2017-02-26, 16:51
(2017-02-25, 18:19)hdmkv Wrote: New f/w v1.2.12 is out.Yes, like i said, new firmware and no fixes to the main Video bugs again...
(2017-02-25, 18:19)hdmkv Wrote: New f/w v1.2.12 is out.Yes, like i said, new firmware and no fixes to the main Video bugs again...
(2017-02-26, 16:51)DaMacFunkin Wrote:The firmware that fixes video bugs is in the mail(2017-02-25, 18:19)hdmkv Wrote: New f/w v1.2.12 is out.Yes, like i said, new firmware and no fixes to the main Video bugs again...
(2017-02-26, 19:29)hdmkv Wrote: Think we need a new video bugs list. The issues spreadsheet I had originally done, and allowed for community editing, got overpopulated with many non-video performance items.
As far as 1080p 2D and 3D goes, I have zero issues w/X9S. Love the performance, quality. I know there are issues w/external subs and 4K playback that you guys, others have mentioned. Can we detail these for @mirror88? What a specific video playback or performance-related issue, and what should the fix be?
(2017-02-27, 15:19)jean-marie Wrote: Hello Pepe
Dou you use special AV jack with 4 (four) contacts ?
(2017-02-26, 23:03)hdmkv Wrote: I have 2x active displays, both DLP front projectors... but, that "issue" you describe & show in your video above is normal for 3D. For a long time, I (and several other 3D fans here) thought it was an issue as well, but it isn't. See here for explanation. In any case, the 'effect' should be minimized when actually watching 3D with glasses.
(2017-02-22, 19:58)Martijn Wrote: Don't care. Last posts it's all that has been mentioned and this is NOT a Zidoo support forum.
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