? Any tutorials/instructions out there? Just looking to play NES games.
Do I i install Archive rom launcher? Ive got your latest Retro branch.

*EDIT, ok, im starting to figure this out. Got my own roms working great. Too bad IARL is not working in the latest Android test build yet
(2017-01-21, 00:06)garbear Wrote: RetroPlayer is the codename of a project to turn Kodi into a multi-system emulator.

The project was merged a month or two ago and now ships with Kodi nightlies. However, we can't yet distribute architecture-specific binary add-ons, so libretro cores have to be copied from my personal RetroPlayer builds. LibreELEC has solved this problem by creating an emulator repo, so emulators should work in Milhouse builds. You can enable games in v18 using the konami code.

So yes, it is now possible to play ROMs in Kodi without an external emulator.

Ok, so your saying I can get Retroplayer working on the latest Krypton nighties by just coping these core files from the .apk to the Kodi addon folder? These Android nighties already have skin support?
Oh, and do you know the address for the Emulator repo?

(2017-01-25, 20:41)jdig4240 Wrote: Ok, so your saying I can get Retroplayer working on the latest Krypton nighties by just coping these core files from the .apk to the Kodi addon folder? These Android nighties already have skin support?
Oh, and do you know the address for the Emulator repo?

There is skin support in the main skin, Estuary, but you have to press the Konami code or set an advanced setting to enable games.

RetroPlayer is currently broken on Android in master. The only Android build that can play games in Kodi is the one I've uploaded to the test builds thread. Further, the emulators are binary add-ons, which means they have to be included in the APK that you install (I think).

When v17 final is released, I'll upload an APK with RetroPlayer and all the emulators.

On windows you won't have these problems, just copy the emulators from one of my Windows test builds.
RetroPlayer releases: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases

Donations: eigendude.eth
Any updates on Leia? Are we able to add the cores to Leia yet?
(2017-02-24, 00:38)jdig4240 Wrote: Any updates on Leia? Are we able to add the cores to Leia yet?

Yes, cores can be copied to Leia (not android) now. However, there still needs to be more work before we can distribute cores in-app.
RetroPlayer releases: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases

Donations: eigendude.eth
So konami code. Must it be entered via joypad? Or what is the advanced settings argument to enable games?
Tried to get it working with keyboard with no luck.
Joypad and keyboard should work. On keyboard, use 'b' and 'a' keys. On joypad, use whatever buttons are mapped to 'b' and 'a' of the default controller profile.

Alternatively, the advancedsettings.xml looks like:

RetroPlayer releases: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases

Donations: eigendude.eth
I feel like I'm missing something simple.
If someone wants to use RetroPlayer on v17, running on Windows, what are the full steps necessary?

What I tried to do;
  1. download latest Krypton nightly from http://mirrors.kodi.tv/nightlies/win32/Krypton/
  2. Extracted using 7zip and copied all folders containing "game.[something]" from the addons folder. Used the latest build from the beginning of this thread (file/versions all appear to be the same as in v18).
  3. Place those folders in C:/Program Files (x86)/Kodi/addons
  4. Add the posted <gamesgeneral><enable>true</enable></gamesgeneral> to advancedsettings.xml in your %appdata% folder. Or use konami code (up up down down left right left right B A)

I'm not getting a game section in the Estuary skin. I see the addons listed when I look through installed addons and I can enable the various cores. But without the game section I'm not sure how to add rom locations and run them. I also tried replacing kodi.game since I noticed the one in the Krypton nightly was "1.0.14" and the one in yours and v18 was "1.0.28". Didn't help.

v18 works, but took me all of 5 minutes to run into bugs.
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