music fanart during play back
I'm not really sure if this is a skin issue or a Krypton issue but I can't get artist fanart to show during music playback.
I'm not using the fanart slideshow addon. I'm just using the default fanart setting.
My files are set up as follows
album 1
album 2
album 3

When I select FANART in the playback settings the background just stays blank. Is there something else I need to do or are my files not organized correctly?

Thanks in advance.
Do you see fanart if you go to the artist in the artist list? I'm pretty sure that the vanilla Estuary shows just the single fanart that is selected for each artist, so whatever you see for an artist's fanart in the artist list is what you'll see when playing music.
(2017-04-13, 08:44)pkscout Wrote: Do you see fanart if you go to the artist in the artist list? I'm pretty sure that the vanilla Estuary shows just the single fanart that is selected for each artist, so whatever you see for an artist's fanart in the artist list is what you'll see when playing music.

Yes, if I have a fanart.jpg in the artist folder it is displayed.
So I guess I was expecting too much from the vanilla kodi feature.

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