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Release CBC TV (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)
Hello Canadians,

The CBC's new apps (apple/android/web) are open enough right now for me to write a semi-functioning add-on. The plugin is on github and you can get the latest zip to install here.

Because its the Olympics right now I'm going to try to get the live stuff working first. Right now the live stations and live programs are working. If anyone actually cares, I'll post updates here. Let me know if you are using it!

*Please report any bugs, accompanied by a log file* Log_file/Easy (wiki). Please ensure to turn on CURL and FFMPEG logging.
Have you tried your addon on LibreELEC? I know the ffmpeg is no good.
I’ll check it out.
Should be fine.
This is really great everything but NN works perfect. What is NN anyway, Newsnet?

Any chance these channels can be kept as regular programming channels after the Olympics or are these just for the Olympics?
All the live news channels are also available through the CBC.ca News add-on in the kodi.org repo. It also has all the archived News shows.
great addon micahg!! running butter smooth
Did I duplicate effort? Should I just submit a patch to the existing add-on?
(2018-02-12, 23:13)micahg Wrote: Did I duplicate effort? Should I just submit a patch to the existing add-on?
Not sure. Some live channels don't work for me.
The live programs are duplicates of the live programs available in the CBC.ca News add-on.
(2018-02-13, 00:29)learningit Wrote: Not sure. Some live channels don't work for me.
The live programs are duplicates of the live programs available in the CBC.ca News add-on. 
 Alright, NN is a paid service, so it wont work -- I'll check the CBC news addon (I didn't even realize it existed) and see if it makes more sense to just update what is already in the official repo.
(2018-02-13, 00:47)micahg Wrote:
(2018-02-13, 00:29)learningit Wrote: Not sure. Some live channels don't work for me.
The live programs are duplicates of the live programs available in the CBC.ca News add-on. 
 Alright, NN is a paid service, so it wont work -- I'll check the CBC news addon (I didn't even realize it existed) and see if it makes more sense to just update what is already in the official repo. 
Actually looking at the recent changes to cbc.ca, they've gone back to their old format and an older version of the cbc.ca add-on works again.
What I'd suggest is that you take over the older add-on name - plugin.video.cbc and assign a version number higher than 3.0.5. Use your own code, there are issues even with the version that has started working again. I'm not sure if the current formats will remain. CBC split the audio and video streams and required inputstream.adaptive to work. They split them, I think, for dual language audio streams. The m3u8s you're using don't seem to have that issue.

The new add-on can then be brought back into the kodi.org repo easily and without any issues.
It's better, in my opinion, to have a Canadian programmer maintain the CBC addon. It used to be easy for me because I have a weekend home close to the Canadian border and they used to accept my IP as Canadian. That is no longer true, so it's a pain for me to maintain.

Once you have all the program and news functionality working, we can kill off the cbc.ca news addon (plugin.video.cbcnews).
I wrote and maintain both add-ons so there's no issues handing them over to you.

Let me get the rest of the functionality built in then.

I thought there was no process for someone to take over maintainership of an existing addon, but if the repo maintainers will let us, then great.
(2018-02-13, 04:59)micahg Wrote: OK,

Let me get the rest of the functionality built in then.

I thought there was no process for someone to take over maintainership of an existing addon, but if the repo maintainers will let us, then great.
 I merely made a suggestion if you intend to submit to the kodi.org repo. In general, duplicate add-ons are not accepted.
There are tens of thousands of installs of the existing cbc.ca addon, which is currently marked as broken, that will come back to life with a new update.
The CBC news add-on was a compromise as most CBC users wanted either news or sports. MetalChris until recently was maintaining a CBC sports add-on.

There is a kinda unwritten process to takeover an add-on which involves requesting the original author and waiting a reasonable period of time.
I personally don't see a problem as I'm both the original add-on author and one of the add-on repo maintainers for kodi.org.

You can find a list of add-ons I maintain here:

I have a number of other Canadian add-ons which I would be happy to pass on as well. It used to be easy to maintain them, not so easy now.
OK, @learningit, I think I'm done -- do you want to have a look at it in git before I make a PR to the main repo (I still have to change the name from cbctv to cbc). Right now it only does live tv, live events and on-demand shows. I'll leave news, radio, etc out of it for now.
I can't really look at it much until the weekend is over, but I will. Thanks
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