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Kodi Forum : Report forum issues here

1) Bullet Points Not displaying at all:


2) Yet when Editing they show up correctly (this is how everything displayed nicely on the old forum)


3) Darker text is a LOT easier to read when editing as well. 

4) I can no longer see the RAW text and editing coding for Bold Text, Bullet points, different Color Formating etc. when selecting EDIT.

5) Forum no longer uses all available Desktop screen space. Horizontal Width is compressed (My Pet hate this one)

6) Signature is way too big

7) Text Contrast is now harder to read on a Daily basis and will cause eyestrain long term.

8) Extra Emoji's have gone AWOL

9) Right hand window border missing when viewing postings.

10) Just edited a thread and it dumped the pre existing Hyperlinks.  GRRRRRRR !!!!!
WTF is going on. ?

11) Even adding new Hyperlinks does not work.

12) As a moderator I cannot restore previous post edits.

Tapatalk please
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Some setting in my profile is causing the forum to display in tablet mode or something.

Before login:

After login:
No contrast. No navigation on my droid and i usually hide back etc to maximize screen space. Useless modern/flat design.
(2017-10-08, 09:45)ironic_monkey Wrote: No contrast. No navigation on my droid and i usually hide back etc to maximize screen space. Useless modern/flat design.

(2017-10-07, 17:33)rodalpho Wrote: Forum works fine here. Have you considered offering a dark theme?
Let's clean up the current theme first from all the nags and issues.
Once that is in place, different-colored themes will be considered.
(2017-10-08, 04:52)wrxtasy Wrote: 4) I can no longer see the RAW text and editing coding for Bold Text, Bullet points, different Color Formating etc. when selecting EDIT.

there's a button in the editor (the last one on the right) you can use to edit the source.

an easier approach is to go to your user control panel and enable the 'Put the editor in source mode by default' option.
Do not PM or e-mail Team-Kodi members directly asking for support.
Always read the Forum rules, Kodi online-manual, FAQ, Help and Search the forum before posting.
responsive design issue: login button gets hidden below the header

Do not PM or e-mail Team-Kodi members directly asking for support.
Always read the Forum rules, Kodi online-manual, FAQ, Help and Search the forum before posting.
(2017-10-08, 12:36)ronie Wrote:
(2017-10-08, 04:52)wrxtasy Wrote: 4) I can no longer see the RAW text and editing coding for Bold Text, Bullet points, different Color Formating etc. when selecting EDIT.

there's a button in the editor (the last one on the right) you can use to edit the source.

an easier approach is to go to your user control panel and enable the 'Put the editor in source mode by default' option.

No such button I can see far right to edit source ?
There are only Expand and Shrink toggle buttons.

Thx. but where exactly. I cannot find any such option in User CP either ?

Clicking the Settings Cog does nothing ?

guys, just give us some time to clean up this theme please. I know the mobile view sucks atm and a lot of other things are not really very user friendly. But this theme was AFAIK the only responsive theme available and we still need to adjust it to our needs.
(2017-10-08, 13:09)wrxtasy Wrote: No such button I can see far right to edit source ?
There are only Expand and Shrink toggle buttons.

(2017-10-08, 13:09)wrxtasy Wrote: Thx. but where exactly. I cannot find any such option in User CP either ?

Clicking the Settings Cog does nothing ?

clicking the settings cog should open a side menu.
you can select 'edit options' from there
Do not PM or e-mail Team-Kodi members directly asking for support.
Always read the Forum rules, Kodi online-manual, FAQ, Help and Search the forum before posting.
Nice to see you back up and running. The new forum colour is ugly as sin, I been using archive mode to make it viewable lol
I understand a dark theme will come later but maybe try have something a lil easier on the eyes till then

EDIT: Actually forget what i said i just used a Stylish theme and it made it all a lot better, still needs a few tweaks though
I don't understand why waste time and manpower on something everybody was happy with...

The old skin was ok. Maybe not responsive but who cared! 100x better than this one on a tablet or phone.
(2017-10-08, 17:34)moravec Wrote: I don't understand why waste time and manpower on something everybody was happy with...

The old skin was ok. Maybe not responsive but who cared! 100x better than this one on a tablet or phone.
Apparently you haven't noticed at all what has been going on the last couple of weeks.

In the new forum software, the old skin is no longer available.
If our previous forum server wasn't still being M.I.A., we would still be using the old forum with plenty of time to tweak this new 1.8 version. But that is not the case.

Like Kodi skins, not everyone likes Estuary. With the new forum, there is no other choice at this time. Deal with it.
And get yourself better informed next time when you start whining.
(2017-10-08, 17:34)moravec Wrote: I don't understand why waste time and manpower on something everybody was happy with...

The old skin was ok. Maybe not responsive but who cared! 100x better than this one on a tablet or phone.

How do you speak for anyone but yourself?
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