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IARL - Deprecated
hi Zach
the three that worked were already downloaded previously,

example zupapa

08:56:25.533 T:5228 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogBusy.xml) ------
08:56:25.534 T:3172 DEBUG: IARL: 7ZA Path is defined as C:\Users\The Cubist\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.program.iarl\resources\bin\7za\7za.exe
08:56:25.601 T:3172 DEBUG: [resources.lib.xbmcswift2b] Adding url rule "/update_xml/<xml_id>" named "update_xml_value" pointing to function "update_xml_value"
08:56:25.601 T:3172 DEBUG: [resources.lib.xbmcswift2b] Adding url rule "/update_favorites/<item_string>" named "update_favorite_items" pointing to function "update_favorite_items"
08:56:25.601 T:3172 DEBUG: [resources.lib.xbmcswift2b] Adding url rule "/" named "index" pointing to function "index"
08:56:25.601 T:3172 DEBUG: [resources.lib.xbmcswift2b] Adding url rule "/Emulator/<category_id>/<page_id>" named "get_rom_page" pointing to function "get_rom_page"
08:56:25.601 T:3172 DEBUG: [resources.lib.xbmcswift2b] Adding url rule "/Emulator_Alpha/<category_id>" named "get_rom_starting_letter_page" pointing to function "get_rom_starting_letter_page"
08:56:25.602 T:3172 DEBUG: [resources.lib.xbmcswift2b] Adding url rule "/Emulator/<category_id>/Game/<romname>" named "get_selected_rom" pointing to function "get_selected_rom"
08:56:25.602 T:3172 DEBUG: [resources.lib.xbmcswift2b] Adding url rule "/Search_Results/<search_term>" named "search_roms_results" pointing to function "search_roms_results"
08:56:25.602 T:3172 DEBUG: [resources.lib.xbmcswift2b] Adding url rule "/Search" named "search_roms_window" pointing to function "search_roms_window"
08:56:25.602 T:3172 DEBUG: [resources.lib.xbmcswift2b] Adding url rule "/Random" named "random_play" pointing to function "random_play"
08:56:25.602 T:3172 DEBUG: [resources.lib.xbmcswift2b] Adding url rule "/History" named "last_played" pointing to function "last_played"
08:56:25.602 T:3172 DEBUG: [resources.lib.xbmcswift2b] Handling incoming request for /Emulator/FBA_ZachMorris/Game/Zupapa%21
08:56:25.602 T:3172 NOTICE: [resources.lib.xbmcswift2b] Request for "/Emulator/FBA_ZachMorris/Game/Zupapa%21" matches rule for function "get_selected_rom"
08:56:25.603 T:3172 WARNING: CSkinInfo: failed to load skin settings
08:56:25.603 T:3172 DEBUG: IARL: ROMWindow Opened for Zupapa!
08:56:25.617 T:5228 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (C:\Users\The Cubist\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.program.iarl\resources\skins\Default\720p\default.xml) ------
08:56:25.617 T:5228 INFO: Loading skin file: C:\Users\The Cubist\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.program.iarl\resources\skins\Default\720p\default.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
08:56:25.621 T:5228 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory ()
08:56:25.621 T:5228 DEBUG: ParentPath = []
08:56:28.758 T:5228 DEBUG: CInputManager:TonguerocessMouse: trying mouse action leftclick
08:56:28.758 T:3172 NOTICE: IARL: Download and Launch started for Zupapa!
08:56:28.761 T:3172 DEBUG: IARL: Loading history cache C:\Users\The Cubist\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata\addon_data\plugin.program.iarl\list_cache\iarl_history.pickle
08:56:28.782 T:3172 DEBUG: IARL: List cached to file C:\Users\The Cubist\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata\addon_data\plugin.program.iarl\list_cache\iarl_history.pickle
08:56:28.782 T:3172 NOTICE: IARL: Download started for Zupapa!
08:56:28.782 T:3172 DEBUG: IARL: Looking for matches for E:\IARL\Downloaded\Roms\zupapa.zip - Exact Matching: True
08:56:28.804 T:3172 DEBUG: IARL: No matching file found for E:\IARL\Downloaded\Roms\zupapa.zip
08:56:28.804 T:3172 DEBUG: IARL: Looking for matches for E:\IARL\Downloaded\Roms\neogeo.zip - Exact Matching: True
08:56:28.816 T:3172 DEBUG: IARL: No matching file found for E:\IARL\Downloaded\Roms\neogeo.zip
08:56:28.816 T:3172 DEBUG: DialogProgress::Open called
08:56:28.816 T:3172 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogConfirm.xml) ------
08:56:28.816 T:3172 DEBUG: IARL: Download no login URL: http://archive.org/download/fba029739Spl...zupapa.zip
08:56:28.816 T:3172 DEBUG: IARL: Download save filename: E:\IARL\Downloaded\Roms\zupapa.zip
08:56:29.845 T:5228 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogConfirm.xml) ------
08:56:30.053 T:5228 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogConfirm.xml) ------
08:56:30.720 T:1516 DEBUG: CCurlFile::GetMimeType - http://archive.org/download/Mame172arcdc...zupapa.png -> image/png
08:56:30.722 T:1516 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(15BA8398) http://archive.org/download/Mame172arcdc...zupapa.png
08:56:31.110 T:3740 DEBUG: CCurlFile::GetMimeType - http://archive.org/download/Mame172arcdc...zupapa.png -> image/png
08:56:31.111 T:3740 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(2078AB40) http://archive.org/download/Mame172arcdc...zupapa.png
08:56:31.597 T:5228 DEBUG: CInputManager:TonguerocessMouse: trying mouse action leftclick
08:56:31.836 T:5228 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogConfirm.xml) ------
08:56:31.847 T:3172 ERROR: IARL: Archive.org returned a bad file for E:\IARL\Downloaded\Roms\zupapa.zip. The archive may require login to download this file.
08:56:31.850 T:3172 DEBUG: DialogProgress::Open called
08:56:31.850 T:3172 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogConfirm.xml) ------
08:56:31.850 T:3172 DEBUG: IARL: Download no login URL: http://archive.org/download/fba029739Spl...neogeo.zip
08:56:31.850 T:3172 DEBUG: IARL: Download save filename: E:\IARL\Downloaded\Roms\neogeo.zip
08:56:32.867 T:5228 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogConfirm.xml) ------
08:56:33.089 T:5228 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogConfirm.xml) ------
08:56:33.359 T:1516 DEBUG: CCurlFile::Open - effective URL: <http://ia600405.us.archive.org/zipview.php?zip=/23/items/Mame172arcdcmplt/snap.zip&file=zupapa.png>
08:56:33.404 T:4180 INFO: XCURL:Big GrinllLibCurlGlobal::easy_aquire - Created session to http://archive.org
08:56:33.545 T:1516 DEBUG: Caching image 'http://archive.org/download/Mame172arcdcmplt/snap.zip/zupapa.png' to 'e/eea8cda3.jpg':
08:56:33.545 T:1516 DEBUG: cached image 'special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/e/eea8cda3.jpg' size 320x224
08:56:33.578 T:3740 DEBUG: CCurlFile::Open - effective URL: <http://ia800405.us.archive.org/zipview.php?zip=/23/items/Mame172arcdcmplt/titles.zip&file=zupapa.png>
08:56:33.582 T:3740 DEBUG: Caching image 'http://archive.org/download/Mame172arcdcmplt/titles.zip/zupapa.png' to 'f/fd5b6451.jpg':
08:56:33.582 T:3740 DEBUG: cached image 'special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/f/fd5b6451.jpg' size 320x224
08:56:34.286 T:5228 DEBUG: CInputManager:TonguerocessMouse: trying mouse action leftclick
08:56:34.542 T:5228 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogConfirm.xml) ------
08:56:34.553 T:3172 ERROR: IARL: Archive.org returned a bad file for E:\IARL\Downloaded\Roms\neogeo.zip. The archive may require login to download this file.
08:56:34.554 T:3172 ERROR: IARL: There was a download error for Zupapa!
08:56:34.554 T:3172 ERROR: IARL: There was an error downloading the requested files, so the game will not be launched.
08:56:35.840 T:5228 DEBUG: CInputManager:TonguerocessMouse: trying mouse action leftclick
08:56:35.857 T:5228 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (C:\Users\The Cubist\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.program.iarl\resources\skins\Default\720p\default.xml) ------
08:56:35.860 T:3172 INFO: CPythonInvoker(14, C:\Users\The Cubist\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.program.iarl\addon.py): script successfully run
08:56:35.862 T:5940 INFO: XCURL:Big GrinllLibCurlGlobal::easy_aquire - Created session to http://archive.org
08:56:35.873 T:5228 ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.program.iarl/Emulator/FBA_ZachMorris/Game/Zupapa%21
08:56:35.874 T:5228 ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.program.iarl/Emulator/FBA_ZachMorris/Game/Zupapa%21) failed
08:56:35.874 T:5228 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (plugin://plugin.program.iarl/Emulator/FBA_ZachMorris/1)
08:56:35.874 T:5228 DEBUG: ParentPath = [plugin://plugin.program.iarl/]
08:56:35.876 T:3172 INFO: Python script stopped
08:56:35.876 T:3172 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 3172 terminating
08:56:35.913 T:5132 DEBUG: XFILE::CPluginDirectory::StartScript - calling plugin Internet Archive ROM Launcher('plugin://plugin.program.iarl/Emulator/FBA_ZachMorris/1','12','')
08:56:35.913 T:4776 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
08:56:35.913 T:4776 INFO: initializing python engine.
08:56:35.913 T:4776 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(15, C:\Users\The Cubist\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.program.iarl\addon.py): start processing
08:56:35.974 T:4776 DEBUG: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
08:56:35.974 T:4776 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(15, C:\Users\The Cubist\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.program.iarl\addon.py): the source file to load is "C:\Users\The Cubist\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.program.iarl\addon.py"
08:56:35.975 T:4776 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(15, C:\Users\The Cubist\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.program.iarl\addon.py): setting the Python path to C:\Users\The Cubist\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.program.iarl;C:\Users\The Cubist\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.module.dateutil\lib;C:\Users\The Cubist\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.module.requests\lib;C:\Users\The Cubist\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.module.six\lib;C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\system\python\DLLs;C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\system\python\Lib;C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\python27.zip;C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\system\python\lib\plat-win;C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\system\python\lib\lib-tk;C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi;C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\system\python;C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\system\python\lib\site-packages
08:56:35.975 T:4776 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(15, C:\Users\The Cubist\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.program.iarl\addon.py): entering source directory C:\Users\The Cubist\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.program.iarl
08:56:35.975 T:4776 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(15, C:\Users\The Cubist\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.program.iarl\addon.py): instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "plugin.program.iarl" dependent on version 2.14.0 of the xbmc.python api
08:56:36.168 T:4776 DEBUG: IARL: Login not enabled
08:56:36.183 T:4776 NOTICE: IARL: Lets Play!
08:56:36.184 T:4776 DEBUG: C:\Users\The Cubist\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata\addon_data\plugin.program.iarl\.storage\
08:56:36.185 T:4776 DEBUG: IARL: chmod failed for 7za\7za.android
08:56:36.186 T:4776 DEBUG: IARL: chmod failed for libreelec-fs-uae.sh
08:56:36.186 T:4776 DEBUG: IARL: chmod failed for libreelec-fs-uae.start
08:56:36.413 T:5228 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogBusy.xml) ------
08:56:36.414 T:4776 DEBUG: IARL: 7ZA Path is defined as C:\Users\The Cubist\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.program.iarl\resources\bin\7za\7za.exe
08:56:36.486 T:4776 DEBUG: [resources.lib.xbmcswift2b] Adding url rule "/update_xml/<xml_id>" named "update_xml_value" pointing to function "update_xml_value"
08:56:36.487 T:4776 DEBUG: [resources.lib.xbmcswift2b] Adding url rule "/update_favorites/<item_string>" named "update_favorite_items" pointing to function "update_favorite_items"
08:56:36.487 T:4776 DEBUG: [resources.lib.xbmcswift2b] Adding url rule "/" named "index" pointing to function "index"
08:56:36.487 T:4776 DEBUG: [resources.lib.xbmcswift2b] Adding url rule "/Emulator/<category_id>/<page_id>" named "get_rom_page" pointing to function "get_rom_page"
08:56:36.487 T:4776 DEBUG: [resources.lib.xbmcswift2b] Adding url rule "/Emulator_Alpha/<category_id>" named "get_rom_starting_letter_page" pointing to function "get_rom_starting_letter_page"
08:56:36.487 T:4776 DEBUG: [resources.lib.xbmcswift2b] Adding url rule "/Emulator/<category_id>/Game/<romname>" named "get_selected_rom" pointing to function "get_selected_rom"
08:56:36.487 T:4776 DEBUG: [resources.lib.xbmcswift2b] Adding url rule "/Search_Results/<search_term>" named "search_roms_results" pointing to function "search_roms_results"
08:56:36.487 T:4776 DEBUG: [resources.lib.xbmcswift2b] Adding url rule "/Search" named "search_roms_window" pointing to function "search_roms_window"
08:56:36.488 T:4776 DEBUG: [resources.lib.xbmcswift2b] Adding url rule "/Random" named "random_play" pointing to function "random_play"
08:56:36.488 T:4776 DEBUG: [resources.lib.xbmcswift2b] Adding url rule "/History" named "last_played" pointing to function "last_played"
08:56:36.488 T:4776 DEBUG: [resources.lib.xbmcswift2b] Handling incoming request for /Emulator/FBA_ZachMorris/1
08:56:36.488 T:4776 NOTICE: [resources.lib.xbmcswift2b] Request for "/Emulator/FBA_ZachMorris/1" matches rule for function "get_rom_page"
08:56:36.749 T:4776 DEBUG: IARL: Loaded list cache from file for FBA_ZachMorris
08:56:36.863 T:4776 ERROR: NEWADDON Invalid Date Format ""
08:56:38.118 T:5228 ERROR: Previous line repeats 11 times.
08:56:38.118 T:5228 DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProcWindow is active
08:56:38.132 T:4976 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnQuit from xbmc
08:56:38.132 T:5228 NOTICE: Storing total System Uptime
08:56:38.132 T:4976 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnQuit
08:56:38.132 T:5228 NOTICE: Saving settings
08:56:38.134 T:5228 NOTICE: Saving skin settings
08:56:38.135 T:5228 NOTICE: stop all
08:56:38.175 T:4776 ERROR: NEWADDON Invalid Date Format ""
08:56:38.322 T:4776 ERROR: Previous line repeats 4 times.
08:56:38.322 T:4776 INFO: CPythonInvoker(15, C:\Users\The Cubist\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.program.iarl\addon.py): script successfully run
08:56:38.322 T:5132 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 5132 terminating (autodelete)
08:56:38.351 T:4776 INFO: Python script stopped
08:56:38.351 T:4776 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 4776 terminating
08:56:38.616 T:4180 DEBUG: CCurlFile::GetMimeType - http://archive.org/download/Mame172arcdc...zupapa.png -> image/png
08:56:38.616 T:4180 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(1613B2F0) http://archive.org/download/Mame172arcdc...zupapa.png
08:56:39.628 T:3740 DEBUG: CCurlFile::GetMimeType - http://archive.org/download/Mame172arcdc...zupapa.png -> image/png
08:56:39.628 T:3740 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(2078D208) http://archive.org/download/Mame172arcdc...zupapa.png
08:56:40.179 T:1516 DEBUG: CCurlFile::GetMimeType - http://archive.org/download/Mame172arcdc...zupapa.png -> image/png
08:56:40.179 T:1516 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(2078A6B0) http://archive.org/download/Mame172arcdc...zupapa.png
08:56:41.325 T:5940 DEBUG: CCurlFile::GetMimeType - http://archive.org/download/Mame172arcdc...zupapa.png -> image/png
08:56:41.326 T:5940 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(2078AB40) http://archive.org/download/Mame172arcdc...zupapa.png
08:56:41.328 T:4180 DEBUG: CCurlFile::Open - effective URL: <http://ia800405.us.archive.org/zipview.php?zip=/23/items/Mame172arcdcmplt/bosses.zip&file=zupapa.png>
08:56:41.494 T:4180 DEBUG: Caching image 'http://archive.org/download/Mame172arcdcmplt/bosses.zip/zupapa.png' to '2/2aab6c46.jpg':
08:56:41.494 T:4180 DEBUG: cached image 'special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/2/2aab6c46.jpg' size 320x224
08:56:41.598 T:4180 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 4180 terminating (autodelete)
08:56:42.102 T:3740 DEBUG: CCurlFile::Open - effective URL: <http://ia800405.us.archive.org/zipview.php?zip=/23/items/Mame172arcdcmplt/artpreview.zip&file=zupapa.png>
08:56:42.638 T:3740 DEBUG: Caching image 'http://archive.org/download/Mame172arcdcmplt/artpreview.zip/zupapa.png' to '5/57819701.jpg':
08:56:42.638 T:3740 DEBUG: cached image 'special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/5/57819701.jpg' size 451x655
08:56:42.746 T:3740 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 3740 terminating (autodelete)
08:56:42.869 T:1516 DEBUG: CCurlFile::Open - effective URL: <http://ia800405.us.archive.org/zipview.php?zip=/23/items/Mame172arcdcmplt/gameover.zip&file=zupapa.png>
08:56:43.050 T:1516 DEBUG: Caching image 'http://archive.org/download/Mame172arcdcmplt/gameover.zip/zupapa.png' to 'c/ce0194e3.jpg':
08:56:43.050 T:1516 DEBUG: cached image 'special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/c/ce0194e3.jpg' size 320x224
08:56:43.145 T:1516 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 1516 terminating (autodelete)
08:56:43.699 T:5940 DEBUG: CCurlFile::Open - effective URL: <http://ia800405.us.archive.org/zipview.php?zip=/23/items/Mame172arcdcmplt/howto.zip&file=zupapa.png>
08:56:43.700 T:5940 DEBUG: Caching image 'http://archive.org/download/Mame172arcdcmplt/howto.zip/zupapa.png' to '4/4d56506f.jpg':
08:56:43.700 T:5940 DEBUG: cached image 'special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/4/4d56506f.jpg' size 320x224
08:56:43.794 T:5940 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 5940 terminating (autodelete)
08:56:43.794 T:5228 NOTICE: stop player
08:56:43.794 T:5228 DEBUG: CNetwork::NetworkMessage - Signaling network services to stop
08:56:43.794 T:5228 NOTICE: ES: Stopping event server
08:56:43.794 T:5228 DEBUG: CNetwork::NetworkMessage - Waiting for network services to stop
08:56:43.794 T:5228 NOTICE: stopping upnp
08:56:44.149 T:5264 DEBUG: Thread TCPServer 5264 terminating
08:56:44.151 T:5192 NOTICE: ES: UDP Event server stopped
08:56:44.151 T:5192 DEBUG: Thread EventServer 5192 terminating
08:56:44.151 T:3932 DEBUG: Thread PeripEventScanner 3932 terminating
08:56:44.151 T:4644 DEBUG: Thread PeripBusUSB 4644 terminating
08:56:44.508 T:1896 DEBUG: Thread PeripBusCEC 1896 terminating
08:56:44.508 T:1072 DEBUG: Thread PeripBusAddon 1072 terminating
08:56:44.508 T:5228 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadDll(C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\addons\peripheral.joystick\peripheral.joystick.dll)
08:56:44.509 T:5228 INFO: ADDON: Dll Destroyed - Joystick Support
08:56:44.509 T:5228 NOTICE: clean cached files!
08:56:44.509 T:5228 DEBUG: ADDON: Stopping service addons.
08:56:44.515 T:5012 DEBUG: Thread ActiveAE 5012 terminating
08:56:44.515 T:4576 DEBUG: Thread AESink 4576 terminating
08:56:44.516 T:5228 NOTICE: closing down remote control service
08:56:44.920 T:5228 NOTICE: stopped
08:56:44.920 T:2940 DEBUG: Thread RemoteControl 2940 terminating
08:56:45.243 T:5228 DEBUG: Saving fileitems [plugin://plugin.program.iarl/Emulator/FBA_ZachMorris/1]
08:56:45.273 T:836 DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
08:56:45.298 T:5228 NOTICE: destroy
08:56:45.299 T:5228 NOTICE: unload skin
08:56:45.299 T:5228 INFO: Unloading old skin ...
08:56:45.299 T:5228 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit () ------
08:56:45.303 T:836 DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader 836 terminating
08:56:45.303 T:5228 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (MyVideoNav.xml) ------
08:56:45.326 T:5228 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Pointer.xml) ------
08:56:45.328 T:5228 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogBusy.xml) ------
08:56:45.328 T:5228 DEBUG: CTextureBundleXBT::CloseBundle - Closed bundle
08:56:47.744 T:3136 INFO: CPythonInvoker(3, C:\Users\The Cubist\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.video.exodus\exodus.py): script successfully run
08:56:47.744 T:5228 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(3, C:\Users\The Cubist\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.video.exodus\exodus.py): script termination took 2403ms
08:56:47.748 T:3136 INFO: Python script interrupted by user
08:56:47.748 T:3136 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 3136 terminating
08:56:47.972 T:5228 NOTICE: unload sections
08:56:48.006 T:5228 NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://masterprofile/
08:56:48.006 T:5228 DEBUG: CSettingsManager: requested setting (pvrpowermanagement.enabled) was not found.
08:56:48.006 T:5228 DEBUG: PVRManager - destroyed
08:56:48.006 T:5228 DEBUG: ActiveAE DSP - destroyed
08:56:48.006 T:5228 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in repository.exodus has been uninstalled.'
08:56:48.006 T:5228 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in screensaver.stars has been uninstalled.'
08:56:48.006 T:5228 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.json has been uninstalled.'

and if I paste
into my browser it sez page not found
Has anyone figured out how to get N64 ROMs to launch from IARL on Android. They work fine from Retroarch but when I try to launch from Kodi the screen goes black and I am right back at the game list. I have tried everything and no luck. My last option is to try to use another emulator and learn how to make my own launch command or figure out how to get Retroplayer to work. Can anyone help?
(2017-06-07, 10:08)RedDiablos Wrote: hi Zach
the three that worked were already downloaded previously,

OK, I found the issue. I failed to update the 'version number' for FBA in the last update. When the addon updates it checks to see if any of the archive lists have been updated based on the version number. If it's the same, then it's not updated. If its new, then it asks the user if you want to update the archive.

I've fixed this in github and will push an update sometime soon. In the meantime, you can replace the local file located at:
with the one from github if you wanted to.

Thanks for the log info.
(2017-06-07, 20:06)Rickyinhonolulu Wrote: Has anyone figured out how to get N64 ROMs to launch from IARL on Android. They work fine from Retroarch but when I try to launch from Kodi the screen goes black and I am right back at the game list. I have tried everything and no luck. My last option is to try to use another emulator and learn how to make my own launch command or figure out how to get Retroplayer to work. Can anyone help?

Congratulations, you found a bug! Looks like a typo I had for N64 launch command. It's now updated in github and will be in the next update, but for now you can get it to work by selecting "Update External Launch Command", and then selecting "Manually Entered Command Line" at the very bottom of the list, then pasting in the following command (assuming you were using the Parallel N64 Retroarch Core):
/system/bin/am start --user 0 -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER -e ROM "%ROM_PATH%" -e LIBRETRO /data/data/com.retroarch/cores/parallel_n64_libretro_android.so -e CONFIGFILE %CFG_PATH% -e IME com.android.inputmethod.latin/.LatinIME -n com.retroarch/.browser.retroactivity.RetroActivityFuture
The FBA fix works fine now, thankyou.
thanks for the good work .....I feel like I was "saved by the bell"
sorry about this .... bug alert

apple 2gs directory
ERROR: IARL: There is an undefined value in the external launch command: APP_PATH_MAME

Atari 800
ERROR: IARL: There is an undefined value in the external launch command: APP_PATH_MAME

ERROR: IARL: There is an undefined value in the external launch command: APP_PATH_MAME

mame chd
ERROR: IARL: There is an undefined value in the external launch command: APP_PATH_MAME


requires login error

requires login error

sega Saturn
requires login error

win7 OS

tx in advance
(2017-06-08, 18:46)RedDiablos Wrote: hi
sorry about this .... bug alert

apple 2gs directory
ERROR: IARL: There is an undefined value in the external launch command: APP_PATH_MAME

Atari 800
ERROR: IARL: There is an undefined value in the external launch command: APP_PATH_MAME

ERROR: IARL: There is an undefined value in the external launch command: APP_PATH_MAME

mame chd
ERROR: IARL: There is an undefined value in the external launch command: APP_PATH_MAME


requires login error

requires login error

sega Saturn
requires login error

win7 OS

tx in advance

APP_PATH_MAME: You've selected MAME Standalone Emulator as the launcher, but probably wanted to select Retroarch MAME core instead.

Requires Login Error: You need a login for archive.org to view some archives. See addon settings.

MAME 2014: See Issue Here.
hi Zach
my bad , thought "APP_PATH_MAME" was a typo, will setup login for archive.org and let you know results
regards red
hi Zach
just an update, login works with playstation and Saturn but still have login issues with mame 2014
regards red
Hi Zach, the app is great. I was trying to setup IARL with the classicboy emulator app on android. I'm having trouble figuring out the code when trying to Manually Enter the Command Line. Was hoping you could help me out, or if anyone else can provide the code I would really appreciate it. Not sure if it matters, but classicboy contains emulators for multiple platforms. Really just looking to launch its N64 emulator. Thanks in advance
Joined to say I have been loving the addon but NES and SNES have been giving me the requires login error all day, other systems have been fine.
(2017-07-04, 07:15)Emuaust Wrote: Joined to say I have been loving the addon but NES and SNES have been giving me the requires login error all day, other systems have been fine.

See login options in the wiki here.
(2017-07-05, 00:00)zachmorris Wrote:
(2017-07-04, 07:15)Emuaust Wrote: Joined to say I have been loving the addon but NES and SNES have been giving me the requires login error all day, other systems have been fine.

See login options in the wiki here.

Derp me, even with login setup I was still getting this issue but only with these two systems. I worked out that for some unknown reason this was due to the time and date being incorrect on the PC I was running this on.
I just found out about this add-on and I am really enjoying it. Thank You for creating such a great add-on!!!

I already changed the settings for if a rom is found on local device don't download . I have also set it to only one rom for the cache folder...I think this is meant to save my device's storage so I don't end up with a bunch of unused roms? Please correct me if I am wrong about that... I would like to know if my game saves / progress gets saved somewhere though.

I have everything setup and it works great but I seem to be missing something in the settings maybe? Whenever I play a game and then quit retroarch it goes back to SPMC which I like. Then if I go back into the IARL later to play the same game it downloads it again even though it is already in the cache folder. Is there anyway to fix this? I am also wondering if it is legal to download roms from archive.org?

I am using SPMC 17 3rd Alpha on a Android 6.0 Mi box.

Thanks for any feedback and thanks again for making this great add-on!
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