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Android Zidoo X9S (X-series) 4K HDR / 3D / HD Audio / ZDMC (Kodi fork): Review & Use
(2017-02-25, 18:19)hdmkv Wrote: New f/w v1.2.12 is out.
Yes, like i said, new firmware and no fixes to the main Video bugs again...
(2017-02-26, 16:51)DaMacFunkin Wrote:
(2017-02-25, 18:19)hdmkv Wrote: New f/w v1.2.12 is out.
Yes, like i said, new firmware and no fixes to the main Video bugs again...
The firmware that fixes video bugs is in the mail Wink
Think we need a new video bugs list. The issues spreadsheet I had originally done, and allowed for community editing, got overpopulated with many non-video performance items.

As far as 1080p 2D and 3D goes, I have zero issues w/X9S. Love the performance, quality. I know there are issues w/external subs and 4K playback that you guys, others have mentioned. Can we detail these for @mirror88? What a specific video playback or performance-related issue, and what should the fix be?
[H]i-[d]eft [M]edia [K]een [V]ideosaurus
Cozy Home Theater
Hi, been thinking about getting either the Z8 or the Z9s. Do you guys think the metal housing and the extra antenna are worth the added money for the Z9s? Sorry, slowly been reading through and trying to understand everything written in this thread ( Little intimidating for a non tech savvy person like myself, but willing to learn)
Nah... X8 is fine. Only thing is you usually get f/w updates a couple of days before X8. But, only consider X9S or X8 if you need full 3D MVC, otherwise there are 'better' boxes (nVidia Shield, AMLogic S905/S905X boxes w/LibreELEC, others).
[H]i-[d]eft [M]edia [K]een [V]ideosaurus
Cozy Home Theater
(2017-02-26, 19:29)hdmkv Wrote: Think we need a new video bugs list. The issues spreadsheet I had originally done, and allowed for community editing, got overpopulated with many non-video performance items.

As far as 1080p 2D and 3D goes, I have zero issues w/X9S. Love the performance, quality. I know there are issues w/external subs and 4K playback that you guys, others have mentioned. Can we detail these for @mirror88? What a specific video playback or performance-related issue, and what should the fix be?

hdmkv you said no problem with 3D iso, do you have a passive or active 3D TV? I have a LG LM7200 passive 3D
I've mentioned in a prior post that I'm seen an issue with what looks like to me as an shift in the position of the image to such an extent that you notice the width of the left/right border changes.

perhaps this video can do a better job illustrating the problem, I shot it with my cell so not the greatest quality but hopefully it shows the problem, the video was shot by placing the camera behind the right lens of the 3D glasses. If you were actually wearing the glasses and closed your left eye, you will see the right side 2D image and clearly see the black side border change in width. This happens predominately with 3D iso with 1.85:1 aspect ratio and does matter if the zidooplayer aspect ratio setting is set to fit or full, I've tried about 3 of them, so i don't think it's a problem with the iso. on 2.40:1 3D iso this problem is not very noticeable. I've never seen this problem on the same TV on my sony 3D bluray player. I'm on f/w v1.2.12. Is there a setting I can change to fix this?

I have 2x active displays, both DLP front projectors... but, that "issue" you describe & show in your video above is normal for 3D. For a long time, I (and several other 3D fans here) thought it was an issue as well, but it isn't. See here for explanation. In any case, the 'effect' should be minimized when actually watching 3D with glasses.
[H]i-[d]eft [M]edia [K]een [V]ideosaurus
Cozy Home Theater

My name is Pepe. I´m writing from Spain, so please forgivce my English mistakes :-)

I´m the owner of a X8 and I hace a little problem.

I have an AV Receptor with 5.1 speakers but when I listen to the music, it only sounds through left, center and right speakers. The subwoofer doesn´t sound and neither the rear speakers.

I have tried many songs and I have changed the options in the AVR but it´s useless.

Can the Ziddo play music in multichannel 5.1? or in stereo + subwoofer at least?

Thank you very much in advance.

Kind regards!
Hello Pepe

Dou you use special AV jack with 4 (four) contacts ?
So I mistakingly flash my X9 with the latest X9S firmware, was able to play some HDR files and every issue that I had with previous firmware worked on the X9S firmware, I have a feeling that X9S is the better treatment than the X8.

But now I am getting the issue in the below picture and need a way to resolved it.

XBOX SERIES X  | PS4 PRO 4K | JBL 9.1 System 5.1.4 DTS:X/ATMOS 
(2017-02-27, 15:19)jean-marie Wrote: Hello Pepe

Dou you use special AV jack with 4 (four) contacts ?

Hi Jean Marie..

First of all. Thank you for your help :-)

I have conected the Zidoo with AV Receiver (Pioneer 919 ah) through HDMI cable.

I don´t know if you´re asking me for that.

My doubt is if the zidoo can play multichannel music using subwoofer and rear speakers as it does in movies.

Thanks again!
(2017-02-26, 23:03)hdmkv Wrote: I have 2x active displays, both DLP front projectors... but, that "issue" you describe & show in your video above is normal for 3D. For a long time, I (and several other 3D fans here) thought it was an issue as well, but it isn't. See here for explanation. In any case, the 'effect' should be minimized when actually watching 3D with glasses.

Very cool insight thank you sir, i will see if messing with 3D settings on my set can minimize the issue. I swear i have never noticed it on my standalone player even with Antman.
(2017-02-22, 19:58)Martijn Wrote: Don't care. Last posts it's all that has been mentioned and this is NOT a Zidoo support forum.

I took my questions regarding the 'can't play video' issue to the Zidoo support forum.

I'm curious how Kodi 17 runs on the X9S, but I think we are stuck with the external player for a bit... I imagine chipset support is very difficult to achieve.
There is huge issue with subtitles in 1.2.12. In a subtitle encoded in UTF-8, when there were brackets inside the subs, the whole Media Center broke. I was given this message


I clicked wait, nothing happened, then I clicked ok and went back to file explorer with the audio of the movie continue playing in the background. Only way to get rid of that was to restart the machine.

I noticed that when I deleted the following lines, the subtitle played correctly (sorry, subs are in Greek but you can get an idea:

01:44:38,759 --> 01:44:44,759

01:44:45,050 --> 01:44:47,866
Ο μοναδικός.

01:44:52,804 --> 01:44:58,069
Από τότε δεν έχω
αγγίξει κανέναν.

01:44:58,075 --> 01:45:06,075
Επιμέλεια μετάφρασης: < J' aime le noir >

01:46:28,909 --> 01:46:38,355
<< Ο πατέρας μου, μου είπε να προσέξω τρία πράγματα:
Να μη γίνω κομμουνιστής, αδερφή και να μη
πάρω ναρκωτικά. Ε ρε γκίνια! >>
Πουλικάκος από την ταινία "Ρεβάνς"

This is MAJOR issue and no surprise that we have new things broken with every f/w release.
jeez the old mede8er are fine, how can these new devices have issues like these....?!
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